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Whos your 3 favorite breeders?


Active member
I dont consider CaptKrypto, Joey, Barneys, Rez, and any Breeder thats only been around for 5yrs or so..If its not pre-2k it don;t count in my book...sorry fellaz...I believe Quality is in Vintage...

I've bred my first seeds back in the 80s,& have been available through GN since 2001,if I recall correctly. Reservoir was also available @ CW/C-Bay back in 1999.
Reservoir's older than Subcool,D-n-A,Delta-9,Kryptonite Seeds,H3ad Seeds,Female Seeds,Big Bhudda,Magus,MDanzig,Mandala,Tiki, Ace, WizOfOz,HTC,Grindhouse,CH9,and Reservoir has out-lived more "seed companies" than I care to name,or remember. Hell, Soma's Sacred Seeds wasn't around when I started breeding and selling seeds.
I just wanted to add a little clarity.


Weedman Herb

We call what FOE is doing "talking out of the wrong side of their neck". It's kind of funny how some people think they Know things ... It's even funnier when they post their "facts" and opinions based on Less Than Truthful info.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Favorite breeders, only based on what i've worked with:

Mr Nice - SSH
Soma - Amnesia haze
THSeeds - S.A.G.E.

if i could get some DJ gear i might like to add them there too.

and whoever breed the Kali Mist from Serious... damn theres a lot of good breeders in this game. Imagine in marijuanna didnt hoard all this botanical intellegence?? we would have amazing new colored fruits and tomatoes as big as a car tire.

...but i'll take the sticky. Keep up the good work everyone! :woohoo:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
mine goes

1. DJ Short (gotta love the blue)
2. Rez (Sour Diesel cant beat some good sour d)
3. MDanzig (Masterlow is the shit, and autos are fun to grow)

Those are just my fav . There are so many breeders out there that also deserve praise for there work.

Dr. Giggles

#1 all time fav...DJ Short
then its a tie for Rez, Breeder Steve, Ledgends.
I know I got 4 but just cant narrow it down or decide the order of the last 3. I know DJ was my first inspiration to grow, and grow well, and have learned so much from his words. Thanks DJ
In my opinion, the title of "Breeder" gets handed over way too damn easily these days.

Shame there is not any sort of standard or accreditation in place within the Cannabis seed industry which might determine those who are worthy of such a title, and those who are merely spreading pollen indiscriminately for the sake of profit.
Truth be told, the number of knowledgeable people who have bred or who are properly breeding new seed lines based on land race seed stock FOR COMMERCIAL SALE could easily be counted on 1 hand.


Active member
A good portion of the "breeders" mentioned on here are little more than glorified pollen chuckers, not true breeders!

That being said here's my list in no particular order:


2.Vic High/BCGA - Space Queen, Killer Queen, Romberry, Orange Crush


I didn't include Sam S because in my opinion he really has moved on to the status of legend, given what he's done for the cannabis community as a whole.


OK my choices may seem mundane, but it's because I've only had experienced these breeder's specific genetics...I can't judge what I haven't grown myself...it's only fair!

So here it goes....

1. Big Buddha
2. Peak Seeds
3. Nirvana

Honorable mention: DNA. Had a pack of Who's Yer Daddy freebie seeds...these guys may be categorized as pollen chuckers, but those seeds were awesome!


1) Sam
2) Shanti
3) Old Ed

is that the old Ed from from positronics?

I couldn't put up any top 3, as i have found so many great plants from so many different sources, many times just from bag seed.
but if I had a top breeder it would be DJ.

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
Bro Grimm (they may be defunct but I still love the products)
BOG - His bubblegum is still the biggest and sickest I've ever seen and I happen to like bubblegum