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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

Dude, tree is long gone, but some of the needles still remain

is that not the ghosts of Christmas past


The Hopeful Protagonist
I recycle my tree....well, I should say it gets "reused".

It's in the tract of woods at the rear our property for woodland creatures or feral cats to make a home in.

We do that the first week of January though, do people really keep their tree up all year? :hmm:



Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Mine is laying in my front yard where I dropped it after dragging it out of the house. I might go pick it up and drag it to the back today,since I feel like a lazy bastard after typing this post.


barely had time to put the aluminum one up, nevermind a real one this year..
..but when we do get a real one, when it comes down, I usually truck it out to a certain pond/lake I have here near me and sink it to the bottom with a cinderblock, so it becomes cover for little baitfish and the larger ones that prey on them..
Good Fishin!
The last two times I went to my buddys house he still had his fucking xmas tree up, seriously in the middle of Feb, and im like 'Look dick, I didnt even get a xmas tree this year, no need for you to rub it in my face for an entire quarter' -- so the last time i was over there hes got the xmas stuff removed and now hes got easter shit up everywhere. UNREAL.

The guy kills me.


i gave up sampleing buds for lent, what did yall give up , my tradition is to take tree in the stand and all with the lights still on , everything else gone, use as yard art, lights up nice in the dark and can have a bench or something there, hint, use a green extension cord to blend in with the grass, they look even better when all the needles fall off, this is the first in 6 years i havent kept it till the next christmas outside as art, and light, i always buy new lights , i hate untangleing those bitches


Active member
barely had time to put the aluminum one up, nevermind a real one this year..
..but when we do get a real one, when it comes down, I usually truck it out to a certain pond/lake I have here near me and sink it to the bottom with a cinderblock, so it becomes cover for little baitfish and the larger ones that prey on them..
Good Fishin!

Nice! :joint:


The Hopeful Protagonist
i gave up sampleing buds for lent, what did yall give up , my tradition is to take tree in the stand and all with the lights still on , everything else gone, use as yard art, lights up nice in the dark and can have a bench or something there, hint, use a green extension cord to blend in with the grass, they look even better when all the needles fall off, this is the first in 6 years i havent kept it till the next christmas outside as art, and light, i always buy new lights , i hate untangleing those bitches

That's is awesome in a "crazy next-door neighbor" kinda way..... :laughing:


Active member
i hate holiday decorations so no tree went up in my house.
all i have to do is look outdoors on the mountain sides and i can
see Christmas tree farms as far as the eye can see.


Med grower
ICMag Donor
My tree was chopped up, burnt and warmed up my house a couple of months ago.


We burned my buddys downsouth on vacation a few weeks ago.... good times, it made us nice and warm and smells good.

BHT: you're gonna have a shiton of needles in your house when u pick it up.... maybe u can wrap an old sheet around it or something, but these damn needles I am still finding 2 months later now and I have a feeling i'll find them for many more. I took my tree out Jan 21 i wana say?

lesson learned with having a real tree this year... next year its going outside undecorated new years day, maybe that weekend. If u have the area or land where its allowed and not dry.... burn em'. Just cut the tree into 3-4 chunks if u dont have a ton of space, cause they go up quick.

barely had time to put the aluminum one up, nevermind a real one this year.. ..but when we do get a real one, when it comes down, I usually truck it out to a certain pond/lake I have here near me and sink it to the bottom with a cinderblock, so it becomes cover for little baitfish and the larger ones that prey on them.. Good Fishin! ~dubs

Great idea..... Considering I can't burn them at my current place.

Bagseed, u damn redneck, that's awesome


Active member
i burnt my buddies tree up too...


no one told us we weren't supposed to do it in the house!!!!
The guy who lives next to me drug his plastic tree on the porch about a month ago and it has stayed there ever since! I think he likes the thought of a forest on his porch

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
the tree is still green and fresh,,,how i do it?? i carbofeed my tree with sprite


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
bout 15 yr ago I had a brainstorm of an idea to get some laughs, yup screwing w/strangers just might be bad karma but I'm a practical joker at heart and I figured all I was costing anybody was some time & effort.

I took out an ad in two local newspapers claiming that I would buy any & all old christmas trees for $10 each when brought to the local IGA parking lot on January 6th @ 11am. I guess a few folks went out collecting trees from various front yards cause several pickup trucks were just loaded to the gills w/the tinsel festooned suckers, I drove by & through the lot a few times and the crowd kept growing I even spotted several of my own friends in the crowd likely hoping to score enough cash for a sack, as I recall I went home & stoked the woodstove and caught a buzz & wondered what they were all doing now.

I got a good chuckle, and hey if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I'll bet I got a few trees removed from their dens/livingrooms on time for a change too.......


Well-known member
Last week, I drove out to an old friends house out in the sticks to give his son an old set of golf clubs and he still has christmas lights on his house. It was like driving into some fish camp at night. I expected to see groups of people sitting around picnic-tables, drinking beer, and listening to music from an old juke-box on the front porch.

Only on the Redneck Riviera.



The Hopeful Protagonist
bout 15 yr ago I had a brainstorm of an idea to get some laughs, yup screwing w/strangers just might be bad karma but I'm a practical joker at heart and I figured all I was costing anybody was some time & effort.

I took out an ad in two local newspapers claiming that I would buy any & all old christmas trees for $10 each when brought to the local IGA parking lot on January 6th @ 11am. I guess a few folks went out collecting trees from various front yards cause several pickup trucks were just loaded to the gills w/the tinsel festooned suckers, I drove by & through the lot a few times and the crowd kept growing I even spotted several of my own friends in the crowd likely hoping to score enough cash for a sack, as I recall I went home & stoked the woodstove and caught a buzz & wondered what they were all doing now.

I got a good chuckle, and hey if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I'll bet I got a few trees removed from their dens/livingrooms on time for a change too.......

That is soooo bad and yet soooo funny!


It kind of reminds me of the racist comic, the guy who pretends to have work for "illegals" and rounds them up at Home Depots and sh!t, only to take them to the local INS office......needless to say they scatter when they realize.

It is some funny sh!t though