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Who's Behind Nat Geo....

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
grandparents bought me a subscription as a child, for me and siblings

it's well worth every penny

so many mystical secrets folded in their pages.

It seriously gives a human being a real perspective of the world we live in...
Is everyone positive that the series in question was even PRODUCED by NatGeo? I seen the marijuana episode and its full of false facts and misinformation. Doesn't sound like NatGeo standard to some....

NatGeo, and PBS for that matter, will regularly air content produced by other production companies.

Production companies are a dime a dozen and like most things in this world it comes down to money. Production companies, for the most part, rely on investors and sponsorship to obtain the budget necessary to produce such content.

I work in a very similar line of field as the TV/Movie industry and my producers are constantly pushing their ( investors, sponsors) wishes, ideas, and ideals to the writers directors and editors. The producer signs the cheques and there is always someone else to fill your shoes if you dont comply.

So I think the series was produced by a company that has the better interests of pharmaceutical companies in mind rather than delivering the truth. The content was of high enough standard for NatGeo(HD, follows the formula, scares the public)... so they bought and aired to fill there time slots.

So the question would be who is the production company? and who owns/invests/sponsors them to make such blatant propaganda. Im sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

just my thought. dont become a sheeple.


Baba Ku

Active member
Yeah that's my point Sam...first the repubs deregulated the industry, then old Rupert set up a propaganda channel for them, and since then it's been all down hill. I'm only half kidding saying that too. When the industry was being regulated by the big bad government, channels like Foxnews were not allowed to be so blatant in their political "spin". Deregulation has opened the flood gates to "anything goes" media broadcasting, and I think it has impacted our country negatively because of it.
Folks with this mindset rarely, if ever, bring forth any facts. Hell, they cry about spin and propaganda, yet that is about all they have in their repertoire.
Always the champions of squelching free speech.

Deregulation of free speech...that is as fucking rich as it gets. Typical, but rich.
It's fucking sad actually.


Well, they are not very honest I must say.
I just saw national geography documentary from local Finnish tv channel. Documentary was about bears that live in Ural mountain range in Russia.
I was very pleased about the document but later I happened to find out that some of the bear footage was actually shot in Finland (quite far away from Ural btw). Footage from russia and finland was mixed to create this document.
In the end credits there wasn't any mention where these bears were actually taped.

Is this common?


Green is Gold
Folks with this mindset rarely, if ever, bring forth any facts. Hell, they cry about spin and propaganda, yet that is about all they have in their repertoire.
Always the champions of squelching free speech.

Deregulation of free speech...that is as fucking rich as it gets. Typical, but rich.
It's fucking sad actually.

Do you even know what deregulation means? Cause I think you don't have a clue what you're talking about lol Let the grownups finish talking ok?


Active member
look at some of the natgeo shows....Hard Time, Wild Justice, Border Wars, Alaska State Troopers (drug busts), Inside the DEA, Locked Up Abroad.....that last doc goes right along with their programing...
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May your race always be in your favor
Well, now that Comcast and NBC can merge(approved yesterday by the government) we'll see how even fewer media outlets will skew the news as its called today. All we will get is some corporate drivel/entertainment,with higher prices cause Comcast owns most of Americas cable industry. Boy aren't we lucky to live in a country that watches out for it people.its called pay to play Comcast spent 100 million in lobbying for this merger,again we have the best government money can but.
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Green is Gold
Well, now that Comcast and NBC can merge(approved yesterday by the government) we'll see how even fewer media outlets will skew the news as its called today. All we will get is some corporate drivel/entertainment,with higher prices cause Comcast owns most of Americas cable industry. Boy aren't we lucky to live in a country that watches out for it people.its called pay to play Comcast spent 100 million in lobbying for this merger,again we have the best government money can but.



This magazine single handedly allowed millions of boys that lived in the 1960'-1980's to experience the rich and extremely bountiful African peoples and cultures first hand.

And scared young girls everywhere into wearing a bra (even to bed).


Baba Ku

Active member
Is this your idea of the adults discussing the issue?
lol....you can't be serious...
I have to admit that the substance is just about what I would expect though.

Like I stated earlier...about all you have in your bag of tricks are talking points and rhetoric. When it comes to substance, I will bet large money that you can't bring much of anything at all.

Why don't you explain the "fairness doctrine" to us, instead of asking for the definition of a word?

I happen to understand the whole fucking thing inside and out...now do you? I suggest if you want to bring something, you need to have something to bring. You got anything more than what you are showing us? Or can we assume that what I originally stated is pretty much spot on, and you really don't have anything of real substance?

Again...try to explain the fairness doctrine to us and how it effects us...instead of bringing ignorant replies that don't amount to a sack of turds?


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
The news or so-called news they put out is weak and leans to whatever the Gov tells them to put out. The real shit like" Wiki leaks" gets crushed and stifiled by the powers that be.. peace out Headband707

Yeah, cause wikileaks hasn't gotten any attention from the mainstream media. What a joke, wikileaks is just another form of war-mongering bullshit.


Active member
Deregulation of free speech...that is as fucking rich as it gets. Typical, but rich.
It's fucking sad actually.
Hey babahoosier

I heard that sarah palin owns natgeo, and that she rides her dino to work everyday shouting "blood libel" at the top of her lungs the whole way.


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Baba Ku

Active member
Do any of you smart people know who Rupert Murdoch really is? I think not.
He has leaned much further left in his life than right...and that is a fact.
He supported the re-election campaign of Hillary Clinton, and he also supported and VOTED for Barrack Obama.
When he was but a young adult in Australia, he belonged to the Labour Party.
He also was a very close confidant of Tony Blair...a leftist.

Some of you have your finger pointing heads stuck straight up your asses. It is apparent by the things you belch.
Do you not know how ignorant it makes you look when you throw out such charges, when in reality you have no fucking idea what you are talking about and have never researched one little bit of the topic? It makes you look pretty dumb, to be honest.
Although I do realize that if everyone in the room is a dumb, then it doesn't take much to shine in that room.


Active member
303, is that the farmer from KY (who's on the lamb?) ? If so, great avitar...

Headband, Fox news is the ONLY outlet that HAS been critical of the Gov't the last 2 years. Have you noticed that ever since Bush left office that all of a sudden we DON'T get a DAILY body count from Afganistan/Iraq?

BabaKu, Yes, most people have no clue about R. Murdoch...some may even think he was the weird guy on the 'A-Team'... Hard to believe he DOES lean that way and yet Fox news supposedly gives a decidedly 'right-wing' viewpoint?

It's very troubling to me that what used to be the "watchdogs" for the public (all media, tv-radio-print) is now in the power of the Gov't or Corporations... I look at EVERYTHING with suspicion. Just like the magician, you have to watch what the OTHER hand is doing.
Don't fall into the role of 'us against them' for if we get divided, we WILL fall.

By the way... Murdoch can't hold a candle to George Soros... He has admitted to causing Gov'ts and economies to fall. He is the agenda and the $$ behind Media Matters and other organizations that mean America harm.

As far as the Nat Geo piece is concerned, I think they could have done a much better job than they did. As stated before, the 'pro MJ' folks were made to look cartoonish to me.
I love Nat Geo, but they are better than that effort for sure.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah, cause wikileaks hasn't gotten any attention from the mainstream media. What a joke, wikileaks is just another form of war-mongering bullshit.

I seriously hate politics and never defend anything in that areana but WTF LOL??? Who is war mongering lol lol>> I think the USA holds that tittle getting first place IMVHO exposing that is a good thing not a bad thing lol.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:


Well, they are not very honest I must say.
I just saw national geography documentary from local Finnish tv channel. Documentary was about bears that live in Ural mountain range in Russia.
I was very pleased about the document but later I happened to find out that some of the bear footage was actually shot in Finland (quite far away from Ural btw). Footage from russia and finland was mixed to create this document.
In the end credits there wasn't any mention where these bears were actually taped.

Is this common?

It's common, but I can't say it's exclusive to NatGeo

http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wildlife-filmmaker-reveals-nature-fakery/story?id=11744728 said:
"Wildlife films, too many of them, involve deceptions, manipulations, misrepresentations, fraudulence, and the audience doesn't know,'' said Palmer, 63, in an interview with "Nightline's" John Donvan.

And their only "agenda" is to make some easy money and make you go "aaaaawwww!" :cathug: Imagine what they do in political documentaries.
Do any of you smart people know who Rupert Murdoch really is? I think not.
He has leaned much further left in his life than right...and that is a fact.
He supported the re-election campaign of Hillary Clinton, and he also supported and VOTED for Barrack Obama.

What does it even mean to vote for Obama? lesser of two evils? If you think that Obama is going to change anything, or is a symbol for change, or that voting for him makes someone a good person then you my friend have been tricked as well.

there's only one party in the government IMHO

The fact that a once well respected media company like NatGeo produced such lies and misinformation proves that they have no real intention of giving the truth to the people, but rather to be a outlet to help further their corporate agenda.

The media is sad, we all know this, but *ahem*"smart" people getting caught up in the political merry go round that distracts you from what's really going on in the world is what is truly sad IMHO.

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