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who's afraid of heights


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
ya you couldnt pay me enough to do that....lol, ive seen ppl fall off the roof and onto the front cement steps....not pretty...hell i had a job on a building to replace the mortar between the bricks, i couldnt get past the second floor and even then i was on my knees one hand gripping the scafel and the other on the grinder grinding out the mortar, lol...

I was working slate on the tallest visible peak of this building Joe, right there above that tan colored curved portion when my hammer slipped from my grasp, I was aghast as I waited what seemed like minutes to either hear it hit the ground or the thud of a skull, thankfully it hit cement, my boss had to go get it for me.


btw, if you don't have steady fearless knees you can't work on scaffolding or your trembling will set the scaffold and everyone on it to shaking.

we used to cross from one building to the next by walking across the alley on an aluminum ladder & board laid down (like mountain climbers cross a crevasse) on the building tops.

One day a building maintenance worker decided to follow us across (confident workers make it look easy) to unlock a rooftop entry, Barry crossed, I crossed and then Sam stepped onto that ladder and two steps later he froze wide eyed as his trembling became so bad it was going to cause the ladder to walk off the buildings edge on the side where me & Barry were standing.

I grabbed & steadied our side of the ladder & poor Sam dropped fast down to his knees and backed off his end quickly, lmfmfao, Sam claimed to have shook for a week every time he even found himself at the top of a staircase.......


When I look down at my penis it looks so small and distant... I get really scared and anxious (then it shrinks another inch)


Well-known member
I hate heights, although I tolerate them if I'm on a amusement ride or something similar. I doubt I'd walk any of those trails.

Tower climbing is what really makes me sweat. Plug "stairway to heaven tower climb" into youtube, I get adrenaline pains in my fingertips watching that...


Active member
I work in construction and have to work off tall ladders and thing like that all the time. I do get "scared" from the heights if not strapped in right. However any of the spots in your pictures would have me pissing my pants and hugging the ground. That would be a living nightmare for me. People are crazy.


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
Don't even like to look at these pictures...Heights?? not with me...I do like to get high tho :D


Active member
Never bothered me at all, the higher the better. Climbed water towers to sit on top and smoke doobs in my teen years.

At least until gravity and me had a disagreement. Gravity won.
3 months and 2 casts later my attitude about heights was entirely different.

Feet...prefer earth to air.


Active member
i have done 80ft plus jumps into water. its a rush falling. we used to toss beers out and you would catch it in air land in water chug it and repeat. over the years 2 people drowned and a few broke bones. ahh to be young and fearless
There is such a thing as a healthy fear of heights...this shit falls into that category.Had many jobs that working high( pardon the pun) above the ground was apart of.No issues with that,but fuck what you heard on these joints.


large member
ICMag Donor
Plug "stairway to heaven tower climb" into youtube, I get adrenaline pains in my fingertips watching that...

That's a horrible horrible video!

Man on wire, or the human spider are good documentary watches..

Although there's something about watching people climb man made structures that freaks me out.

I was watching 'tower heist' recently and theres a scene in that which had me almost looking away.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I'm not scared of heights in the least, but definitely don't feel the need to get my adrenaline going. I get enough of that in Oakland on a regular basis. I prefer a nice beach, soft sand, and clear water. Don't really care for mountains either. They're beautiful, but have zero appeal to me. Some people love it. I don't see the point in climbing to the top of something. Doesn't make it any more worthwhile. I'd rather fly around in a plane or helicopter any day. The first two look crazy!


Active member
Or those long movie aerial pans that all of a sudden are over a huge canyon.

Ooooh... Makes the back of yer balls tingle.

guest 77721

One of my friends is really scared of heights. She freaks out in the movies when there's any arial shots or some one falls off a cliff. Can't do stairs very well either or airplanes too.

Irrational fears are pretty weird. Heights don't bother me but I do get a feeling in my stomach.

Any advise on helping my friend?


Active member
I climbed up a pretty large clifface before. I didn't realize how big it was.

The only scary thing was people kept calling for me and I was like "I AM WAY THE FUCK UP HERE. THEREFORE STOP TRYING TO ASK WHERE I AM SO YOU CAN CLIMB UP TO ME"

Lol. Nobody wanted to take my way up. They took other ways that were confusing. My way was dangerous if you had no confidence.


Active member
Scared shitless, lol!!!!! My sisters tried to push me off an overlook on a mountain, when I was 5.......I never recovered.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
One of my friends is really scared of heights. She freaks out in the movies when there's any arial shots or some one falls off a cliff. Can't do stairs very well either or airplanes too.

Irrational fears are pretty weird. Heights don't bother me but I do get a feeling in my stomach.

Any advise on helping my friend?

yeah, tell her to avoid movies, vacations and tall buildings.......

I ought to be gettin' paid for this shit.

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