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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
If the broker can get packs for 1k and you dudes can pull 5 lbs per plant I'd say it shouldn't matter how much the middle man is charging. 5K per plant is plenty of profit . If the grower feels that is not enough then he needs to grow some bigger plants or setup a larger grow.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
What kind of business model do you have that allows you 100% profit???don't you need to spend money on infrastructure and operational expenses ?

Backyard Farmer

Active member
Let's do some math

150 per LB to trim , x5 is 750

On top of the money you spent on amendments, gas, oil, mortgage payments etc, let's call that another 750 total per plant that's 5 lbs

1500 is a large percent of 5000


plenty of risk on both ends. neither should down play the other.

growing, youre sitting on a pile of gold with nowhere to hide, you can get robbed by the cops and robbed by the robbers, lose everything and have cps take away your kids. usually they tack on an intent to distribute charge with cultivation and some ridiculous 100k bail.

it takes alot of skill and a ton of manual labor to make a 5 plant, it doesnt just materialize out of thin air.

it takes alot of balls to cross state lines.

I have mad respect for both camps.

it bugs me when someone thinks they know what I or anyone needs to live comfortably. just sounds ignorant.




I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
What kind of business model do you have that allows you 100% profit???don't you need to spend money on infrastructure and operational expenses ?
Excuse me bub I meant to say gross 5K. So your net is 3500 after labor and materials. Still killing it compared to every other outdoor grower in the country. We be lucky to clear 2k per plant here but it's a totally different climate and game. The brokers can't move the shit unless they only mark it up a point or 2. Local hero totally feel you bro it's nobody's place to say what is enough and what is not we all have a different gauge on life but 3500 per plant is definitely nice paper for a outdoor season to need more than that would be a form of greed.

CanniDo Cowboy

A lot of finger pointing towards the grower, the broker, bla bla...LOL Each plays a part but neither has power over the other. Leverage maybe, depending on market conditions, but never power.

As in ANY business, a farmer grows a crop (ANY CROP) and typically sells to a brokerage/wholesale company who in turn distributes to market outlets, large and sometimes smaller. Farmer price is determined by market price and is usually only discounted by volume of purchase. THIS IS ALL THE FARMER SHOULD KNOW AND BE CONCERNED ABOUT. What his produce sells for after it leaves the farm is not his business. No matter where it goes or how many hands it passes thru. If I'm making widgets in China and selling to a broker for X amount who in turn sells my widgets in the USA for XXX amount, I really dont care as long as I make my necessary profit at my end. IF I am not making my nut, my overhead is too high, my wholesale price is too low or...there isnt any real profit in what I'm producing...Its that simple...Business 101...ANY Business 101.

It should be noted that in our game, even accomplished farmers with a good product fail because if or when they take their produce to a commercial level, the business end usually ends up givin them the business simply because they know nothing about business basics. Dont blame a broker for buying produce that is bein under-sold by a farmer who doesnt know his market. If you cant afford the broker, put down your shovel and put on a sales hat but that takes you away from the field which in turn can reduce yield, quality etc. Farming is this, the business end is that and it can be a rough row to hoe between the 2... CC


Registered Non-Conformist
If the broker can get packs for 1k and you dudes can pull 5 lbs per plant I'd say it shouldn't matter how much the middle man is charging. 5K per plant is plenty of profit . If the grower feels that is not enough then he needs to grow some bigger plants or setup a larger grow.

Yup, 5 lbs a plant, no problem. Right. Everytime. Especially with indoor.. Even 5000 usd, doesn't always work out that way outdoors. Botrytis, and other factors.

This is a classic argument, which won't be settled here. Bottom line, is The grower has the skills, nothing happens without them, so have respect - especially for high-quality product. And Brokers need to be less greedy, stop the extreme lowballing. We know the difference (which can make THE difference for a grower) just goes in your pocket.

Tired of the "You Guys should be making enough at ____ rate.. Right, go try grow, Brah...


Yup, 5 lbs a plant, no problem. Right. Everytime. Especially with indoor.. Even 5000 usd, doesn't always work out that way outdoors. Botrytis, and other factors.

This is a classic argument, which won't be settled here. Bottom line, is The grower has the skills, nothing happens without them, so have respect - especially for high-quality product. And Brokers need to be less greedy, stop the extreme lowballing. We know the difference (which can make THE difference for a grower) just goes in your pocket.

Tired of the "You Guys should be making enough at ____ rate.. Right, go try grow, Brah...

If I am getting top market price I could care less who makes what down the road. If you feel like your being undercut by a broker grow better weed and deal with someone else. Or grow and do the next few steps yourself.


Do you guys think the current drought in cali will have a large impact on the prices of units being shipped out?

I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I sure hope it does! All this cali outdoor f's up the numbers for. The people that takes risks in non med states.
Do you guys think the current drought in cali will have a large impact on the prices of units being shipped out?

I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I sure hope it does! All this cali outdoor f's up the numbers for. The people that takes risks in non med states.

I don't know about other parts of the state but you can count on the triangle to pump out the same or more than usual this year.

grow nerd

Active member
I think it's quite comical that just about every single person who once said I was crazy and completely wrong about "prices plummeting", 4k+/unit going away soon, etc., and how they're going to continue getting 4k+/unit by providing "top-quality / connoisseur / niche market" herb are the first & loudest to complain about the new low prices and how they're now having to keep pencil-sized stems in the middle of 1oz colas while peddling small baggies to end-users to make ends meet.

These are more or less the same people who also claimed conspiracy among dispensaries for trying to charge more than what they paid the grower (100%+ markup) to cover overhead and maybe try to make a buck, while doing 1000%+ markup themselves (at the time, anyways).

If I am getting top market price I could care less who makes what down the road.

I disagree; if I am getting top market price, I want people down the road to make a good earning so they have a stronger incentive to keep doing what they do for me.
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