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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better



that is just unreal to me.....so I did some quick calculations, you must be doing trees....2-4 per light.....but still I know both of you have to be working some long hours.....of course no way to trim that....who takes care of that for you?

My GF and I run 209 lights by ourselves. We feed 1300+ plants daily. Transplant. Spray. Defoliate. Stick. Tie.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I run:

28 light bloom.
18 light bloom.
20 light bloom.
20 light veg.

My GF runs.
72 light bloom.
35 light bloom.
16 light bloom.
12 light veg house.

So, I guess a bit more than 209. All different locations.

She has more lights, but much less travelling and her's are all trees. Low plant count.

I do mostly 9 plants per light with reflectors. My locations are up to 30 min away from one another.

All together we probably pay around 20,000 a month in hydro bills.

No, we have our friends trim it.

It can be done. Just requires a lot of sacrifice. We haven't seen our friends in months. We haven't done anyhting as a couple in months. We buy nothing for ourselves, no point since we have no time to enjoy it.

18 hour work days, but when the MMAR program is over I will be able to look back and say "Fuck, I killed that bitch' from my house in Hawaiior maybe the one in Italy or maybe the one in Fiji. ;)


Damn. Just ... Damn.

I wish you love, luck, and longevity in this. Sounds like you've got your security covered. Man, I sure hope so.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
fucking amazing I will NEVER complain about my 3200 watt 75 plant very setup again lol...but I'm lazy.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
One more thing while this rez fills.

I noticed that most people get over worked or sick of work when they'd rather be somewhere else. One of the most difficult parts of running this is coming to terms with the fact that you have to be there. It's hard.

When I used to work at a spot for 3 hours I would wonder what my friends weredoing, what the score of the game was, how the snow at the resorts were...etc. I would drive myself nuts with anger and jealousy.

I slowly came to terms with my work schedule and don't get bothered anymore. I have to work. I have to finish this job. I have no choice but to get it done. Eventually, you stop being jealous and angry and accept that you will be there for 3 hours. It's up to you if you're angry or happy while doing it.

If you can just master that mental roadblock you can do much more than you think you can.
Bravo.....just unreal

Bravo.....just unreal

No offense....but you GF...is an animal......WOW:peacock:

:artist:.......that is just inspiring.

I run:

28 light bloom.
18 light bloom.
20 light bloom.
20 light veg.

My GF runs.
72 light bloom.
35 light bloom.
16 light bloom.
12 light veg house.

So, I guess a bit more than 209. All different locations.

She has more lights, but much less travelling and her's are all trees. Low plant count.

I do mostly 9 plants per light with reflectors. My locations are up to 30 min away from one another.

All together we probably pay around 20,000 a month in hydro bills.

No, we have our friends trim it.

It can be done. Just requires a lot of sacrifice. We haven't seen our friends in months. We haven't done anyhting as a couple in months. We buy nothing for ourselves, no point since we have no time to enjoy it.

18 hour work days, but when the MMAR program is over I will be able to look back and say "Fuck, I killed that bitch' from my house in Hawaiior maybe the one in Italy or maybe the one in Fiji. ;)

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
My GF and I run 209 lights by ourselves. We feed 1300+ plants daily. Transplant. Spray. Defoliate. Stick. Tie.

uhhggg no fun. I'll stick with my small grow ski bum life. staying under 99 plants. no federal minimum sentence for me. lol


Registered Non-Conformist
You guys should count yourselves as lucky

Have you ever seen what it takes to produce some of the spices on the market like say...saffron?
Imagine if all you harvested from your pot plant was the first set of pistils.
And I can buy saffron for maybe $20 an ounce.

The profit margains you guys have are huge. Especially if you manage to smuggle a bit of it back east where it sells for 350+ and ounce. Personally if I were selling it to cancer patients I would feel pretty shitty charging much more than $250 an ounce for it.

An outsider's view. I am here always ready to 'debunk' ideas such as the above. To enlighten others of the risks and tough market we are working with at this juncture in time.

We ARE lucky but half of luck is balls and work. Both of which growers must have as well as several other personal attributes. We are all different, but many of us share certain aspects of personality. Our lifestyle is dictated by the plants not by The Boss the Puppetmaster.
We Are Part Gambler, Entrepreneur. Part Gangster/Baller/Cowboy/Rough and Ready, Part Diplomatic Neighbor. Part Citizen of the community. In NorCal it all blends. For better or for worse.

Saffron is without legal risk, and I am pretty sure the Teenager next door will not be hitting up my garden for a few light and spicy brown pistils.

Most people who smuggle back east are the middlemen that Outsiders to the CA scene are so mad at for charging high tix for an Oz. They take big risks too.

I'm sure most of us on this forum would not charge a Cancer patient at all - I'd feel honored to help and have been in this situation.

Would you feel shitty paying 16oo a month for electric..? Truly High Mortgages and rents...? Shitty enuf to get as much as you could out of a slow market for excellent top 10% of the curve Medicine, grown Organically.?

As long as I see smiles on the faces when my patients open the bag not needing to even immerse their nose to get the essence... I know I am happy too.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
right on bro. my couple of cancer patients get free oils, tinctures and hashes. I even helped a guy stop having organ rejection, and made my cousin's gf's breast cancer stop advancing and then eventually go away with a hash oil cookie a day. got the recipe and advice right off of ICMAG. gotta love this community.

That is nothing compared to most of the people on this web site though. there are some real unsung heroes on this site. Anyone with over 99 plants is one of them if they are making bank or not. they are risking mandatory federal prison time at that point. they deserve some cash.

I'm a chicken, lol. I stay way under 99


New member
Sorry but if you can have a half an acre greenhouse with state permission there is no reason for the prices to stay so high. That price was for when you had to treck off miles into the woods and hide your plant amoung the trees not for when you can plant organized rows and have irrigation systems.

The times are changeing, hopefully we won't see a pushback towards illegality and artifical inflation of the price of the plant we all love

Keep 'em coming down I say.


Sorry but if you can have a half an acre greenhouse with state permission there is no reason for the prices to stay so high. That price was for when you had to treck off miles into the woods and hide your plant amoung the trees not for when you can plant organized rows and have irrigation systems.

The times are changeing, hopefully we won't see a pushback towards illegality and artifical inflation of the price of the plant we all love

Keep 'em coming down I say.

^^ +1


I love my life
Sorry but if you can have a half an acre greenhouse with state permission there is no reason for the prices to stay so high. That price was for when you had to treck off miles into the woods and hide your plant amoung the trees not for when you can plant organized rows and have irrigation systems.

The times are changeing, hopefully we won't see a pushback towards illegality and artifical inflation of the price of the plant we all love

Keep 'em coming down I say.

So where are the personal stories about you two operating facilities and giving away large amounts of production to cancer sufferers?

The way to get prices down is for you TWO to actually produce instead of blowing hot air.

Let me know if you need to meet more people with cancer who can use your charity.



Sorry but if you can have a half an acre greenhouse with state permission there is no reason for the prices to stay so high. That price was for when you had to treck off miles into the woods and hide your plant amoung the trees not for when you can plant organized rows and have irrigation systems.

The times are changeing, hopefully we won't see a pushback towards illegality and artifical inflation of the price of the plant we all love

Keep 'em coming down I say.

Say all you want but you are WRONG.

Times are changing, cost of all things(supplies, ferts, gas, housing etc) are going up, not down. Who is permitted half acre greenhouse? and even if they were that doesnt mean the same police wont come raid that shit. For the record, most people still do guerilla grow out here, its really only the new kids on the block that do huge things out in the open, majority are still tucked in corners near or under bushes and trees. You always need irrigation in the woods or greenhouse so thats a moot point.

Also, 'that price' you speak of hasnt been around for years, the market plummeted straight to the bottom, its not going any lower I can promise you that. I cant tell you how many guys have how many pounds they would kill to dump at even 1200 right now. And since the trimmers still want to be paid the same 200 as when LB prices were double the current, youre paying out over 20% of gross just to get it trimmed by people that do not give one shit about your quality or had nothing to do with your year long project whatsoever.

I get so sick of these people that think growing is so easy and why arent we selling or lbs for 50 bucks. GET A CLUE. Shit costs Money.


Registered Non-Conformist
Thank You Z-Ro for saving me bunch of keystrokes. I think we got our point across to these Opinionated 16-post East Coasters.

Im European, so I have no own knowledge to the subject.
What still wonders me however is:
If you guys are getting 3 Dollars a Gramm, how can dispensaries still charge 15-20 Dollars? (Thats what I see online...)

And if times are a such, then that would mean for me:
too many suppliers, too little shops. --> Open up shop!

Or is it a whole lot easier to get a growing license than a vending license?

@"Growing is hard/easy": You have to take into account that
a.) people who grow there own 6 plants and have a 9-5 think there 9-5 is shit.
b.) people who grow loads and have no 9-5, think that growing loads is there 9-5.

I get no sunshine except on vacation, I have a boss who makes irrational demands, I only like 20% of my work and I work with people Id like to punch. - At the same time I hate manicuring more than 6 plants at a time.
- Its always a question of perspective.

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