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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better

Maybe it worked for you? but not me. Just telling my story. Cop got dogs. Cop said dog alerted him. There you go..... Also when u go to court and the cop lies and says you gave him permission to search after you didnt your fucked again. The judge is always gonna believe to cop before you.
Im just saying, dont think knowing your rights are gonna save you when your in the middle of know where, with a cop who thinks the ends justify the means. Most cops dont follow rules and will lie thru their freekin teeth. All I'm saying is saying "NO" I know my rights is a red flag. You obviously have something to hide. GO ahead try it next time when your riding clean and see what the cop does...lol .....
Anyways just got back from SoHum and Trinity. Packs are now down to about 1500-1300 and are starting to move SLOW. Still lots and lots and lots and lots and lots to trim. Did I mention that there is still lots of OD to trim still?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Maybe it worked for you? but not me. Just telling my story. Cop got dogs. Cop said dog alerted him. There you go..... Also when u go to court and the cop lies and says you gave him permission to search after you didnt your fucked again. The judge is always gonna believe to cop before you.
Im just saying, dont think knowing your rights are gonna save you when your in the middle of know where, with a cop who thinks the ends justify the means. Most cops dont follow rules and will lie thru their freekin teeth. All I'm saying is saying "NO" I know my rights is a red flag. You obviously have something to hide. GO ahead try it next time when your riding clean and see what the cop does...lol .....

It is not constitutional to hold you to bring a dog. There is a supreme court precedence. Even if they do hold you to bring a dog then it will be thrown out of court. Unless you have a dumb ass lawyer that forgets to mention uncommon knowledge like that to the judge. Which is why IT IS CRUCIAL TO KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. You may still spend a night in jail, but that's better than 5-10 years.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Anyways just got back from SoHum and Trinity. Packs are now down to about 1500-1300 and are starting to move SLOW. Still lots and lots and lots and lots and lots to trim. Did I mention that there is still lots of OD to trim still?

good deal.


Bong Smoking News Hound
been awhile since i have smoked some Odyssey, very fun strain to grow. next to purple kush, she grows like a champ outdoors.
Pretty hard to believe there are not any updates to this thread.

All the Outdoor growers I know had their best year ever....and the quality is real high.

Being an Indoor grower, can tell you donations are still pretty stable....even in this flood.

Just gotta believe Demand is very high...and if you do not need to dump your crop, your donations will be fine.

just my .02 cents
Pretty hard to believe there are not any updates to this thread.

All the Outdoor growers I know had their best year ever....and the quality is real high.

Being an Indoor grower, can tell you donations are still pretty stable....even in this flood.

Just gotta believe Demand is very high...and if you do not need to dump your crop, your donations will be fine.

just my .02 cents

I'm surprised that there hasn't been any updates and I'm also surprised on how well prices are in the flood. I'm an indoor guy and I'm still getting 28 to 3000. Bulk outdoor is going for 16 to 1800


Yeah this year is weird seems no one wants OD anymore or atleast that's what my friends are telling me. I'm getting really nice blue dreams brought down to me at 15 which def leaves some points to be made but people aren't really biting.

Indoor ogs and sours holding steady at 25-3.

Just got 36 for 8 of my gscs.

It's hard to believe the east coasters are getting tired of OD especially considering how good of a year it was. LOL I guess the last 3 years of people force-feeding them OD finally got to them


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Yeah this year is weird seems no one wants OD anymore or atleast that's what my friends are telling me. I'm getting really nice blue dreams brought down to me at 15 which def leaves some points to be made but people aren't really biting.

Indoor ogs and sours holding steady at 25-3.

Just got 36 for 8 of my gscs.

It's hard to believe the east coasters are getting tired of OD especially considering how good of a year it was. LOL I guess the last 3 years of people force-feeding them OD finally got to them


No one wants outdoor? I DO, I DO!! But No wants to trade cash for some reason. Its like there scared to make money....
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor

No one wants outdoor? I DO, I DO!! But No wants to trade cash for some reason. Its like there scared to make money....

Grab some of those blue dreams from ya...

Aye...same here SWIM is always looking for solid OD 5 packs....


Active member
I was a long hair surfer. I remember one night I was walking with my sleeping bag on front street in Lahaina, and a truck load of locals went by and yelled out something.

I was scared they were going to waste me for no fucking reason whatsoever. I was innocent of anything whatsoever.

You want to explain that comment on the back of your truck? Is that what you do too Greyskull? Seeing that comment on your truck just brought that shit back . I wish I had the guns I have now back at that moment. They were sick in the brain. I certainly hope your not like that

Know what you mean, it's mostly just local guys pickin' on ya. The trick is to not show fear and to actually be cool. Ya neva no, you might make a few new friends...and find that pakalolo you were lookin' for!

Wow! That musta been a hella luau!



Active member
Dr Purpur - Just remember this.. They date chicks from the same town. They are most likely banging their own relatives. Deliverance Tropic style.

One thing my bros tell me on the big island, never date a chick from your same town, even their mothers say this. So next time some moolies yell at ya. Just take the Banjo and replace it with a Uke, but still hum Deliverance in a more island feel. Here in Waimea on Big island, thats the joke, but a true one.

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
right now on the east coast you can cali g/h blue dream from $3200 per , in bulk for even less

CanniDo Cowboy

Yeah this year is weird seems no one wants OD anymore or atleast that's what my friends are telling me. I'm getting really nice blue dreams brought down to me at 15 which def leaves some points to be made but people aren't really biting.

Indoor ogs and sours holding steady at 25-3.

Just got 36 for 8 of my gscs.

It's hard to believe the east coasters are getting tired of OD especially considering how good of a year it was. LOL I guess the last 3 years of people force-feeding them OD finally got to them

There will ALWAYS be a market for OD, friend. ALWAYS. And indoor can be way over-rated and over-priced more times than not...And friends very seldom like payin market price so I find them a fairly unreliable source as to market conditions. In real estate, its location, location, location. In this biz, its availability first, price second and quality 3rd. And all are directly connected to location. Rather than 'force-feeding", I like to think of it as: Supply & demand knows no bounds but individual affordability determines how far you get to travel along ... CC


Active member
Naw, it was only about 2 months of bullshit, like from mid Sept. to late Oct. I saw a TON of Cali; Light Dep/Greenhouse/early OD, 250$ oz and cheaper for q's/P's. It made things a little rough, especially during a year in which 90% of my OD was stolen or helicoptereddddd.


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Dr Purpur - Just remember this.. They date chicks from the same town. They are most likely banging their own relatives. Deliverance Tropic style.

One thing my bros tell me on the big island, never date a chick from your same town, even their mothers say this. So next time some moolies yell at ya. Just take the Banjo and replace it with a Uke, but still hum Deliverance in a more island feel. Here in Waimea on Big island, thats the joke, but a true one.

Thanks Brother

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