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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
again this is all speculation. im just a voice behind a screen and have absolutely zero personal experience...in fact i live in Rhodesia

and i do appreciate all the entertainment here

Listen Wilbur Smith, there is no more Rhodesia for quite some time now. And every 10 pages or so, one of your types comes into this thread, makes uneducated comments with the street smarts of a turd . Thank you for the entertainment, next.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Krunch what a dick... Drive thrue dollar menu gotta eat n drive.. Lol...
I thought I was in the gsc thread for a min...
Humble idk u must be talkin pesos lol...


New member
aww shucks...discredited on the fake wholesale market thread where "local to local" "brokers" and "drivers" do it all just for the love

btw, anyone posting what they actually do on here does have the street smarts of a turd so ill just leave you shits alone for now

Just came back from SoHum out of the AP. All the Outdoor I saw was going for 2k a p. Next week may go down to 1800. Two big Big Big bust's in the Triangle last week too! HUGE BUST"S. Everyone getting about 500 more than last year. CAMP is helping keeping prices up, busting huge outdoor grows.


Took a drive today and pretty much everybody in the area had very recently cut or were in the process. Driving down a side road gardens left and right and pretty much either down or people in the field cutting. Most everyone just let things ride with the good weather. That's over starting Monday.

Give it about 2 weeks and the market will start to get flooded with offerings.


Most Retail Markup has little or no risk compared to Cannabis Growing. And FAR less initial layput before any renumeration.

Producers with most of the risk and money payout, previous to any Return, feel shafted when Brokers Low-Ball and then make half a K on the 1# transaction.

https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=39358&pictureid=934383View Image

It IS an imbalance one must defend themselves against by growing super HIGH quality Flowers, being steadfast, and creating a "Buzz." lol...

Producers take MOST of the risk? I know large garden growers who have grown for 20+ years with out a single problem. Never met a middleman / breakdown guy who has gone 5+ years and not done time.

Even selling to clubs brokers are taking a risk that they wont get paid back or the club gets raided.

Grow better shit, hold out for an opportune time to sell and don't get desperate.

A smart buyer won't low-ball, good way to get your calls not answered, or people passing you short packs / 'bad' packs. A smart buyer also won't pay more than market rate. Buyers look for opportunity to profit, a grower with tons of packs that seems desperate is gonna be seen as low hanging fruit.


Registered Non-Conformist
Nah, no problems. It is called Due Dilligence and Intelligence.
We constantly fend off problems all summer. Teenagers, Nosy Nabes, Utility-workers, tree-trimmers paid for by the county, tweakers, Old People, animals, and all the other Natural things.. I am sure I could make it a list pages long.

None of it rattle One who has been through it a few times.. . Part of the Job Description. One of the Many Hats.

On a different note, although that is not my forte, IMHO, an Intelligent Broker deals with dependable people ONLY, and is also cash and carry. Eliminates the X-Factors by NOT being Desperate..


Producers pay all the Up-Front Money - and OWN the Buds.. Minor Detail. Duh.

Anyone who sells on Consignment to anyone is gonna get burned at some point. Broker or Producer.

Consignment = desperation.

My Flowers are Cash and Carry. Every time.

Hot-Shots come to me for Headies, after they do their Dirtywork - I am always interested in Scientific ways to improve my Work.. There are always lessons to be learned.. ---wink-wink.
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
someone moving a unit for a point is not a broker, just a pawn for the big boys

move a 10 pack and risk prison time for a mere grand: i don't think even a driver would go for that sort of a deal...moving legit commodities from cali to the rockies and western midwest pays 4,000 outbound and 1,500 return to a trucking brokerage, and i know that for sure

move 1000 units annually and draw major heat just to hit a gross of six figures????? i really don't think so; imagine how deep you gotta be to move that kinda weight and how much it costs to be that deep.

move 5 a week for 2500. good man and you come out way over six figures annually

move 5 a week for 7500. twistin fuckin arms and killin it

Spot on humble fish......specifically the 5 a week= annually.....


Active member
What is funny? CAMP's funding was pulled a while ago. Now mostly it is CERT (state and dea funded) plus other federal agencies.

Not trying to take this thread off topic, sorry all.


Active member
A smart buyer won't low-ball, good way to get your calls not answered, or people passing you short packs / 'bad' packs.

haha such a simple aspect and yet many folks just dont get it....specifically alot of the younger up and coming dealers nowadays. its funny when you tell someone "i get cashed out 34 a LB for these.." and they counter with.."well, can you front me for 32?"...they dont understand that taking a lowball offer is basically taking money out of my pocket...on 3lbs @ 34 a pop and your bullshit 32 a LB offer is basically robbing me of 600 bucks, so dont take it personal when you get denied for lowballing!

as a producer you are only as good as your distribution, having the best quality ensures multiple buyers will be lining up for your wares and allows you to only entertain the best offers....ive been fortunate to never have a problem moving my herbs, in fact its the opposite there is often so much demand for high grade that i have to turn many people down and hurt feelings lol...


Bong Smoking News Hound
black helicopter was cruising yesterday.

And your right its not called CAMP, or its not called NTF anymore. Its just called Narcotics.


black helicopter was cruising yesterday.
My friends and I have seen virtually nothing this year in way NorCal in the I-5 corridor. Friends in the Chico hills area have seen virtually nothing this year either. Budgets have been slashed and some departments disbanded. They just don't have the money to support enforcement like they used to. Compared to a few years ago it's been quiet as a church mouse up above last year and this. Not saying that's the case everywhere. In my area haven't heard or seen of anything really happening on the ground either.


Bong Smoking News Hound
My friends and I have seen virtually nothing this year in way NorCal in the I-5 corridor. Friends in the Chico hills area have seen virtually nothing this year either. Budgets have been slashed and some departments disbanded. They just don't have the money to support enforcement like they used to. Compared to a few years ago it's been quiet as a church mouse up above last year and this. Not saying that's the case everywhere. In my area haven't heard or seen of anything really happening on the ground either.

We have FBI stations all over California.... This was Central. And helicopters can cover a Wide Range, if ya know what i mean. I think they are keeping tabs on, big growers, year after year... All they have is time... Just be safe everyone! Its all part of the fun.... i guess... I saw the black hele at least a half of a dozen times through out the grow season. Now if they were looking for marijuana, is a whole other story. ;)