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Wholesale pot prices plummet. Now there starting to get better


Active member
….and that doesn't even factor in all the dirty driving that needs to be done which is a way riskier endeavor than sitting on a mountain growing pot...

That's right. My favorite part about working with brokers, I rarely have weight in the car.

Brokers are necessary for almost everyone dealing with actual weight.

And they always know a fuck ton of people. Need a trusted HVAC, worker, cleanup crew, or wax blower? They know em all.


Brokers are important, they just don't deserve to make 4-5 points per unit. That's called being a greedy pos...


Just Say Grow
I think most people take off big leaves wet and then manicure it (trim) it when properly dried. Proper process will allow for a degree of curing to happen by the time this is done. If it goes into the bag at the right humidity, with just the right amount of cure on it, it will continue to get better in the bag.

Machine trimming happens wet. Some people still do everything while its wet. I do not. Totally against clipping small wet leaves.

this^....not to mention it takes like 5x as long to trim wet, and some of us got shit to do other than trim weed all day

You don't dry or cure it?

I'm willing to bet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my herb thats trimmed dry & has been sweated and turkeyed and on it's way out the door and the same herb thats got a 3wk cure...I can't tell the difference....honestly.

Fuck yea. I just cut down the entire branch and put it in a trashbag.
The kids at the dispensary are blown away when their 1/8th gets pulled off a stem as wide as their pecker
word man....because thats totally what i said.


Brokers are important, they just don't deserve to make 4-5 points per unit. That's called being a greedy pos...
Yeah that's way out of line for local deals yet not too much of a stretch if it has to go out of state and all the dynamics involved with that. That margin was declining when I was doing that and one of the reasons I bailed as it wasn't worth the risk for me. I have NO idea how many points is reasonable for out of state type transactions at this point and don't care. Local deals are a point and always have been for me.

I deal with canna for fun and personal use now. Life is much simpler.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I'm willing to bet you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between my herb thats trimmed dry & has been sweated and turkeyed and on it's way out the door and the same herb thats got a 3wk cure...I can't tell the difference....honestly.

^ya, but you're a much better grower than most. When I smoked your herb a few years back it was free of basically all chlorophyll, and tasted perfect. Most people need a cure time.


Registered Non-Conformist
Brokers are important, they just don't deserve to make 4-5 points per unit. That's called being a greedy pos...
Or More..!

This thread has taken a great turn... Less Snark, more facts, Humanity in focus.

I found that buds allowed to finish didn't need a long cure, if the flush was proper as well.

This Triple Diesel Cut that is making my life MUCH better is smooth as silk almost after the 10 day dry alone. I am monocropping for the first time in my life, and with good reason.

House and Garden Line, used correctly with Coco, is absolutely supreme, IMHO.

I was unable to find equitable brokers on the Mendo Coast, oh well. It would have been grand to maintain a healthy professional relationship. Could have made a big difference for Me.

Back in the game, fo sho, now, so it's all good. 2nd run here, first substantial one. After almost being ruined by Broad Mites Yet again..! I won the battle, which does continue.
As a result, I could not be carrying more gratitude, and It increases by the day. I forgot how wonderful this lifestyle can be. And I still live in the Metro. It will be incredible to live up North near my favorite Big Lake, on a smaller one, with a kayak, SUP, and raft. Working that out now. Pennies on the dollar compared to NorCal, in many ways.

I found My California 4500kms away. Not far from where I started from. Full Circle. Nothing is as physically beautiful as da Mendo Coast, and Here, Surf sucks, but many other things are "Superior." nudge nudge know what I mean..? And Here, I can afford to take a month and a half off (to let the hot climate finish) and take another journey in Costa Rica - my 5th, surfing my testicles off, and finally getting SCUBA certified. Someday, I will stay there.

Yeah, I miss CA, but I don't miss being a pauper. People are not perfect anywhere, but this is pretty dang good, humanity wise. real politeness, and authentic behavior, more peeps use turn signals, and return phone calls. LOL.

Gave a decent Caregiver a p for 29 today. A frikken nice one too.
Could have given him more P's but He would have just asked FOR 28.. So, One at a time.

So Gun crazy here, I am very prudent about when and where.. And never my house. This place is nuts that way. Fecal Matters occur Here in the metro. Mucho Desperadoes.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It's so hard to achieve this mutual balance... When everyone joins together it is incredible what we can achieve; but this is obviously difficult.

We are having some wonderful days in Michigan - climate conditions - and it is incredible the state of thinking and comfort that I achieve on these days - plus the farm fresh, vitamin rich vegetables/fruits; pure bliss. Similar when interacting with people, I love getting along, it is what we are trying to do, but obviously can't.

I love the direction of this thread, thanks everyone for the contributions. If we stayed on the track always we would be running in circles.

It's like a phenomenal piece of music, the harmony...

Who was it that just released all their patents and will discontinue the practice? Privacy and secrecy will be concepts of the past in the future... we must be transparent and understanding or continue to make enemies and deter progress.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I don't know any brokers moving any product to the markets they serve themselves. Their customers do that. Charging more points based on that, is dumb. The factors like transport and paying the packing crew etc often dictate the ticket price, not the brokers cut... Which should be a point... Two if it's family...:tiphat:


A broker would make life so much simpler honestly. that's the weak link when you don't live in the wall Street of green, nor Cal. I thought oh just grow it and some guy will take it all and some happy theme song plays in the background . The reality is a alot of driving around and a lot of shops not taking outside vendors.


Registered Non-Conformist
At the onset of my time in Norcal, the Brokers were happy with 2 points per p. And that was when ticket prices were high.

At the time of my extrication from said market, all gloves were off. Whatever they could get was what they got. It's all good, except that due to people's desire for low prices, many brokers only dealt in B-Grade. Doesn't matter to them what they sell. Would matter to Me, though reputation is what keeps customers.


A broker would make life so much simpler honestly. that's the weak link when you don't live in the wall Street of green, nor Cal. I thought oh just grow it and some guy will take it all and some happy theme song plays in the background . The reality is a alot of driving around and a lot of shops not taking outside vendors.

This is so spot on. The problem for most growers is not that brokers demand too big a cut, but that the growers have trouble finding a safe way to market their product period. Plenty of growers would be happy to pay a few points to a reliable broker if it meant being able to move good product in wholesale quantities easily and safely. There's a lot of product out there in need of a distribution system. That would help explain why people feel as though they are getting dinged by their brokers: there aren't enough brokers, so the existing ones charge extra.


Active member
The best I can get from my current broker is 2800 a unit and that's for some really nice GSC. Anything else and 2400 is where he's most comfortable at. I'm happy with these numbers.
2 here for good indoor, outs 1-16, and dep 16-2. Brokers may be annoying but it's good to cultivate good relationships with them because you never know when you might need their help in this market that gets more competitive by the day. East coast prices have dropped dramatically, folks are picking up dispensary grade fire indoor for 28.


Active member
I think it's funny it's called business. If west coast didn't think east coast Couldn't play gotcha ! Indoor fire direct 28 good luck getting fire to east cost and still make money!:laughing:


Active member
been hearing a lot of 28-3 on east coast which is crazy because good fire is still fetching 28-3 here in Cali….dispensaries are paying 26-3 all day for high grade strains like GSC, OG, chemD, etc…..

plenty of asian warehouse indoors going for the 16-18 thats probably what goes back east more often than not..

open sun reserves are going up in price too….raise your prices people!


Active member
With the rising cost of water and the risk of people's wells going dry, I see the market having no choice but to raise prices.

Not to mention a decrease in water supply will also lead to a increase in electricity. Hydro Electricity is a big supplier of energy in cali.

grow nerd

Active member
If every one in the big plants outdoor thread unionized and didn't settle for less than 16 we could push things back up

If everyone here did that, some would end up not being able to pay their bills (or get rid of their stuff at all @ wholesale; "retailing" 1g, 3.5g, etc to kids and neighbors).

And it still wouldn't "solve the problem" because members here are only a tiny % of total producers. (If I had to pick a number, I couldn't come up with a whole one -- I'm guessing less than 1%.)

There's no stopping the laws of economics without massive corruption and organization.