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who wants to see a 420 light medical grow?


passing the gas
Hey, I'm enjoying the build. a suggestion for dealing with your massive amounts of hydroton. you should try a vibratory polishing machine. I ran one as a kid. you don't need one large enough to hold all the material from one harvest, just one big enough to "wash" it all in the time between each harvest. I think with a slow constant flow of water and a bunch of steel pieces that will cut up the roots as it mixes until they can be washed away in the water.

here's a video showing one in their standard use which is usually deburring a machined metal product. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDxiA0aZJIs&feature=player_embedded


Active member
the kcc gets material for cost, and the farm has alot of outdoor organic veggy space. thanks for the tips, but i doubt we would go that route. we use h202 our my systems, and makes for impossible cleaning after 18 weeks of growth in the buckets. better to use the roots as compost and the stones as a nice filler in an outdoor garden with veggies we all can share, d


Wow guys, good shit living the dream. Just rocked through 26 pages as not to be lost, and took 3 sittings to get it into my head and make it to the end before passing out tonight. Canada is finally good for something lol Impressive stuff, as this grow even outdoes the ones that are a stretch in my mind. Got me thinking 'Leaves of grass' watched that for the first time a couple days ago, good stuff. Glad to see someone with a monster rez and well pump like that, amazing. Congrats and looks like you got it all covered...cant wait to see more.


Just read all 26 pages in one sitting on an iPhone! Amazing!!


Great link on that heat exchanger btw. When you mentioned your water is coming from a shower head, through the exchanger then a tub. Are you running the water to waste? Is there a way to recirculate the water? Maybe a tub with a chiller, then exchanger and back into the tub. Would that work?



Genetic Resource Management
Great link on that heat exchanger btw. When you mentioned your water is coming from a shower head, through the exchanger then a tub. Are you running the water to waste? Is there a way to recirculate the water? Maybe a tub with a chiller, then exchanger and back into the tub. Would that work?


These heat exchangers are only really efficient when there is a large difference between the temp of the water, and the air temp in the room. The water is heated during the process, and the room air is chilled as a trade off... so once the water retains the heat, it's not effective as a cooling source making a recirculation system inefficient. It might work if your reservoir is located outdoors during winter, but you'd then run the risk of the source water freezing during lights off.

I've used this type of system (3 fan chiller) in the past for indoor rooms (16 and 20 KW respectively) and if the thermostat wasn;t set high enough, I wasn't able to get the room temps above 70 deg F - even with outdoor weather @ 85-90 deg F. Our source water was from glacier runoff that never exceeded 40 deg F year round.

Using these chillers on municipal water isn't exactly environmentally friendly, since so much energy goes into processing and transporting the water... to just run it down the drain is certainly an environmental faux-pas, imo.

Since most of BC has un-metered water and there is no cost to the grower, they are widely used. They are definitely much less common in areas of the country that does meter and charge based on the volume of water used.

No Maestro Fresh Wes fans here eh, tough crowd.... :dance013:


Wow man this is just fucking NUTS. I am canadian and didn't even know grows this large could be completely legit and approved by health canada. I knew patients could be approved to grow their own medication but is this grow being grown by caregivers and going to many different patients or something? Surely those 4 people with the cards can't be growing this all for personal use. I heard in Canada there are caregivers but they can only grow for one patient that is physically incapable of growing themselves...can you correct me?


Active member
its an opportunity to provide high grade medicine for the lowest price possible in contrast to 5 out of the 9 existing depos in bc which generally provide the lowest grade for the highest price possible.

we are interested in creating the health canada model for medical grade marijuana production and distribution. there will be menus at each kcc location with products that weve personally overseen from seed, to elite mother, to harvest to retail. eliminating middlemen eliminates tainted product and higher prices. we try to stock 30 elite cuts, and dedicate a space to each one.

no one is impressed with prairie plant products and their tobacco looking powder they sell as medical marijuana. hopefully one day we may get this contract and put the tax payers dollars to use, not the gutter, d


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I got the Sour OG and San Fernando D clones all ready to rock when you want em. Just got to get metal rings around the stem, Haha.

Looks like San Fernando D #2 and Sour OG #7 are the keepers, but let's be realistic; what the hell do I know about breeding.


Active member
finding a keeper is far from breeding vag lol. with keepers elite moms sometimes you just know. its like an aura or attraction, or maybe deep green leafs and intense smell on the stock. but then agian they could be nanner pushers, and still need to be taken the distance to know for sure, epsecially in the cure, d


Active member
well, i guess, it is rightfully a part of finding donor parents after all, just rocked like a 2 g joint of freshly cured med mans headband. so lemony smooth, so scared to leave house lol hahaha trippin, d

Madrus Rose

post 69
heard you say that medman had been forced to leave the building for somethings so petty ...seems to have been a mentor of yours so why not bring him back under new id which perfectly fine to do . Just have him re-invent a new persona etc ...

Hav fun trippin tnite (were the same time zone ) found some very nice
looking HB done on the threads today , looking very proper :

love to see some pics of ur mm cut ,
off to bed now , c/ya !



Active member
lol how do we know or not if its already happened..........?

heres one instages

thats a typical male. dont mind the brown and raggedness.this is another kcc production site. alot happened in the 80 days or so we took em.

the preflower shots give an idead of the growth pattern, the finished shots show how squat the buds get. shes nick named octo-kush, becuse of her looks pre harvest. branches flopping everywhere, but becuase of the growth pattern, even without the cages, she will stand on her own. i wish a had a better camera, cuz once manicured its hard to tell they toook a licking in the first run at that site, d


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Active member
the mmhb is the definitive plant for double d/1 plant per light checker board set ups. her skinny yet sturdy branches have lil to no leaves a spacey internode length, so not much pruning, palmimg or trimming for her. a hurtin persons dream, like me. d


Active member
ive been advised that 2 400 plus lighters il be on for, and all stages will be vegged first at the production site, being this one. so the plumbers are building the 250 buckest all together. no pics as of yet, me and med man are doing a make over at another facility. and im so stoked about it, should i post it here? he said hes posting it on his blogspot so i dont wanna bite it? any thoughts on seeing how the kcc do? d


Active member
Octo-Kush for president!!!!! :abduct:

DMT is there room for a guinea pig's cage underneath that octo-kush???!!! Nice job DMT!!!

:woohoo: :jump:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:

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