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who wants to see a 420 light medical grow?


ah, okay. no. the water has to be freezing or colder. i run hydroponics 90% of the time. i fill a 100 gal rez with ice (5 gal pails frozen in a deep freeze), then top off with water. for a long time the water temp goes below 32 or 0 degrees. as there is more ice the water. that is what you want, ice water. the whole point is to "shock" your plants. a gradual decrease would not have the impact. dont be cheap, buy or make the ice forthe water, ), d


D, you didn't give me that tidbit when I asked. LOL

5g buckets in a deep freeze.

Now I have to buy one damn you. Now I feel yah.

Shock = Freezing water. (Roger that!)


we dont pay volenteers nor do we charge for learning advanced growing methods. how will you eat or house yerself in the most expensive part of canada?

im working on getting a frat house donated to the collective to use as housing for volenteers. its huge and with bunk beds can probably house at least 20-30 people, d

Eating......well I'm a Baker, I make most of the food I eat, so i can eat on the cheap (homemade bread is my main staple). Housing on the other hand is another story, haha how much does a one room APT with a murphy bed normally go for?

That frat house sounds lovely!

Also, any good law schools up there? Might be looking for a change of scenery when I'm done with my associates :tiphat:


Active member
Can I do the ice shock thing in DWC?
If I add ice cold water when I go for the last week flush..?

hey dude, what you do is before you harvest, give ice water and darkness for at least 72 hours.

so take them the full distance, then shock ripen, d
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Active member
low night temps 40f and lower in flush cause a similar effect; fattening of trichs and lots of purple and yellow colors but it requires a couple weeks and unless your chopping your whole room this is not feasible. I discovered this by accident of course during a cold spell in another of the drafty international falls shacks I
used to inhabit .In soil we pack ice bags on the soil surface for the last few days of flushing but never during light deprivation gonna try this on the next few we chop next week. What a great idea how could we not think of it before? Thank you for another great tip D:tiphat: is it eating poutine that makes you cannuks so crafty? . I'm chopping a couple Bubba Kush on newyears so I'll post a pic of a cold room shocked plant if anyone wants to see it. I cant wait to see this new system your setting up.
hey man you want your temps at 70-75, so the plants transpire. ive seen 30 plants drink 100 gal of water in 2 4x8 tables. under optimal conditions plants will pack it on. the grow and ripen dramatically to the point where the capped tops of the resin glands turn into diamand colors under scrutiny with a flashlight or microscope. low room temps will have a negative effect, although low room temps are from another school of though and cant be discarded as an opyion. im just a prgamatist so the simpler is usally the better, d


Active member
Really interesting idea there DMT, you clearly know your shit and it has intrigued me into making it top priority for the next possible opportunity to test, probably in coco. Already I am pretty much set on raising/halving the light for the last 10 or so days, as Nature does, it seems to protect the Aromatic Terpenes better than a late baking does and there is no loss in yield, what is there is there, it just carries on swelling what is already there. I have heard stories about running the last few days in darkness for a while, but never the chilling the roots trick, fascinating, many thanks.

the test is easy when you make hash. take 1 plant and crop it, do another plant with the shock ripening, you will see better, more potent smelling product, and a different more dynamic stone/high, d


Active member
Eating......well I'm a Baker, I make most of the food I eat, so i can eat on the cheap (homemade bread is my main staple). Housing on the other hand is another story, haha how much does a one room APT with a murphy bed normally go for?

That frat house sounds lovely!

Also, any good law schools up there? Might be looking for a change of scenery when I'm done with my associates :tiphat:

depends where you live, im working on the living quarters trust me, d


Active member
Can I do the ice shock thing in DWC?
If I add ice cold water when I go for the last week flush..?

it works the best in dwc, as you can add ice directly to the rootzone so it actually freezes the roots.

when nugs are dried and cured, in any light the caps will glimmer and shine like no other, d


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
whats purple salamander? d

it was some technique this kat on here preached about, had some other weird names, had to do with the ice, root thing
just a really obnoxious, arrogant asshole.......


I can't fathom sorting out 120 plants worth of drip lines... A million stars for that alone! Can't find the words, nothing short of amazing man!


Active member
it was some technique this kat on here preached about, had some other weird names, had to do with the ice, root thing
just a really obnoxious, arrogant asshole.......

wierd not the same guy, as there is lots of peeps with aliases as medicineman or med man. his clearly distinguished by his - in his name, med-man. he founded the kcc, far fom an a-hole. hes dedicated his life to helping others. and i dont mean opening depos, selling garbage and charging 10 a g. hes in charge from seeds/clones harvest and distrubution. the cat is next level, and sensitive to trolls and flamers on sites like this, especially when he was just trying to help, d


i had a pow wow with the plumbers today for my visit. gona have 2 inch pvc main line, with 1 inch thruhulls off the buckets for the feed cycles. im hoping we can flood and drain 50 5 gal pails in under 10 minutes as i prefer the shortest irrigation possible.


You stated earlier that it was going to take about ten minutes to flood 50 5 gals.

I read some where that the plants start to "suffocate" after about 5-6 minutes of submersion. Not stating this as fact. I believe that the plants/roots could be stressed and of course its not fatal. Have you noticed any thing along these lines on your other grows?

How many square feet are you flooding at one time? It looks like your trays are 4'x16', maybe.:wave:


Active member
it was some technique this kat on here preached about, had some other weird names, had to do with the ice, root thing
just a really obnoxious, arrogant asshole.......

LOL hahaha... crazy monkey style too. he's still around here, he's just been banned many times. Nice pics of grows though (just lacking in social skills... he's been a little calmer lately)


Active member
And nice looking grow DMT... really glad to see real professionally done power, there's too many people i've seen stapling romex to the wall.


Active member
hey man you want your temps at 70-75, so the plants transpire. ive seen 30 plants drink 100 gal of water in 2 4x8 tables. under optimal conditions plants will pack it on. the grow and ripen dramatically to the point where the capped tops of the resin glands turn into diamand colors under scrutiny with a flashlight or microscope. low room temps will have a negative effect, although low room temps are from another school of though and cant be discarded as an opyion. im just a prgamatist so the simpler is usally the better, d

Well stated. The lights on temps are always above 75 I just set the thermostat on the heaters at 40 and in my drafty ass house -10f right npw and it doesn't take long...And by the end of two weeks the trichs are lovely and colors are very vibrant . But I'm sure yeild does suffer somewhat. Anyway it's just another way...back to your grow.. any pics of the progress?
Beautiful and SUPER CLEAN rooms there DMT! Much Props!!! Thanx for sharing your work and for helping the people! keep it up! Peace!:ying:


non-profit means that you can SAVE money, store it away, but you can't have public stock exchanges.
non-profit is somewhat wonky, you can bank tons of money then go bankrupt and be a millionaire. (LTD required)
You get most of the tax you pay back, along with a lot of other benefits. I really wish I could be DMT.

I like your magnetic addiction, I prefer analogue over digital any day. Sometimes things are just meant to be old school. Digital fails from time to time and years down the road you'll have to retrofit everything again because no one makes those stupid ic chips, or you can't get the hardware inside the stupid machines.
It's just like a new car, something breaks on it, no one can fix it, not even the mechanic! The grease-monkey doesn't even know exactly how the stupid black box with wires works.
I envy what you're allowed to do, you do this world good. You're godly.
I can't believe I am just chiming in. AMAZING! K++ & Stay green, live out my dream!

joseywales, it's cheaper to use higher phases. I couldn't imagine running a new line every 1000ft of 0000awg for every 350amps being drawn. That shit would be ridiculous. Much easier and cost-effective to run multiple-smaller gauge wires rather than single massive ones, You save so much money on copper/aluminum. It's just easier AND SAFER.

P.S. Anyone would be f*cking stupid to try and cut power to a 1400kw grow, you'll kill yourself in the EMP that's emitted. hehe.

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