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who wants to see a 420 light medical grow?


Active member
i got the media, lawyers politicians and doctors got my back.

i could care less about gangs and what they do. sounds like you like supporting them, after they robbed you.

people who rob medical grows do hard time, its a federal offence, and you best believe they are ging down when they get caught. d


Active member
Please don't take offense by me asking this, but whats the point of doing it indoors? Just wondering? Seems like the sun would work better, and save a hell of a lot on electricity.

Anyway, good luck, it looks.. epic, to say the least.

read liams 2 posts, d


Active member
Listen to Liam fear monger in this thread.

This isn't DMT's first run this big and they're still rolling, witch out any hitches.

D, you think you'll have any spaces to throw in those San Fernando D and Sour OG cut I got?

Edit: Liam, if you go back and read, you'll realize that I actually work for the federal government. All my superiors know what I do and have no issues about it.

One thing cops hate is when people mess with their own. One call and I could ruin any Viet's life and all his families and have all of them deported. It's not how hard you play the game, it's how smart you play the game.

did they root yet lol? you wanna run them or mom them lol? d


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Liam, so you've had your garden robbed.

I could be wrong, but it look's like you've also been busted as per this post:

And now you buy your gear off the same people who robbed you?

Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're doing and need to get out of the game all together.

D and I have 20 years of growing combined and not a single bust or rip and we're still in our 20's.
p.s. im making a 16mm documentary

intro scene... queue freddy fender - wasted days and wasted nights. darkness... then the clunk of hundreds ballasts firing in sequence as bulbs light up. ahhhh !! yeah.


Active member
heyy dmt looks like a worthwhile and satisfying endeavor !! enjoy the results, and everything you learn along the way homie !! this will be inspiring many of us to step up the game, in one way or another ...

all the best dmt !!


Active member
for a this strethcer she packs it on:


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Active member
dont mind the burnt leaves, these ones went 77 days plus 3 days dark and ice water, d


Active member
it was the very first run at that place too, got burnt with the indian summer, then froze during the cold snap, and the apprentice over watered etc etc lots of dialing to be done. they should still weigh 1/2 lb each and i was there today and once the brown is picked off will be med grade(aaaa). med mans headband is amazing meds. i should put my hand in the pick for scale. they triple in girth in the last 2 weeks. crazy for skinny stalked plants, d
thanks for posting this thread could i ask you some questions whats the reason for bare bulbs over air cooled hoods and is that 3 phaze power from the power pole and if so how do you turn that into single phase thanks im asking because i found a great deal on a 3 phase generator and was curious if i can convert it to single phase


Active member
VagPuncher, I don't see this post where you mention you're a federal employee, in any case what does that have to do with anything? When I was 20 I worked for the Feds doing crop inspection for the CSGA... whoopty doo.

One grow in Alberta was busted years ago. Alberta is different, for example, the police can get a warrant 24/7 with a phone call. They get promotions for busting grows, and they don't have to name sources. My grow made the news for 5 days across the province (not nationally tho) for being the most advanced grow-op they've ever seen, there is nothing about my grow being busted that was embarrassing besides my grow employee ratting me out. I defended myself in court, and escaped with 100 hours community service, which I never did, and received no criminal record.

DMT your faith in BC's police and courts is sad. Saying that people are deported and thrown in jail for ripping grows, BS. The vast majority are NEVER EVER CAUGHT. Second, you can't deport people born here, all the gangs in Vancouver are young east indians, asians, and some blacks, all born in Canada. Even if they weren't born here, it is very hard to get deported in Canada if you came here legally, in fact, you have to get a jail term of 6 months to even be considered for deportion.

In Canada, most only serve 2/3 of their sentence. If you rob a bank, 2 years is average, street mugging sentences are even less.

Only 2/3 of robbery charges stick, 80% of those get jail time.

Recently however mandatory minimums have come into play regarding armed robbery, 4 years min I believe... so things may change.

BC has the lowest incarceration rate in Canada, 66 per 100,000 vs 129 the national average.

In BC it is well known they are soft on theft, robbery and drugs, car theft rarely gets more than a month or two.

"So many people have been shot or killed during grow-op rips. And it is often very difficult for charges to be laid as people don't want to cooperate with police for obvious reasons."

"Licensed cannabis Patient Derek Pedro had his house robbed of ALL of his plants and every ounce of cannabis they could find in the middle of the night while he was sleeping last nite!"

"The dangers of grow-operations were highlighted with the story of a an attempted robbery of a marihuana grow-operation that was viewed in plain sight by undercover Surrey RCMP members."

"Jan 22, 2009: Forty-two-year-old man wounded in an apparent robbery at Abbotsford marijuana grow-operation."

"Those who have the legal authority to grow and possess medical marijuana should be selective about who they share that information with," warned Cpl. Lea-Anne Dunlop.

That is all I'm getting at, even the police are trying to warn the co-ops. With enough information, anyone can find you.

With that aside, I'd love to grow legally... are most co-ops using high-labour, low efficiency growing methods like you? Or is it because of the sheer size you've gone with simplicity? I just expected co-ops to be using the Omega garden for example.


https://www.icmag.com/ic/member.php?u=15224@joseywales (great movie btw)

you can wire your equipment using two out of the three wires. or you can use each wire relative to neutral. If you were to go with the first option and say use the 120 and 240 degree phase shifted wires then the voltage your equipment will see is double the individual wire voltage and 90 degrees phase shifted. If your three phase generator put out 120 volts on each wire then you could run 240V equipment using this method.