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Who is not happy with LED the grow experiments?






Why use our LED GROW LIGHTS to grow plants?

The basic idea is that a growing plant uses only a narrow band of the lighting spectrum for chlorophyll production. Up to now the only choice has been Sodium or Halide lights which both produce a very wide band of lighting and less than 10% of a Sodium or Halide lamps output is actually used by the plant.

With the advent of LED lighting, we can custom tailor the output of the lamp to match exactly the band of light required for Chlorophyll production!

What does all this mean?

This means that almost 100% of the power input for our LED GROW LIGHT is used for plant production.

What are the other benefits?

Another great benefit of the LED GROW LIGHT is the very small amount of heat produced. The LED GROW LIGHT operates completely cool to the touch and plants can actually grow right up to the fixture, try that with any Sodium or Halide lamp.

What is the benefit of lower heat levels?

1. No HEAT SIGNATURE detectable by infrared cameras.
2. Super Low Heat - internal fans included for air cooling
3. No heat damage to plants
4. No high temperature lights to worry about

Also, the LED GROW LIGHT does not require a ballast and simply plugs into any standard household outlet.

The LED GROW LIGHT is manufactured using long life LED lights. These lights have a rated life of over 100,000 hours (there are 8,760 hours in a year).

The power use of the LED UFO GROW LIGHT is approximately 90 watts each.

LEDs are nearly 100% efficient at plant growth! This is 10 times the efficiency of a Sodium or Halide light!

Benefits include:

* Greatly reduced power consumption (uses only 90 watts!)
* Less Heat Generated (very little heat, and what little heat it does generate is dissipated by the three built-in fans)
* Ideal for all phases of plant growth, has both Red/Blue LEDs for complete lighting spectrum.
* Plugs into a standard household outlet
* Extremely long life - 80,000+ hours (one year is 8,760 hours)

10.5" diameter and 2.5" deep

Uses only 90 watts but has the output equal to a 400 watt High Pressure Sodium System!




3 Built-In Cooling Fans

80,000 hour life expectancy

The LED UFO comes with it's own 6' Grounded Power Cord!

The LED UFO is the most revolutionary plant lighting product since the invention of the High Intensity Discharge (H.I.D.) lamp and ballast. Consuming only 90 watts of power and producing virtually no heat, the LED UFO boasts light intensity and growth rates exceeding that of a 400W HPS.

The concept behind the LED UFO is simple – it uses highly efficient 1 watt LED’s, uses only the exact spectrums required for photosynthesis, and uses wide angle directional bulbs. The 1 watt LED is one of the most efficient light sources in the world (lumens per watt). By using only the spectrums required for plant growth, no light is wasted generating spectrums of light that do nothing for a plants growth – such as green light. Also the directional LED’s ensure 100% of the light is pointed downwards – they do not rely upon reflective materials to direct the light.

The LED UFO is much more powerful than other LED grow light available (90 watts compared to 13 watts). It can be used by itself for all cycles of plant growth (covers approximately 9 square feet or a 3'x3' area, same as a 400w HPS system). It can also be combined with fluorescent, H.I.D. (HPS,MH) lighting as well. It's perfect for indoor growers who want a low heat/high output system that uses very little electricity. L.E.D.'s are the future of grow lights available today!

Light Emitting Diode (L.E.D.) technology is the absolute newest technology in plant growth! These lights represent the cutting edge of horticultural lighting. LED lights are currently being used by NASA for growing plants in outer space!

The (Panel) model: rated life of over 100,000 hours (there are 8,760 hours in a year).

"Thats a long lasting light" - Great side lighting for a tight area it would seem, clones also, may look into for the future.


New member
I own one, having bought it a couple of months ago. You can find a link on the manufacturer's website which links to their consumer site so you can buy online. The retail is called Grow Revolution.

I picked it after a fair bit of research and am very happy with it so far as it stands-up to its hype, is solidly and professionally made. My first grow would confirm that it is the same as a 600 watt HPS unlike a lot of the silly products out there with inflated claims. It is expensive at $1395, but actually works and given the power and heat savings will payback in one or two years depending on how much you pay for your electricity.


New member
Sorry that last post was referring to a previous post asking about LED lights from a company called Theoreme Innovation that makes a light called the TI Smartlamp - I forgot to quote the previous message to make it clear what I was talking about.

There is also a good hobbyist site that tests the various LED lights out there for those interested in some more objective testing which is called greenpinelane.


stinkfinger said:
Here is a great idea. Spend months if not years of your life planning a cannabis grow.Then go out and purchase some "new-age" LEDs for your grow.(instead of buying HIDs) Get your set-up put together and running. Now spend the next couple months risking your personal freedom for something your extremely passionate about. Next harvest your pathetic crop that did not recieve proper lumens or wavelengths. LED lights are a marketing SCAM, shame on Hightimes magazine for writing those bullshi t articles on LEDS. And fuc k everyone else here trying to mislead newb growers for a personal gain. There is a side by side grow on these forums that shows that stupid ass UFO LED(that suppoisvly puts out the same lumens as a 600w hps)compared to a actual 400wHPS. Uh yeah the 400wHPS blew that piece of junk out of the water! The UFO LED(equal to 600wHPS as advertised) produces less than a 400wHPS in reality.(thats where i live!) Lets make this easy... LED = POS

heres another great idea. blindly march down the same path forever and dont try anything new. then when HPS streetlight contracts dry-up, the companies making them switch to LEDs(cause thats where the money is), youll be left out in the cold trying to figure it all out. LED lights are the future whether you or anyone else likes it or not. municipalities worldwide are replacing their HIDs with LEDs, there simply isnt enough grower market to keep most hid companies alive once this takes full hold. I will agree there are some lofty claims out there but some of them do work(well IMO).

BTW UFO=65W output=crap. and that grow that everyone refers to was terrible. the guy had the light buried in the plant, no lst for an obviously stretchy strain and the coup-de-gras was the water pump was turned off after the hps was culled...comparison my ass.

then you can buy from me as ill have lots of super potent LED grown bud for decades to come.
db :joint:


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
glad to hear about the ti-smartlamp. its price tag is a bit steep but if it actually does what it says and also LASTS it would pay for itself in time...

i am thinking about grabbin one and putting it in a homebox xl


I just really looked at the title of this thread and I still dont understand the sometimes bitter distaste and hate people have for the experimenting of new ways to grow(not saying the thread OP, i think his motive was to start discussion). I would think that a grower with room to try and some cash from being a grower, would love the opportunity to experiment with something new. its not just buy light A...put in room B...harvest room C. which im not saying is wrong or anything but to be able to work with and control every aspect of the plants growth, maybe learn new electronics skills,or just to do something no one ever has, was worth the risk to me.

I understand peoples yield concerns but if the arrays I have which most agree are about 85% at spectrum and IMO have near enough power to compensate to create a decent yield. thing is they came out at the end of last year and advancements in output power @ the right nm are are being made monthly, so i really dont feel were that far off.


db :joint:
I remember someone mentioning this in another LED thread and it's a great idea if they could make it. An LED rope that you could wrap around your plants or stakes.. you get the idea. Thought it was cool idea.

Also anyone ever done an HPS + LED grow? That's what I'd eventually like to supplement my 150w with down the road. Thinking one of those all red LED boards on ebay. I'm thinking with the wider band from the HPS w the more focused of the LEDs it should be even more beneficial than either alone right? Or have I been smoking too much of that LA Confidential.. :bashhead:
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ICMag Donor
been looking at these chinese knockoff ufo lights on ebay...$320 BIN. anybody else try these?

so about 90watts LED=250watts HPS, small energy savings but a start.

how many man-hours to build a decent diy rig for 2'x2' test space?


^^^According to the side by side grow 90watts LED = about 90watts CFL...actually less than what I'm getting from my CFL's as far as g/w.

Stay safe all,


ICMag Donor
if a UFO is equal to a couple of CFLs then where the hell do they get off comparing it to a freaking 600.


reddy1 said:
if a UFO is equal to a couple of CFLs then where the hell do they get off comparing it to a freaking 600.


But they need to invent something if they want to rip off inocents.

so far the only leds worth a damn are the ti smartlamps. the technology is too expensive still tho

And still it being true, it emits less than 300 micromols of photons, similar to a 250w HPS (for about 18X the cost).

how many man-hours to build a decent diy rig for 2'x2' test space?

It depends a lot of the way of driving them, and of type of LEDs used.

With a prebuilt power supply/driver (constant current) it gets about 2 h (to me), consisting in glueing LEDs to the Heatsink and soldering wires.

This is currently the only cost effective way to get a LED array. But you need to use very good LEDs if you want it work as expected (saving watts). Probably this will change in little time, but at this point there is no any comercial plug in LED lamp worthing the price.


:yeahthats They have to make outrageous claims to sucker people into buying their product....Just goes back to the old saying...If it sounds too good to be true it probably is...



Next Stop: Outer Space!
hydrorascal said:
tenfeet..... your soo dead on its nuts !!! There is no current mfg in the world who makes leds of the proper spectrums to grow with

I'm happy to prove you wrong on this one. Check this bad boy out. Also, note the listed wavelength, 420 nanometers. That's no coincidence! It's a dual LED though. Check out the spectral graph. It's even a really focused one, 15 degrees. This is like the ultimate pot LED. I am amazed people haven't discovered them yet.



magiccannabus said:
I'm happy to prove you wrong on this one. Check this bad boy out. Also, note the listed wavelength, 420 nanometers. That's no coincidence! It's a dual LED though. Check out the spectral graph. It's even a really focused one, 15 degrees. This is like the ultimate pot LED. I am amazed people haven't discovered them yet.


There is way more about a LED to be used for growing than spectrum. Not realizing this simple fact is behind most bogus LED lamps in the market.

If you look only at the emission spectrum, mixed lights (mercury vapor plus a incandescent filament acting as ballast) would be perfect for growing. But they dont work for growing because their energy efficiency is very low.

Likely, like the led you posted.

How much energy it emits of the total power burned? 5, 10, 15%? As much as 20%? How many time time it reach to be completely unuseful? 1000h at full power? Luckyly, 10000h, like a CFL?

Before recomending an "awesome" growing LED, why do you not test it? Buy it, build an array, test it, report it with pics. So we can see if it works of not, and how many yield you get for each burned using it. So we can compare perfomance with cost and decide for ourselves if it worth for growing.

Which, BTW, is what i recomend to anybody wanting to grow with LEDs:

Wait to see a grow log, and preferably two, performed by an independent grower you know before it. If you think results worth the price of the lamp, buy it.

If you are interested on a lamp, but you havent seen a grow log using it, wait to see one. Or better, ask the manufacturer a test lamp, and do the log yourself. If the lamp is so good, i believe any manufacturers would be glad to let it tested for everyone, so everybody on the forums may check it worth the price for real grows.

If you want to open new roads, build an experimental lamp and test it. Everybody is very happy to see LED's experiments. And as far as you dont expect an experimental lamp producing as a largely proved one, all is good.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
I never said it was worth the price, just that the spectrum is good. Also the measurements for LED intensity are often done relative to a specific spectrum, sort of how lumens and foot-candles are. I know this to be a relatively modern LED though from what I have heard is a very reputable source. It will be a while before I bother testing these. Just not worth my time right now. The LED definitely is for growing though.


I see 1000watt single leds in our not to distance future. Biggest i seen so far is 40watt


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Nope, not yet anyway.

Nope, not yet anyway.

Anyone know the exact spectrum for cannabis?

Ah dunno about exact.
Hmmm, I can tell you what works?

653 nm Red is center, but 660 nm. works quite well for photosynthesis and phytochrome conversion.
Plants will use 625 nm. as well, just not as efficiently.

435 - 470 nm. royal blue through blue will control internode length and flowering.

If you'd like to see what that looks like, lit up, you'll find snaps of my homebrewed lights in my profile album.

Did exactly what KNNA proposed a few posts back.
Did some research, built some lights, grew some plants.

Why bother?

Did I wanna see if application could approach what theory predicts?
For the selfless and noble advancement of our knowledge gestalt?
Cause I wear a tinfoil hat and have a masochistic bent?

Oh hell no!
None of the above.
The real reason is simple and pragmatic.
Here on da Island we pay 54 cents per KWH.:yoinks:
Hadda learn to yield more with less, ya?

Yours in frugality
Wee Zard