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Who Grows SFV OG Kush In Soil?


I have had a SFV OG Kush clone for over 6 months now. I've been growing cannabis for many years but have never found anything so difficult to grow.

I brought this awesome clone home after getting it from a good friend, his nick is Chili here at IC Mag. He does a great job with the SFV OG but grows her in RW, I'm a soil grower all the way.....

Anyway I re-potted the SFV OG into soil. I've put plants started in RW before into soil and never had any problems. This time all hell broke loose. The SFV OG clone started turning yellow then brown. I've always considered myself to have a very green thumb until I met this girl.

Since she was brought home I've made 1 clone from the original clone. At first the second clone was doing ok then I fed her and she started acting the same way.

I use a soil mix of 1 part FFOF, 1 part Pro Mix, 1 part worm castings, 3 parts perlite, 1/2 part light warrior. All of my other plants love this soil mix but the SFV OG seems to hate it. I'm also not experienced with growing any other OG Kush's...

I'm at my wits end with this clone but want to make good with her. I've read to give her 300 ppm then I've read she likes 1000 ppm.

I've tried keeping her very dry with a soil PH of about 6.5 and watering with 300 ppm nutes and 1000 ppm nutes and still no good results, she just looks like she wants to die.

Any suggestions as to soil PH, soil mix, nutes etc would be greatly appreciated. I really want to revive this awesome clone before it's too late....


ICMag Donor
Sounds root bound generically. In that soil mix, if a small plant, it shouldn't need ANY additional food for at least a couple weeks while she is rooting...you could just be over feeding her and burning the leaves. Know that your OG's are going to use large amounts of cal/mg and show those depletions with ease and it can get bad fast...

I'd start by replanting in fresh soil and letting her adapt to it. Crazy Composer has an excellent thread detailing his soil plants and documents SFV in the thread...

Hope this helps a bit. Welcome to posting again!





just don't molest my colas..
Okay, OG is particularly difficult to grow period. All the way around. Probably why it commands the highest dollar. Chili is my buddy, and I couldn't get my sfv from him to root, nor the sfv I got from another friend. I did get the other must have OG to root, the ghost, but it is finicky, hard to clone and tough to control in soil. Light feedings all the way, once it grabs hold it should grow like a vine.

Here is CC's thread... https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=152752
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Thanks dank.Frank. Yes I generally give my plants straight water for first couple weeks or more in that mix. Was giving the 2nd sfv clone straight water for a longer duration and as soon as she got any nutes at all she started acting funny.

Sounds like I may need to add more calmag to the sfv nutes. I rarely use it in veg as I rarely have any problems at all with my other plants. I mix well water to my ro water to bring the ppm up a to about 150-200 then add nutes. I think adding a little well water provides enough minerals to prevent probs with my other plants but it's beyond obvious that this clone requires special attention.

Thanks for your advice and for pointing me to a good thread, sounds perfect. Can't wait to get this problem solved and grow a nice stash of SFV OG.


Active member
i usually feed my OG real low nutes in veg...in flower first month i hover it around 5-800 and i might hit 1000 in late flower. i get good quality but im gonna push the nutes higher and higher every round because i think i can get better yield...


Senior Member
i don't have sfv but i have an s1 of it, very similar, and i can tell you she wants the least nutes of all strains ive tried, i use 1/4 strength maxi bloom for the whole grow, sometimes bumping up to half a scoop if it needs it but it generally doesn't...


Thanks for all the help guys. I read CC's organic SFV thread and I think I'm going to do something similar.

I like to underfeed or at least use far less nutes than most manufacturers recommend on all my plants. My main soil mix is a tad rich which allows me to get away with feeding less also.

I'm going to make a special mix for my SFV clone. Will probably be something like 4 parts pro mix, 1 part worm castings, 1 part light warrior, 4 parts pea sized perlite and 1 part large chunk perlite (nickle - dime size).

I was using organic guano's last winter and got excellent results with my other plants, just the brand I was using liked to settle out very fast. Makes it extremely difficult to keep it evenly mixed while feeding plants.

I don't think the sfv clone cares much for fox farm grow big so I do have some guano until I get something else. Guess I'll just have to mix it good, shouldn't be a big problem for only 2 plants.

I don't think my soil is the biggest problem, I think it's the nutes. I was inspecting her this morning and she just looks like she needs to be fed in a bad way. I think I have just been starving her. She reacted badly to the grow big and i just started feeding her straight water thinking I was over feeding.

I also think that when she was in RW and soil at the same time it was causing a PH issue on this sensitive plant.

I have 2 plants going now and there is no RW in the soil. Going to re-pot into the new soil, feed organic nutes and see what happens....

I'll try and take pics but it's pretty embarrassing right now lol.


I run several og's. 2 words: High maintenence. Just when you think you've got them dialed they make sure you know who's in charge.

I would keep your ppms under 751 through out flower. The blackwater falls over after just 1 over feeding and she never gets back up. No yellowing or browning she just lst's herself when ever she gets pissed.

They are all worth it if you have the time to give them the care they require.


I'm growing a sfv clone that I got from friend. Brought it home put it in soil, foxfarm ocean forest and added more prelite. Never had a problem with her at all, she's in about 22 days on 12/12 and I'm feeding her tigerbloom and calmag and she seem to want more eachtime. Hope u figure out what's wrong with yours because sfv og is some fine smoke.


Just re-potted her in the new soil mix and gave her some water. Mixed organic nutes but will have to wait til tomorrow to use 'em. Going to the grow supply today maybe I can find a guano that's a little more soluble like the one CC uses.

I need to get my tds meter out....


ICMag Donor
I had to kick up my temps a little for cloning/veg zone and noticed more rooting. She can be a pain sometimes but take a deep breath and dont over think your approach, yes to the cal.mag and lower(yup that low) strength feedings.good luck! NS


Active member
yea its cold out get a heating mat under there she will pop roots....my SFV does take a little longer than the others but i usually pop roots in 2 weeks with her all the time....shes a real slow vegger she grows real viney so you gotta top her 3-4 times in the first few weeks. once she hits a month of veg she just takes off and in flower she will stretch like crazy...


The SFV OG plants are starting to green up a little and the new clone is looking way better. Got the TDS meter out and made up some bat guano nutes at 400 ppm. She seems to like that way better than FF Grow Big. Can't wait to get some SFV OG in the flower room. Thanks again for all the help folks!


Can't believe how fast this plant took to the slight soil change and bat guano. Now I know what she is really supposed to look like. The new growth is far more vigorous and green than before. On my way to a SFV OG grow!


just don't molest my colas..
Great to hear. Keep it light and don't forget to dose her with calmag the first couple weeks of flowering.
Hey Drythroat, heres a tip somebody else here gave me: use a little coffee bean grinder on the guano. It will powder/micronize the shit and the uptake will be much quicker. I grind up guano and kelp meal together and my kushes love it.


I put half a bag of guano in a gallon jug and filled it with water. Then I add enough of the "liquified guano" to bring the ppm to the desired level. Basically use it as a concentrate, then dilute it as needed. Has been working great on the SFV OG clone.

You have to make sure to almost constantly mix the nute jug before adding the nute water to your watering container. The guano settles out quickly and if not diligent the last plant or 2 could get over nuted.

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