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Who else is sick and freaking tired of Skunk taint!?

I havent smoked many different skunks so im not an expert on the strain, but i do smoke a lot of weed and I have an old timer buddy with a Sweet skunk mother that he got from somebody in canada that will knock your dick in the dirt day after day after day.

After seeing this thread i twisted a big one up to see if it was boring and i thought to myself " im not sure what the hell theyre smoking but it aint this shit here".

that's what i'm talking about, if you don't like it don't smoke it!

good drown

what i dont get, id you say you medicate 24/7, but yet skunk still turns your head into pudding. i wish i could get like that again without taking a break. damn bho!


New member
you guys keep talking about skunk.. hehe...
What is Skunk? alot of people have different opinions about that...
some people says its cuzz of the smell.. some say its all indoor growed...
skunk is a WIDE term.. used for alot of things.

it doesnt have to be skunk just cuss the strain is named skunk Oo its just a name that the breeder gave it..
and what is skunk for him?? its not the same for all breeders...
and if u just knew a little about cannabis genetics then u would know that if u cross a "skunk" plant with another plant then doesnt it mean that the strain that come out of it has any dominant genes from the skunk plant... a cannabis plant have 20 kromosones... each parrent gives 10 kromosones... well im not here to tell u about genetics xD


can mark me down as someone who loves skunk and is not 'tired' of skunk... Thanks Sams for bringing us such a great strain... If you dislike skunk I suggest staying away from Afghanis as well... Anyways hopefully you find something that makes you happy man.

Skunk is unless tagged with number 1 or another number a strain that smells like 'skunk'. Skunk 1 is a strain created by combining 2 sativas and a afghani. Commonly skunk1 is crossed back to afghani to make it more 'skunky'. Skunk 1 is not the same these days seemingly much more fruity/sweet imho. All this infact is my opinion and just what Ive come to believe through the research I have done.

I for one would love for Sams to release 1 or any of the others he has. I know that the old stock was much better than the modern offerings of skunk1. I grew some DP skunk1 that was from the late 90s and one of the phenos was just plain awesome. Was before I knew how to clone and only wish I had took a cutting.
The haters of skunk don't grow well enough to see its true colours..

cmoooon its not that black or white, different strokes for different folks, otherwise there'd be 1 seedbank and 1 strain. I personally like skunk, but am shit sick of hearing everything being described as skunk by the media.


personally i think your making too general of a statement.. i just sayin that beacuse there are many different types of skunk that have a wide variety of affects.. in basic terms skunk is just any indica sativa cross.. there are plenty of different skunk strains floating around out there though.. skunk # 1 has been used A LOT in breeding as it is the original skunk and has been around for quite some time.. i doubt thats the one that has been making you feel that way though.. i smoke plenty of skunk #1 and it has quite the energetic kick to it.. by no means a mind dumber.. there are also plenty of california skunk strains that have been around forever and are often used for breeding.. personally i find that afghan crosses are the ones that make me feel dumb and burn me out.. perhaps thats what it is and not skunk.. but everyones body is different so who knows.. what may wake me up may put you out ya dig..


Active member
You puff 24/7 & blame the Skunk? lol Moderation & Variety is the key! ;)

No... I don't puff skunk 24/7. It turns my head to tapioca pudding, remember? Duh.

I puff 24/7 and my head is NOT pudding.... as long as I stay away from Indicas and strains that are crossed with SKUNK. Skunk seems to be the worst and yeah.... afghani is the culprit.

The reason it's such a big issue is that a good 70% or more of the strains out there.... have been crossed with skunk. You can hardly pick up a strain anymore without having some skunk in it.... pathetic.

If your head rocks with skunk.... that's great. I've seen way too many people that it doesn't though and you guys are definitely in the minority.

If you like skunk... you don't have to read this thread either. :D

Stay Safe! :tree:


Gene Mangler
OK, I'm onboard with Indicas. ;)

I just grew out 12 F phenos of Shit & SpaceCheeze & can tell you that they are all over the place in terms of effect.
The 1 SC I'm re-running is one of the most up & enjoyable day smokes I've ever had.
The stinkiest of the Shit phenos is a down n outer, didn't care for it at all, while a more Indica leaning runt (fruit/floral/skunk) is kind of a fun one, in a fk'd up rollercoaster kinda way. I've nic'd her "Sqwirly Shit" for the time being... :D

Every strain & phenotype within is different, ya gotta go huntin...

Good luck


ICMag Donor
the Dutch select for very few traits using tiny population numbers,,thats not cool imo,,,,over time and sucsessive generations ,we would lose everything if we all started breeding like the dutch ,,
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Active member
Self Medicating 24/7 huh? And you don't think the reason your head is pudding might be because you don't sleep ?? Next the evil skunk will be raping your sister and catching computer viruses at sketchy porn sites.


Active member
Since you know those of us that like skunk are in the minority why not add a poll...

Because there's a HUGE difference between the number of people that LIKE skunk... and the number of people that actually function PROPERLY on skunk.

Tons of burn-outs LOVE skunk. *shrug* So what? They're mainly useless. :thank you:

Give them a REAL sativa and suddenly that burn-out becomes a useful person again... with a working brain(If there's one there to use.)

Sure.. it's just my opinion... based on what I've experienced and witnessed in others.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
Haze in the morning, skunk in the evening... It's just about knowing your medicine.


Because there's a HUGE difference between the number of people that LIKE skunk... and the number of people that actually function PROPERLY on skunk.

Tons of burn-outs LOVE skunk. *shrug* So what? They're mainly useless. :thank you:

Give them a REAL sativa and suddenly that burn-out becomes a useful person again... with a working brain(If there's one there to use.)

Sure.. it's just my opinion... based on what I've experienced and witnessed in others.

Stay Safe! :tree:

So let me get this straight. Because you cant function on a plant you somehow assume a majority cant. Then you go on to presume that 'tons of burn-outs' like skunk but thats meaningless because they are useless..

Your opinion is just that. Its based on your perception and your reality. Fortunately its not my reality and my perception is quite different.

So you are going to tell me what functioning 'properly' is what a fucking joke.... You know sometimes I just want to get hammered other times I smoke something up and get my ass to work... Niether makes me a 'burn out'.


ICMag Donor
any change in the overall Ratio of active chemicals will have massive effect on the subjective effect,,,,,

skunk defo burns me out!!,,,,,,,,give me a sativa and i can stay up all night and every splif wakes me up like a coffee


Gene Mangler
C'mon guys...

We just "don't have a finely tuned enough brain to notice the difference."
