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Who do you trust?


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.

dont trust anyone


Active member
I am a very open person and I give most anyone the benefit of the doubt because in my life I've gained more than I have lost to trusting people.

That's not to say I've not been screwed by people I've trusted...I think those incidents just reinforced the fact that I need to watch all aspects of every situation.

My father was a very easy going dude, by no means a control freak but, at the same time, he was often in control of every aspect of his life...not because he didn't trust people, but because he wanted it done the way he wanted it done....he would tell me if you want it done right then you have to do it yourself.

sometimes you have to put all your eggs in one basket and take a chance, if it feels right to you then it typically is indeed right.

if you have a bad feeling no matter how seemingly foolproof it may be, you should go with your gut.

someone said not to trust anyone with less than you to lose and that is a pretty good rule of thumb...

Alot of situations in life take more than one person to carry the task out appropriately.

You need to know where your weak links are.

Honesty and trust go hand in hand.

If someone can be honest about their faults you should be able to trust them while keeping an eye out and preparing to deal with their weak points.

Trust is earned, blind faith is given away....to blindly except what someone says or does is selling yourself short and ultimately you will be to blame for not sealing up your situation.

I know people who have run as a one man wolf pack their entire lives....never trusting anyone, no close friends, no business associates, no girlfriends, no telling conversations, etc......and they still got screwed. If you don't trust anyone it doesn't mean they can't still track shit onto your floor from their feet it just means they are exploiting a flaw in your security.

just like the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure....if you cover all your bases in the security aspect of your life then you should have no problem placing trust in people, just trust with limitations.

kindness doesn't mean weakness.


weed fiend
Trust is like respect. You can command it, not demand it. Trust is cultivated over time. If you don't have anybody on your "list", don't force the issue. This is a business that is best run alone. Any partnerships you read about on this sight weren't cultivated like typical business relationships. They're usually life long friends and more than a few have troubles.

If you must have an individual to work with you, consider keeping it on a very limited basis. You might talk somebody into having seeds delivered to their address but you don't have to make them a full partner.


DiscoB -i don't really see a difference between command and demand. as far as trust being similar to respect i understand if you meant they are both earned.

bluebublelove great post. the point you make about weak links and how alot of situations in life take more than one person to carry the task out appropriately, i feel like this is part of the problem. i feel like this might deal with reliance more than trust issues though.

Most of us rely on one another in every way imaginable in our daily tasks. although it is indirect we depend on these people, we rely on them to complete their portion of the task that will allow us to do what we want to do however there is no direct relationship of trust created. Since trust is not created it can not be decieved or broken, which i think deals with the OP's original thought.

sometimes you must cover your bases by not trusting people. i have seen many people fail when it comes to trust issues. maybe its my pesstimistic point of view but that is part of my defense. and it IS all about honesty, being honest that you can't be trusted is what you may call the flaw. i wouldn't but some would.
i feel like kindness can be given without trust. it may not be the most honest kindness full of hugs and love but its a respect kindness, kind of like you saying trust with limitations, its just enough kindness to satisfy but nothing above and beyond.

My father was messed up from drug and alcohol abuse. a true paranoid schizophrenic and no doubt his dominance in raising me weighs heavy on my perceptions and behaviorial differences, such as trust issues. but i also feel that it pushed me to overcome many other influences that could have destroyed my life, such as putting myself in high risk situations that were from my gut.


weed fiend
DiscoB -i don't really see a difference between command and demand. as far as trust being similar to respect i understand if you meant they are both earned.

"Command" (not in military sense) has more to do with command of self. Demand is self explanatory, you can only try this on those you consider subordinate. More often than not, subordinates don't play that chit either.


Tropical Outcast
Trusting people?

Let's put it this way:

The older I get the less people I trust.

I go by this more and more:



People trust according to usually how they were raised in my opinion. Sometimes people have a F'ed up sense of trust and some have a good sense of trust. Just like everything in life, theres a little of everything.

I'm old school. I only trust Family and the same 5 friends I've had for 10+ years. All of which are also Family friends so they are basically Family as well.