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Who do you trust?


Personally I'm completely through with trusting people, I mean in the context of real shit that can fuck your life over. I wouldn't want anyone to know that I smoke, but that's kind of down the scale in severity. If I were growing though or selling or something, I wouldn't tell anyone. I wouldn't tell anyone anything that would potentially get me into some shit.

I've been around for busts before and I see what happens when people get threatened. People get really vicious and they will fuck you and not care. Really I think it would be a great idea if you were a grower to just stage a bust just so you could find out how certain people would react.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If you stage a bust and then your not in jail, and people think your out, they will think you ratted. you might get shot. dont fake that shit.


not including myself.....two people. and neither are my parents.

judge of character is difficult for most people. I hear people talk about how they are good at judging people and reading character but i believe most are not and feel like that they are decieving themselves and creating a character flaw by doing so. Sounds hypocritical and it probably is but i've spent the majority of my life studying social behaviorism.


Really I think it would be a great idea if you were a grower to just stage a bust just so you could find out how certain people would react.

well, if this is how you truly feel it gives me some insight to what kind of person you are....someone who can't be trusted. Keep your own company, eh?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I saw a video of a "Fake grow" that they leaked just to have the live video feed show the cops not having probable cause. Where is the video.....

funny for sure BUT not worth playing around with unless you have the money to play that game


pure dynamite
Regarding weed I trust no one.
Regarding other aspects of my life I might trust some really close persons. :2cents:


not including myself.....two people. and neither are my parents.

judge of character is difficult for most people. I hear people talk about how they are good at judging people and reading character but i believe most are not and feel like that they are decieving themselves and creating a character flaw by doing so. Sounds hypocritical and it probably is but i've spent the majority of my life studying social behaviorism.

I completely agree some of the worst mistakes I've made were with people who were really good friends with me but i only knew them for like 6 months. Then all the sudden some serious shit happens and you see what they're really like. It's all about sample size You need a lot of iterations of serious shit before you really know someone.

That quote from fight club along the lines of "you do not truly know some one until you fight them" is kind of the right way of thinking about it in that you don't know how valuable your relationship is with another person in the eyes of that other other person until that other person is forced to directly measure the value of your relationship against some other real value he has like FREEDOM - in the case of a bust.

That's why I suggested that it would be cool just to see how your "friends" react in the case of a staged bust. I wouldn't seriously going to do that lol, I'm just trying to show how the information you gain from shit like that (REAL iterations) is so important to find out before you give somebody your trust. This one guy i knew for ~6 months then bam one day he gets taken down in a big way and i just saw the fear in his eyes and he was squeeling and shit. And i never would have known otherwise

well, if this is how you truly feel it gives me some insight to what kind of person you are....someone who can't be trusted. Keep your own company, eh?


wtf is this shit about how IM the one not to be trusted LOL

i wouldn't trust you either bros, but that doesn't mean that I don't RESPECT you by default. Sure I'm not trusting and that is just good practice. how the fck does that make me the one who is dishonest BUT YOU ARENT lol what the fuck ever


sometimes you need a partner, its alot of work
and sometimes it doesnt work out that way, not telling anyone.

when someone finds out, you have two choices...


I sure wouldn't think about staging a fake raid to see who does what. That's fucked up for so many reasons and could go very wrong.


dude i was just making a point i wasn't serious but i AM serious about how valuable learning information like that IS before you bestow your trust in someone else


i guess this just goes to show how important it is to put "LOL" or some kind of emoticon after a sentence on the internet so people are sure you aren't serious


Chill ICMag1 , Noboby likes a grass .
I don't trust myself . But i'm not going to grass me up .


dude i was just making a point i wasn't serious but i AM serious about how valuable learning information like that IS before you bestow your trust in someone else

okay. it was just an example. i agree that it can take many certain type of situations to occur before ones "true" self to be revealed. i wouldn't expect you to trust me nor respect me so its cool.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i read through this whole thread and i have no idea what points are being made or are trying to be made...


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