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Who Cracks Seeds in H2O Before Soil Grow?


Cannabis 101
Good seeds when place in a cup of water will sink after soaking enough water usually (24hrs) sometimes sooner but it can take longer for others.... with a little help of tapping them down or swerling the cup so all seeds that are viable sink to the bottom of coarse....soon after they should crack :) and ready to plant in any medium you like best.
I like to germinate my seeds in a cup of distilled water about 1/4 full and a tad of tap water to give them a bit of chlorine so no fungus stops them from growing....
I think this is a method i read in a soma book years ago.. never looked back since.

I've planted seeds that took longer to germinate 7 days+ from when I placed it in the cup of water with no problem...Some germinate faster than others.. and those are usually the ones I like the best ;) I plant them when I see the smallest crack on asap...
I have probably grown over 100 seed packs from this site doing it this way...


Soul Feeder
Every one his method, when you hit high germ rates you dont need to change.
I used to soak then i simply thought on the fact that in nature things work without too much fuss. So now i skip the soaking and go directly from fridge to dirt without any issue.
Also i like to garden by the moon, this seriously boosts germ rate and speed.




Active member
Thanks all! I'm planning to plant them tonight, so that's 24 hours. After 14 hours no cracked hulls yet. Worst case, I'll plant the sinkers, keep soaking the floaters
everyone has their method of germing.
I put them in a shot glass of water and fulvic acid and soak them for approx. 24hrs them plant into soil @77 degrees cover with humidity domes and in 2-4 days they will poke their little heads up.
I just did this with 40 seeds of various strains and in two days 32 of the 40 have popped their heads above soil.

Good luck..


Active member
Another humidity dome user. I can see the advantage to the seeds at that tender age as long as the risk of damping off isn't too great. I use a plastic tote as an incubator so the air in there is quite humid. Less of a seal than a humidity dome, but not at all like having an open top. I'll have to watch it closely


once again.. skip the dome.
Yes we all have our ways.. Doesn't mean they are right.. and when you loose that 1 20$ seed.. there is no saying that it is a result of viability.... When i do it the way I learned.. I can blame the seed with about 90% certainty.
Just cause you hit high germ rate DOESN'T mean you shouldn't change.. things can always get better.

Ever heard of transplant shock? Dont you guys think TRANSPLANTING from paper towel to dirt is seriously SHOCKING to a barely sprouted seed?

oh and btw.. i used to do the paper towel method, then i did just soaking.. and i left some seeds soaking for days on end (maybe it was a week + even and they still sprouted.)

I wish I could stop arguing about germination, but it's just so basic, and i feel like many people are misleading you rrog. Treat MJ like any veggie seed.. infact MJ is so much hardier than many veggies, that we dont need to take all these "preventative" measure that you guys are using. Hope i am not getting on peoples nerves too much.

oh.. p.s. how the hell do i change my avatar?!? it keeps telling me invalid file.. it was a jpg.. 12 KB and 100x96.. met all parameters as far as i can tell.

edit: what is 2 day germ vs. 3 day germ in a 4 month+ cycle... fuck it.. it probably makes up for the day in shock when you stop babying your shits.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
As a general rule of thumb the smaller the plant the smaller the shock.

In nature seeds will be blown around and abused before the root actually gets a firm grip in the soil.

Sometimes a high germ rate has more to do with age than germination method... just food for thought, you keep doing what works for you.

The server has been undergoing some updates... that's probably why your avatar can't be changed yet.


Active member
I planted in Promix after 24 hours in 70F water. All sunk, some cracked. I would have liked to have seen all crack but I didn't want to leave underwater any longer. So far, so good.

mad librettist

Active member
Who Cracks Seeds in H2O Before Soil Grow?

As a general rule of thumb the smaller the plant the smaller the shock.

In nature seeds will be blown around and abused before the root actually gets a firm grip in the soil.

Sometimes a high germ rate has more to do with age than germination method... just food for thought, you keep doing what works for you.

The server has been undergoing some updates... that's probably why your avatar can't be changed yet.

no, that's not right. only surface germinating seed would be exposed. a seed like cannabis has a shape that works its way down with the weather.

mad librettist

Active member
Who Cracks Seeds in H2O Before Soil Grow?

while we are talking nature...

in nature, plants often make a small number of extra hard seeds. these seeds are meant to resist germination for a year, in case there is some disaster that wipes out all the progeny of a given year.

people who make sprouts for food notice these seeds.

if you don't scarify/stratify one of these seeds, it won't pop. then, way down the road, you get a seedling out of nowhere.


Living with the soil
I used to pick Mexican seeds out of brickweed and just toss them out the window from my smoking chair. Came home one day and saw about a dozen 3 foot plants under that window in front of the house.
Have also thrown seeds in house plants for ages that were not buried or anything. These seeds seem to pop fast just on the surface of the pots...probably because of warmer inside temps.

mad librettist

Active member
I used to pick Mexican seeds out of brickweed and just toss them out the window from my smoking chair. Came home one day and saw about a dozen 3 foot plants under that window in front of the house.
Have also thrown seeds in house plants for ages that were not buried or anything. These seeds seem to pop fast just on the surface of the pots...probably because of warmer inside temps.

don't get me wrong, it can happen, but the seed shape is meant to work its way down. If you look at the seeds of rucola sylvestris or oregano for contrast, they don't have the teardrop shape. Those seeds can't germinate without light, and are meant to germ at the surface.

For optimal results, you should sow the seed 3 times as deep as it is long (I think). I just drop them on soil and cover with compost.


Living with the soil
I'm just sayin' to the good peeps that planting seeds is so freakin' simple...there's really no need to take on the act like it's brain surgery.

I've seen cannabis plants in the late 70's (which were scraggly looking sativa dom plants out of seeds from the imports at the time) make seed and drop that seed under the parent plants that popped up with no human intervention at all in one growing season.

I agree that some plants which drop their seeds and are covered up by leaf debris,etc. evolved to favor that kind of germination after a winter season and such.

mad librettist

Active member
I may be wrong but so far sativa seeds seem to be much smaller than strong indica dom seeds. the mazar I had was huge seeds, the skunk x haze seeds were tiny, etc...


Living with the soil
I may be wrong but so far sativa seeds seem to be much smaller than strong indica dom seeds. the mazar I had was huge seeds, the skunk x haze seeds were tiny, etc...
Generally yes. I've got some Kali Mist seeds that seem absurdly small compared to some Island Sweet Skunk seeds which are at least 3 times as large.
No doubt the hardy Indica's of the mountainous regions had evolved to handle the stresses of cold winters and other environmental factors of the region....I'm still pretty sure those cats don't "scarify" the seeds. Never had an opportunity to ask someone who grew in Afghanistan. Send 'em an e-mail... War lord and tribal farmers forum...lol

mad librettist

Active member
no they probably don't scarify, but they aren't out 10 bucks when a nut doesn't crack

i just eat the ten bucks but if I scarified I would get closer to 100% i think


Living with the soil
no they probably don't scarify, but they aren't out 10 bucks when a nut doesn't crack

i just eat the ten bucks but if I scarified I would get closer to 100% i think
Of course I understand that seeds are expensive for some folks and they just want to do anything and everything they can to get those high $$ beans to grow.
Imagine what 10 bucks could get you over there.....50 lbs of seed?


I may be wrong but so far sativa seeds seem to be much smaller than strong indica dom seeds. the mazar I had was huge seeds, the skunk x haze seeds were tiny, etc...

My sour bubble seeds are very large.. (and not particularly pretty)

the mystery mix freebies (which i believe are haze crosses and stuff) are almost half the size. same with 2 other female seeds freebies (purp maroc, and fast nevilles).. both small.

scarifying is prep work that i can understand doing.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I agree it's better to plant the seeds, but in Morocco they just get them wet and step them into the ground...

Don't tell them it's not right, they've been doing it for generations.


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