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4000w soil show, Step right up!!!


WEllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... The plan: To Give you a glimpse into my garden for a cycle while a finish off my stagered harvest and run the entire 4000w with CO2. This room has been setup for a few harvest and is somewhat dialed in so i dont have any pics of the build but its just a room so nothing special!!!!

The Room:
240V 30amp powerboard
4 x 1000w remote ss ballasts (3hps and 1 MH All about to get replaced by brand new HPS)
4 x 8in XL cool sun hoods
8in vortex (for the lights)
6in vortex for the Scrubber
6in Ecoplus 5 foot Crobons scrubber ( about to get replaced)
40Pint dehumidifier
Sentinel Environmental Controller

5 x 5 Hydrohut 600w MH
6 Bulb T5

The mix
Promix, FFOF, Chunky Perlite, EC, LW

Botanicare Line(Veg, Bloom for soil, Cal-mg, LK, Swt) plus Im running a test on Hydroplex and PureFlowers. I also Foliar feed with Thrive AliveB1 in Veg and supplement with Superthrive. As far as that goes i dont have the 50 diff. things in my cocktail just like to keep it simple but make sure everything is covered.Im always open for suggestions which is one of the reason i am starting this thread to get nit picked for ideas really.

The strain:
The Rhino!!! Im running a straing i like to call "The Rhino". It was gifted from a friend and i dont truley know the lineage of it. Im not really concerned with discerning where it came from i just know its AWESOME. Great Yield, Looks/ bag apeal, STONE everything.(IMO, of course. Basically when its as hard to get strains as it is for me this was like hitting the jackpot so im satisfied as well as millions of other young woman across the world who have encountered the Rhino!!! haha sorry im stoned!!

But anyways im gonna post a few pics and see how yall like em. When i can get some good shots ill post more. Still trying to figure out the Setting on my camera. Actually does anyone know what setting to use on my camera like aperatire, ISO, and Shutter speedwise to be specific that would be cool????!! Actually I have pics but it says the file size is too big. I just got a new camera so its prob cause i took them in the best quality format?? IF anyone knows ill post some after i figure that out!!!

p.s. Oh yea i am pulling about 2.75lbs/ 2000 watts. Not great but im not complaining at the same time. I think my GPW is around .67. I am planning on implementing CO2 after i finish this last table since its not smart to have a staggered with CO2.. ENJOY AND PEACE!!!



A few pics to get the ball rolling!!! 4000w soil show.

A few pics to get the ball rolling!!! 4000w soil show.

Momma`s ( 15 gal is The rhino mom who just got 50 chopped off her for) And the other is a cut i was gifted

My sentinel Total controller

And a few close ups of The Rhino ( honestly these pics dont look that great. Also, this run for some reason the buds look rather small and im not sure im gonna hit 2.75 on this table. Albeit we thought everytime we were veggin them longer find the perfect size for 3 gals.

And last but of course not least a whole room shot. Enjoy



Im in for the show.

I have a couple quistions, i am planning on doing a similar grow. What size pots are you using threw harvest?

What size tables are you doing?

How long are you vegging from clone ?


Im in for the show.

I have a couple quistions, i am planning on doing a similar grow. What size pots are you using threw harvest?

What size tables are you doing?

How long are you vegging from clone ?

I started this grow with 5 gallons and that is what i usually grow in. I wanted to stagger the harvest and cut back on nug size down to like 4-5 gram rocks instead of the donkey schlongs i was getting averaging around 7-12 grams. I like the 3 gallons, but i am switching back to 5`s to cut down on plant count, amount of clones necessary every month, and to make it easier on my partner who does waterings.

MY tables are 6x 4 but i am probably gonna throw in 4 4x4 before the big run just to get as much space as possible used. Honestly i am considering throwing them in 7 gals and letting them sit on the floor since it will be around march when i get that run started and the last table of 3 gals out.

Sorry i am a rambler, mostly cause of the rhino!!

thanks for the interest and questions this is my favorite thing to talk about.

Fireman :joint:


how long do you veg for? How big are the clones that you take ?
I am thinking of using 3 gallon pots topping and stripping out the lower bud site and produce 4 + tops.
What do you do


exactly that. I cut and get them into solo cups for a week and then into 3 gals for about 1 to 2 weeks. We just went through trying to figure out what was the best size. ?Thats why there is a diff between the two tables, that is noticeable. I could veg for about 2 weeks topping once maybe twice. close to what u said. lemme kno how it goes

sorry for shitty structure of post just got bit by my dog on accident


How tall are they generaly when you flower ? The reason I am asking is I will be doing very similar but starting from seed. The strain has 2 very distinct phenos out of the 100 beans I have popped. 1 that is tal and 1 that is bushy, I thinking of taking the bushy pheno and running this indoor and taking the taller pheno and putting this out door in the spring. Did you find that in 3 gallon pots these are even close to root bound ?
I am also thinking of trying. Taking clones rooting them and throwing them right in to 12/12 in 1 galon pots 4x8 tables 128 per table 2k hps hoping for 2lbs per table min.
I am open to all ideas as I am trying many new things. I think are grow styles are simillar.but you are a bit more dialed in.
I have co2 generator as well but at this point it throws of way to much heat.
I would like to run a/c but power is a major problem as my hole grow runs of generator.
I am running about 7k in lights right know aswell as fans etc.


How tall are they generaly when you flower ? The reason I am asking is I will be doing very similar but starting from seed. The strain has 2 very distinct phenos out of the 100 beans I have popped. 1 that is tal and 1 that is bushy, I thinking of taking the bushy pheno and running this indoor and taking the taller pheno and putting this out door in the spring. Did you find that in 3 gallon pots these are even close to root bound ?
I am also thinking of trying. Taking clones rooting them and throwing them right in to 12/12 in 1 galon pots 4x8 tables 128 per table 2k hps hoping for 2lbs per table min.
I am open to all ideas as I am trying many new things. I think are grow styles are simillar.but you are a bit more dialed in.
I have co2 generator as well but at this point it throws of way to much heat.
I would like to run a/c but power is a major problem as my hole grow runs of generator.
I am running about 7k in lights right know aswell as fans etc.

Sounds like a nice setup, you should get a grow diary going as well!!!! I am sure everyone would like to see your setup!!


Uhh the strain i run doesnt really have a bad stretch honestly. Probably not even close to doubling its height during flowering. So id say if i was gonna do 3 gals again i would shoot for prob 15-20 inches before flipping. Since they finish about 2-3ft tall 3 gals is plenty of soil. Id go this route if u were using the bushy one in 3 gals.

The table i just threw in looks like thy are the biggest and the best so far. Since they only veg for like 2 weeks under my 600 i dont have probs with rootbound. i pulled like 2.75 off the last table and they didnt seem to be nearly as tall. WE kind of went for taller each run to sift through the size problem, so this alst table is like 2.5ft tall 3 wks into flower. Ill gets some pics up when i can use my hand better.

Yea i hope to be running 8000w in a couple yrs when i have a house that can support the power and i wont be worried about burning the bitch down.

If you are having power issues i would look into water cooling your garden with chillers since they are much more efficient ( therefore you wont have to run as long as an ac and you use all your power for cooking instead of 3-40% like an ac uses andthe rest to run the actually ac.

I am looking into makeoer the garden after this last table which will give me abuott 7 weeks to plan. Prob run around 4500 but in the long run it`ll save money and power just a huge start up cost. You could prob get a smaller chiller since you have an ac and try and use both to cool your room down and cut down the load on your ac and fans


got whole bitten through my hand by my dog last nite so if im rambling im still recovering on pain meds

the 128


Man that sucks!! Were you playing with him or what???

Nope got in a fight with out other dog and like a moron stuc my hand in the middle trying to keep them from hurting each other

not gonna lie i cant pack bowls fast enough for the pain. Im switching between straight hash shots to the face out of the vapor bowl and volcano bags of oil and bubble

About a 2in gash in my hand



Thanks for the idea about the chiller. I looked into it and it looks like a pretty good Idea.
I think if I went that root I would buy a big one and cool all lights co2 generator but the cost of all new hoods $$$ right now I dont even have my hoods vented, I really dont have problems until the co2 kicks on. I am also redoing my rooms. I am fighting a hermie problem from femed super lemon haze total suck. I went away for a couple weeks and my lazy ass freind didnt catch the little bastards, so its a uphill battle. So I am finishing every thing I have right now, building new room from scratch still have plenty in veg so I wont be loosing to much. But it will be good to start over. i am building 2 rooms this time 11 x16
And my co2 generator will have its own room insulated and vented into my new rooms.
I will start a thread as soon as I get my new room built.

Have you ever tried Higher numbers smaller pots, like the 128 I mentioned? I have heard of guys doing like 270 lolly popped in a 4x8 area and pulling like 4.5 lbs but mostly hydro.

I am definatly switching to 3 gal pots for now until I can get my numbers were I want them.5 gal seams like more soil more water more nutes, I am hoping by cutting down to 3 gal it will save a little. Thanks for the input on this

What do you think about light movers ? have you ever tried them ?

Let me know if I am pain in the ass, I like sharing info we a have similar grows.



Thanks for the idea about the chiller. I looked into it and it looks like a pretty good Idea.
I think if I went that root I would buy a big one and cool all lights co2 generator but the cost of all new hoods $$$ right now I dont even have my hoods vented, I really dont have problems until the co2 kicks on. I am also redoing my rooms. I am fighting a hermie problem from femed super lemon haze total suck. I went away for a couple weeks and my lazy ass freind didnt catch the little bastards, so its a uphill battle. So I am finishing every thing I have right now, building new room from scratch still have plenty in veg so I wont be loosing to much. But it will be good to start over. i am building 2 rooms this time 11 x16
And my co2 generator will have its own room insulated and vented into my new rooms.
I will start a thread as soon as I get my new room built.

Have you ever tried Higher numbers smaller pots, like the 128 I mentioned? I have heard of guys doing like 270 lolly popped in a 4x8 area and pulling like 4.5 lbs but mostly hydro.

I am definatly switching to 3 gal pots for now until I can get my numbers were I want them.5 gal seams like more soil more water more nutes, I am hoping by cutting down to 3 gal it will save a little. Thanks for the input on this

What do you think about light movers ? have you ever tried them ?

Let me know if I am pain in the ass, I like sharing info we a have similar grows.


Yea grow doc does 120 or so plants from seed in a soil bed and does around that many per 2000w i believe. In pots though it would have to be hydro since trying to hand water 128 little bpots will be intense!!

Yea if you are gonna invet in new hoods i would save money on the 8" hoods and ust get 6" hoods but go with the 6 xl hoods that are thin. If you got prob a 3hp chiller you could take care of all 7000 + the Co2 gen if they were all water cooled!!! It would be pretty nice..And you would still have leeway so your chiller could cut off when its job was done which is where its efficiency comes from

Naw no worries bro but i would love to see some picstures. Words are always boring



Harvested time is here again!!!!

Harvested time is here again!!!!

Well just harvested a table and even more amazing i did it with 1 hand!!! :dance013::dance013::smokeit:

Due to the injury i cant really use one of my hands so i could only due 1 plant at a time and there was 28 in 3 gal pots finishing about 2ft tall. Took about 30 minutes with help.

My process: We let them go till about day 70 this time. Normally chopping around day 63-65. I believe this is the first run, in which we supplemented with sweet throughout the entire process..

We chopped them down about an hour before the lights came on so in darkness( except for some green lights i have in there so i dont fall on my ass).

Then, into drying room to hang on the ropes for 7 days. We usually start trimming on day 5 when they are decently dry and then hang them back up untill we get everything trimmed as to et them go the full 7 day dry. There is a an oscilating fan and an old school dehumidifier that still takes water out of the air so it does its job... AS well as 5 foot scrubber to keep our air from smelling like a gas station.

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to trim with one hand im down to listen cause there is no way im gonna be ready to trim in 7 days. Im relying on some friends who i have helped start growing coming over to help trim:prettyplease:.

Someone so needs to start a trimming business where you can just drop everything off and u pick it up trimmed and bottled!!!!

I will try and get some shot of the drying room but its nothing special except the 3lbs hanging in the middle of it!!! also hard to take pics.
