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Who controles the moon?


New member
Who controles the moon, and who desides whats going to happen up there?
Im stoned out by some awsome sativa right now and my mind is on a nice travle.
Its been a NASA documentary maraton on the screen lately and I seen the famous flag on the moon clip over and over...
So it accured, who has the legale rights on the moon?

Back in the days the european, specialy the britts, went around the world and asked the natives; Do you have a flag?
If the answer was no, the planted theire own and said:
No flag, no land. And all of a sudden, India or whatever was a british coloni. Norwegians went around and claimed lots of land in the polar regions, just by doing this first, and they also brought a flag.

As a non US citizen I just tought this was the place to hear the peoples understanding?

When NASA was on the moon with the flag is another question.
Im pretty sure NASA been there, but there is a lot of people that have other ideas. Frankly, I think both is true, NASA was there but only some years later. The moon race and the need to do it before the russians was to important to lose.

Feel free to eduqate me:smoke out:

U got a really nice place here, thanks for having me:dance013:


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
deff aliens control the moon.... have u not seen the towers? and the base on the dark side of the moon?

I think crashing space probes into the moon to find water was a total lie. they even crashed it into a crater many think has structures in it. I mean is that how we can best test if there is water on the moon? Many astronauts say there is life on the moon.


Kiss My Ring
I own that rock!

have since 1953. filed mining claims and visual rights.

viewing the moon is an infringement on visual rights and you must send in a request with prepayment to view the other side.

to date I have made $0.17 from viewers like you.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
wtf buying peices of land on the moon for 20 bucks + lunar tax hahaha talk about throwing your money away....


ICMag Donor
I think your right Core...think the guys name was Tom Cruise. He said he actually kept 1/2 up in the sky, so that he and the other scientologists can retreat there when the end is near. What a weird show that was...

Space Toker

Active member
nonsense aside, no one controls the moon. It is free for anyone to exploit who wants to, but when someone actually does there are bound to be legal battles on who has the right to own this or control that. That is if the alien renters don't mind! :D


New member
nonsense aside, no one controls the moon. It is free for anyone to exploit who wants to, but when someone actually does there are bound to be legal battles on who has the right to own this or control that. That is if the alien renters don't mind! :D

Think you are spot on, lets hope there's nothing to profit from up there so we dont go to war over it, when we used up all the resurces we have down here:dueling:


the Clangers control the moon..


  • clangers-415x275.jpg
    27.5 KB · Views: 12


Possession is 9/10ths of the law, therefore I say America owns it since we are the only ones that planted a flag there. Someday we may have to play capture the flag with the Chinese though. Don't let some worthless U.N. treaty fool you, America won't stand for it if there is money to be made.

Space Toker

Active member
Well once we finally figure out nuclear fusion, which would be a clean and virtually limitless source of energy, I believe there are vast supplies of helium3 up there that would be highly sought after. Water estimates keep getting bumped up and up and there seems to now be plenty of it underground and in craters. That could fuel ships and civilizations. Not to mention all the minerals that could be mined. The moon and asteroids and Mars are virtual treasure troves and I am surprised no one has exploited it yet. Unless the military already has and is not telling anyone. It would require developing new and improving upon existing technologies, and a large but not unreasonable initial up front expenditure to get it off the ground. Apparently no one is willing to fork up that initial amount even though it would be well worth it and pay for itself many countless times over. Someday, someone will. If we just had not built the International Space station and put the money from that and the shuttle joyrides into the moon and Mars, we could have probably had a quality colony on both now.

Space Toker

Active member
It will have to be done much like Antarctica. Various countries claim ownership over segments of it, but no one owns it. It is all a big science reserve, nothing but science stations there. Surely there will be legal battles, hopefully not military ones but just in the courtroom. It must be shared for the good of all. There would be plenty of resources to go around to better the life of everyone on Earth and still have companies making a sensible profit.

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