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White Widow, OG, & Bubba Kush ~ 400 Watt Madness


one of the reasons why i like vertical is the fact that plants are pre scrogged that way by nature in a way, here me out

if the plant are growing up and along the side your light, then the whole plant is getting equal light automaticaly top to bottom, just like your scroged in a screen horizontal plants are just without any work or training. plust keep in mind your floor space, right now lets say u have two by two, well go two by two up one wall and two by two up another, noy u have 4 by 4 and its prescrroged if u will by nature as well...

congrats on the cmh bulb.. they seem like a great h.i.d light to have, are they much cooler then hps n mh bulbs like somepeople say they are?


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I'm not noticing a huge difference in temp, like I expected... but then again, the local temps have gone down as well. Its a lot easier on the eyes than a HPS is, thats for sure


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This first pic is of the Bubba. I really wish I had taken some clones of this one. She seems to be doing the best in the conditions I have provided.

This one here is a pic of the OG. Notice how much she has stretched. Does OG do this, or was this a result of vegging under an HPS for a week? Also, I have noticed her leaves of three are beginning to show 5 fingers now. Could have sworn I read somewhere she is supposed to stay with 3 fingers.

Sorry about the bad pic of the White Widow. You can see the OG lurking behind her and ruining this shot. I'll try to get some better ones of the bush later.

And finally we have a couple of bag seeds doin 12/12 already. The one time I did this in the past had phenomenal results. Keeping fingers crossed.


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Well, the end of week 2 comes with a few bummers.

No more CMH for the next six weeks.

Sorry about the sideways pic. Thought I could rotate that here on IC after uploading... my digital camera is acting bananas on me again.

Even worse, I broke the main cola off at about 3" on accident trying to do some late training on my OG. Hopefully it will rebound from this major loss. I don't know if I will. Good thing I took a couple clones of this girl. I'm almost considering pulling her out completely for this run. She's way taller than the other two girls and they are looking great compared to her.

R.I.P tip of my OG

To end this update on a positive note, I managed to get my hands on some velcro tape. Woo hoo! Great stuff.


so the heat is about the same as a hps of similar wattage with cmh bulb, thats cool. hey not for nothing u said the hps is harder on your eyes, well i wouldnt look at cmh even more so considering they have the blue u.v light spectrum, im a sun gazer and its the sunset color with no uv that doesnt harm the eyes, similar to hps spectrum, just a little word of caution.


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first my camera goes bonkers, now my photo uploading program is on the fritz. sheesh

i dont look into the bulb, just the ambient lighting of my living room looks way better on cmh than hps orange.

i find it hard to believe the cmh creates more uv rays than what the sun manages to have bouncing around when you go outside at noon.
your OG looks like most i've seen... they strech alot but somehow pack on small rock hard buds everywhere... 5 fingers or more is common as well, I think it might depend on how old the genetics are?? if that makes any sense at all....


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I echo Closet_Grower's comments, I have an OG Kush that I got from a reliable source, who got it from Cali, and Yes, it looks just like what I have. Not bad for your first time under an HID, hopefully you bump off a nice harvest. :wave:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I don't know TBH, I'm about ready to clip a few from my clone I got a month ago. What method of cloning do you use? I have homemade aero-cloners, I cut the clones with a new sharp clean razor (clean it with alcohol), then I'll slice them up the stem about a half inch to an inch, cutting the stem in half and creating a upside down "Y". This helps hard to root strains, like a supposed Bubba Kush I have from a dispensary. I also find having at least 1 or 2 internodes inside the cloner helps out tremendously with hard to root strains. YMMV. :wave:


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Picture Update

Picture Update

Straightened things out with the digi cam finally *I think*

The first is a group shot of the ladies in there newly manufactured 2'x3' enclosure:

This next one is of Ms. Bubba Kush:

Here is the lady OG:

And finally, my mistress White Widow:

I swear the OG looks a lot better on camera than in person. The rest of these bitches is fine in real life though, no question.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
They look good, and yeah, your OG looks very similar to mine in structure.


Nice , I am working on my 1st true attempt at an indoor setup, 400w switchable MH/HPS , 1 gal pots of soil, 18 are clones + 9 seedlings in dwc, and 2 in 1 gal w/soil.I plan on flowering them(clones) at 14"-16", hopefully in the next 2 weeks!!


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Week 4 Begins

Week 4 Begins



The bagseed is a girl


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The end of week 4 has brought some yellowing to White Widow. Seems healthy otherwise, so I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing.

OG is filling in nicely despite the decapitation.

Bubba looking great.

And the bag seed is finally spitting pistils like she's going full on flower. A little late for the show, so she is going to be harvested last.

Completely redesigned my set up to an enclosed space. I was hoping for much more than I got out of the redesign. Stays much warmer in the new spot than I like. Even with a 4" vortex I'm having trouble exhausting this 400w HPS. Plenty of air circulation. Temps at the top of the pots are now at 82-84 degrees. A little too hot, I think.

Pics to come.


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Week 5 - Welcome to the Furnace Room

Week 5 - Welcome to the Furnace Room

This is my new set up. A little hot right now, but its getting cooler every day. Should work out great. Here is a pic of the passive air intake.

And I'm exhausting out of the hole in the top left corner with a 4" vortex.

This used to exhaust the poisonous gasses from the furnace, so I am under the impression it goes 3 floors up to the roof. Hope this isn't a bad idea.

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