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White Widow Flower pics

thanks everyone.

Shadoweye: They didnt stink at all during veg(using 1 small exhuast fan running 24/0) Then they didnt start to have a noticeable smell till after week 3-4, and by week 6-8 they reek up the room pretty good. Its an acrid,rotten fruit smell. Now my clones in my non-exhuasted closet on the other hand, once they got growin after establishing roots, have stunk up most of my house and they are under 12 inches tall(lst'd). At first i would have given them a 2 on that scale, but now im gonna say an 8!

The lemon skunk probably gets a 4.

One more pic i meant to post last night.(little bit of pUrrrrrPle)
ozeek: i have three widows. all three have a different look. Three is a pretty crappy sample size though. They all smell different(smell and strength),2 of them grew in veg almost identical, 1 was taller and more vigorous right from seedling stage. The taller one is the one with the purple. I lst'd them all the same and the taller pheno has the best canopy distribution(possibly the best yield). One of the shorter phenos has more of the classic white widow look. Much more noticeable difference once 12/12 started.

retro: There is probably only 1-2 amber trichs per 200, so maybe more like 1% amber. Tomorrow is day 64 and they might have to get chopped. I was just really wanting to chop these on a day of my choice when i feel they are ready to my liking, instead of a security/paranoia chop. But i guess i deserve a "that'll do donkey, that'll do."
Update harvested day 64

Update harvested day 64

Harvested, Day 64 12/12. Wanted to go longer on one of the widows and the lemon skunk. i think they could have gone to day 75. oh well. Heres my frosty bitches. Anyone care to guess on yield?
Its all personal, so ill be happy either way. im thinking 6-9 ounces.


White Widow bud ipictured below is at 1 day drying. My new pipe too. Going to smoke the dried day 60 sample using it tonight! :)


fucken high as balls off the lemon skunk right now.. woooow. this shit is no joke. The day 60 widow sample was good but this stuff is MINDBENDING. 2 hits and im blurry visioned with spacy trippy sensations and zoned out to hell. Smells like lemon pine sol right now, and will probably get sweeter once it fully dries and cures.

full smoke report to come once all is dried and accounted for. might even wait for a 1 week cure. This crop definitely took a hit on yield having to chop on day 64. widows probably could have gone till day 70+. and the lemon skunk could have gone 75+. looking like 6-7 ounces. at least i originally was only looking to get 5-6 out of this grow.
just wanted to say in short, I fired up a nug of the purplish white widow and DAMN, awesomely potent high. I was high as a kite after the first hit and only managed to smoke 3 more hits of it in the past two hours. Gave me that kinda high where i put my hands on my head and felt like i was holding a foreign globe! LOL.Earlier i stated the lemon skunk seemed more potent, but newer dried widow nugs have surpassed the lemon skunk in potency. I love both of these though: two totally different highs. Gonna wait on a weeks cure to try to describe the smell and taste.

Yeilds to come tomorrow night.

Edit: actually the lemon skunk is somewhat more potent now that ive smoked more of each kind. The LS is somewhat more psychoactive and cerebral. the widow is almost even head/body high, leaning more towards body. the lemon skunk is day time smoke and the widow is evening or night time smoke.
Update: Dried WW and LS

Update: Dried WW and LS

Update: White Widow and Lemon Skunk. Dried and ready for curing. I have been burping the jars last couple days since the bud went into containers.

Small smoke report(will post full report in dried/smoke report forum)

White Widow: Smell is improving every day.8.5 No grassy smell left.Taste is a moderate strength(floral,sour fruit)8. Bag appeal is up there , one pheno looks like classic widow 8 while the other(purpleish pheno) has a more exotic bud structure 9. Smoke is already smooth and the bud burns to white ash with no crackle 9. Potency is probably a 7.5 with one pheno and 8 with another(using a small glass pipe) The bong will get me ripped with one hit. Duration is 1 1/2-2 hours, nice and long. got a little too stoned at work today heh, funny but not funny. Its a stoney heavy high, great for relaxation and pain relief.

Lemon Skunk: Smell is STRONG as hell! give it a 9 for stinkyness, and a 8.5 for smell. Taste is stronger than the widow and with cure will smell fantastic 8(spicy,citral). Bag appeal is a 6.5 cause although the leaves and calyxes are covered in thick headed trichomes, there are too many pistil hairs and not enough density. Smoke is not as smooth as the widow soo ill give it a 7.5 for now. Potency is probably a 8.5, stuff is lethal out of the bong. Strong sativa buzz, cerebral, euphoric, stimulating. Not a heavy high but a real buzzy high.

WW1:50 grams
WW2:80 grams
WW3:95 grams
LS:50 grams
Total yeild: 275 grams which is roughly 9.75 ounces and .69g/per watt with my 400w hps. 7 weeks from seed and 64 days of 12/12 so basically a 4 month grow cycle.

about 4 ounces went to my friend and his dad. I have the rest(pictured below)
Should be set on smokeables for a while eh? :)
Thanks to everyone that followed this thread or at least poked there head in to give me a shout. It took a lot of effort to grow at someones place but it was well worth it.

1st pic: 2 White widow and 1 lemon skunk pictured
2nd pic: white widow no flash pictured
3rd pic: white widow flash pictured
4th pic: white widow with lighters and pipe
5th pic: my portion of the stash(LS upper right,widow Upper and lower left.)


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
Wow! I'm speechless... Great job with these girls, enjoy it! (wich I know you are)


Green is Gold
Beautiful plants and pics Lazer! I can only hope my two WW girls come out that nicely. So you recommend letting this strain go to 70 days correct? Is it because the high is not as strong as you would like at 65 days or is it because you think it would make the high last longer by letting them go till then? I'm at about 52 days on mine so I could really use the advice. Thanks and happy smoking!