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White Widow, Blueberry, Skunk #1 - First grow, 400hps

Sad day today as I had to pull one WW, both Blueberry and both Mystery Girls (now officially dead Mystery BOYS!)

This leaves me with 2 feminized Skunk #1 (one is starting to show pistils) and one WW (hasnt shown anything yet, i take it as a good sign)

The next time I will definately be doing a crop of only feminized, from which I will chose the best to clone from. Its simply too much work and emotional preassure to deal with males :)
Some good news on top of the bad:

Both Skunk#1 have started to show beautiful, white pistils AND the Widow, even though it didnt a few hours ago, JUST started to pop beautiful pistils aswell!

Guess that leaves me with 3 females, which is okay I guess, had hoped for one BB as well, but thats okay :)


Bummer Guff. I had 12 SgSt Beauties and only ended up with two females! Especially your BB, it would have been cool to compare our buds. Things are good though man, in 10wks you'll be sitting back puffing a big one from your own pile of PB looking at the new seeds vegging and saying yee f--king haw!
My BB clone was given to me from a lad who got it off another guy who grew the moms this time last year. Both these guys have their shit in a pile but still, I have to take their word it's a BB. From what I've seen (only a couple) on here so far I'd say it is. Have fun.
Hells to the yea' PB! I am very happy with the 3 plants I have left, also I find it remarkable how uniform they grow height wise! One is 17 inches and the two other 19, so they get along nicely :D

And now the flowering is soon about to truly start, oh the joy!!
Time for a little update:

All the girls have started shooting, so thats pretty exciting :)

Also had a go at some super cropping yesterday. After FIM'ing the White Widow it recieved a total of 6 tops, but 2 was underdeveloped, while 2 were very tiny. Therefore I hoped they would get some accelerated growth if i super cropped all of the tops above it. Heres how it looked:



Such a sad sight to see your plant like this, but hopefully it will pay off :)

Here's the plant after 24 hours:


I think the 2 smaller tops (not the tiny) have grown a little, so thats okay, they werent getting any light before. All of the tops have started to point towards the light, so hopefully by tomorrow it will have healed enough and keep a decent canopy (btw, the canopy was very even before, but a couple of shoots werent getting light, so its kind of an experiment :) )

Here's a picture of the untopped Skunk #1 that I supercropped the stem of 4 days ago, it responded pretty well! :


And a shot of the main shoot beginning to take form :) :


The whole plant:


You may also have noticed that I repotted all of the plants. Two were in 6.5 L containers, that weren't more than half full! Of that, the roots probably only used up half of that space. So I picked up the entire rootball, filled 11 liters with soil, and repotted them. They should at lease have double the space that they had before. I know its a little late to transplant, but im positive the plants were rootbound. They were drooping like this and needed watering almost every day:



Please comment :) I would like to hear what people think of supercropping during flower, a mistake or good idea?


Holy shit Guf, I saw the yellow in pic one and thought??? Then I realized it was the lighting! We musta taken the same photograpy course. Looking good eh, I'm sure not weighing in on the supercropping in or out of flower, never done either myself. It sure gave you lots of tops!!! Right on.
Haha, yeah - I even thought this was a pretty good cam, i suck at close ups though

Decided to hell with it and supercropped the hell out of my topped Skunk #1 as well, judging by the amount of budsites, it looks pretty good :D


The top left cola was supercropped 24 hours ago :D
I think I did a pretty bad job cropping the Widow. It has a little trouble adjusting, so I think I maybe cropped a little low on the stems. Hopefully she will fully recover within a few days :)


Lookin great Guff. Now I gotta ask. "supercroppiing" I thought it was pruning. Is that top just snapped and left hanging? Is this for keeping height down or ??? I only pruned once and didn't like it back in 2004 but I'm seeing lots of stuff I may try here on the mag.
As far as I have learned, it is both used to keep height down/keep an even canopy to getting more light to lower bud shots. Also, it works in the same way as topping essentially; when the top shoot is cropped, the plant think it has gone, and starts shooting hormones to the lower shots :)
I think it will = increased yield, as I only have 3 plants and a 400 hps, so this way the light doesnt have to penetrate as far to reach the buds. Time will tell :)
Here's a picture of 'Da Bush' aka all plants together :D


I accidently 'snapped' the main stem of the untopped Skunk #1 yesterday, trying to do some LST, so the lower branches would get some light. It didnt break per se, but its at an almost 90degree angel - Its more supercropped than LST'ed! I think now I will just let my plants be and do their thing. Thankfully, the top shoot is good on its way toward levelling with the other shoots already!


A close up of the biggest looking bud so far, its a main shoot of the topped Skunk #1 :) I apologize for the bad photoskillz.


Aaaand.. drumroll! A mexican sativa, Eldorado, from the oaxacan region just popped the soil today. I decided to do a little experiment with 12/12 from seed, so here it is :D If im not mistaken, I will have a lot of trouble with this one :)


who dat is

Cave Dweller
I'm loving "da bush", what guy hasn't said that though? ba dum chh! But seriously, don't sweat that bent stem. I did the same thing trying to bend a plant too much. Just leave it be and it will come back raging. Here are some shots of what I'm talking about.



Here is what the plant looked like before the chop, can you tell the stem got a little abused?


No, I cant tell at all... lol :) Thanks for the pictures, im more relaxed now. The bitch is doint her own thing though, heres what she looks like today:


Main shoot fighting its way back:

Topped Skunk #1 - This one is my darling.. I have a feeling those tops will explode in a few weeks! :D
Thanks Killer! It really is true what people say, flowering definately is the most rewarding part of a grow. They just grow bigger and more beautiful each day!
Aloha fellow growers! Just enjoying a nice, sunny saturday watching and caring for the girls :)

Today I decided to do some defoil. The girls have been strugling in the space and I feared they might get mold at a later stage. My RH reached high 70s during the night (dont know for how long) but I have 2 fans running 24/7 on the canopy and the fan extractor also. Shouldnt it be okay?

Here are some pics of the girls after their trimming:







A few bud shots:

I used the trimmings to make some QWISO - never done it before, had about 60g (~2oz) wet plant material and ended up with this:

That sounds quite fair, if we factor in 90 % water loss compared to dry(-54g) and considering you usually end up with 10 % of that, 0.3g qwiso isnt bad :) But if its potent enough, I will have to try out!


You have some green fingers for sure man!

Looking good :) I can see that you have done some good research before starting your grow, respect! A lot of people just pop the seeds and dont know wtf they are doing...

btw whats QWISO?


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