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White OG V2.0 - Smokin Tree

Hi hi!

Thought I'd try my hand at doing a bit of a journal...only done 1 before and between work, family and growing it can get a

bit busy but I'll try and keep it up to date the best I can.

Picked up a few packs of karma's offerings over the last few months, got Happy brother bx2 ( supposed to be a 10 or 12

pack but only 6 came in the vial...not a biggy I usually only pop 5 seeds at a time and the rest are just usually back up),

biker kush and white og v2.0.

Well I decided to try the white og v2 first, so on with the show!

I've only been growing a few years so I'm no expert but I think I'm not a noobie either, guess others can judge that! My

basic setup is 2x 1000w lights, 5gal pots using LC's soiless mix amended with blood, bone, kelp, ect and I usually feed

with guano teas a few times through flower for an added boost.

I started 5 seeds and all 5 popped within 24 hours, 4 out of 5 ended up female :)
These little suckers have been super healthy, green and vigorous...at least in my eye!

I feel pretty happy because there seems to be a decent amount of variation hopefully from one side of the cross to the

next, I have 2 that shot up very fast and are pretty tall, 1 that has stayed sort of short and didnt stretch much and 1

that seems pretty much in between as far as size and stretch. They seem to like my soil / teas with the exception of 1, the

middle of the road plant I think has a bit too much N as it has some eagle claw leaves up top but they seem to grow out the

older they get so this plant will be skipping the teas for a while.

Pictures say more than I can
Here are some veg shots right before they were changed to 12/12 lighting





And here we are a couple days ago at day 23 of 12/12





Very happy so far and I cant wait to give each one a try, thank you karma!
Any questions I will try to answer the best I can, thanks for looking.



looking really nice! How is the smell? are they getting frosty yet? looking forward to seeing how they finish up.
Hey thanks for lookin! Not much smell yet...1 is just starting to take on the typical OG smell but its kind of faint right now but they all have some frost already.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I really liked the Pheno I got from v2. I still have some im saving for a rainy day :) I topped mine yield was good. I got 4oz under 2 600.
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my buddy got 2 packs after seeing your grow out hammer head. hope he gets something similar to yours. everyone seems to be kicking ass with this one! .....keep us updated smoking tree!

Karma Genetics

Hope you get somthing worthy for your garden to keep, and i think you will.
Update time!

Well its day 30 and things are starting to fill in, frost up and smell a little.

So far the smells are kinda light but definantly very OG. All are starting to get pretty decent crystals but #2 is really starting to pack it on!

I'm not sure how the yield is going to be but it looks like it could be decent, I've never run my plants non-topped before so this is a first for me, I just wanted to see what they could do naturally!

On with the show!

WOG #1


WOG #2


WOG #2 - nug shot!


WOG #3


WOG #4


As always any questions, comments or suggestions are welcome!

Thanks for stopping by and looking.
Please keep this updated. Are these created from Krome's "The White" (i.e. Triangle Kush)?

Sorry had a bit of drama last week so I missed last week's update, tryin to keep up as time permits. I see someone already answered your question about the white. Thanks for stoppin in.

Closeups of all the buds.

Sure thing Doc. Buds are what most seem interested in so I'll stick to posting pics of those, if theres interest in full plant shots to see structure I'll be glad to post those on request. Thanks for lookin!

That is right.

They are coming a long nicley, gone be snowy soon.

Well since my update is a bit late....the snow has begun, glad to see ya pokin your head in Karma its an honor!

Ok so on with the update!

Day 42
Things are starting to get some smell...from very chemy to just good old OG. There is alot of varation and I really love what I am seeing, I'm thinking its going to be hard to choose a favorite and I only popped half my pack!
I ran these untrained / untopped because I have never really let a plant go natural before and I was thinking I would regret it because most OG's dont yield well unless topped / trained...well that doesnt appear to be the case with these...I'm sure it could be better if they were topped but these have some pretty hefty nugs and colas.

I'll stick with nugs shots from now on but if anyone wants to see full plant shots just holler!

On with the show!





Thanks everyone for the feedback and stopping by!
As always any questions, comments or suggestions are always welcome.

Cant wait to smoke these.

Karma Genetics

Bro Number #2 is going to be a winner, i can see for shure. That got a nice OG type nugget.
That wo2 looks like its going to be a knock out. The wo4 looks the most like a traditional og to me, i bet its going to taste booooommmbbbb.. Grats bro you did a fine job.

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