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white flies.. help please..


I use the one from Advanced.Nutrients myself with 35% pure Hydrogen Peroxide , but they should have it availble at your local pharmacy I would imagine. The brand is not important.
Just use gloves when you work with it and dilute it. I use 7ml per liter with the 35% with good results.

All the best

I use the one from Advanced.Nutrients myself with 35% pure Hydrogen Peroxide , but they should have it availble at your local pharmacy I would imagine. The brand is not important.
Just use gloves when you work with it and dilute it. I use 7ml per liter with the 35% with good results.

All the best


cheers mate..
so in your experience guys whats does the neem or azamax etc.taste like on the final product if noticeable amounts are on buds after cure?

Its sad but it happens, I stopped going thru the guy I know with bugs problems becuase the taste was weird and noticeable to me but kinda like a strong rosemary or minty burn not natual, pretty sure he tried them all def azamax or azatrol he had issues, he sucks haha

If you spray too much or too close to harvest any pesticide residue will be present. If you use azamax right it won't be at all. I recommend a vacuum cleaner to people who have bug problems near harvest.


Active member
so in your experience guys whats does the neem or azamax etc.taste like on the final product if noticeable amounts are on buds after cure?

Its sad but it happens, I stopped going thru the guy I know with bugs problems becuase the taste was weird and noticeable to me but kinda like a strong rosemary or minty burn not natual, pretty sure he tried them all def azamax or azatrol he had issues, he sucks haha

You have raised a valid point, although I bleat about how great Neem Oil is and all, I do admit, that it tastes like shit, but I ain't taste shit, I have tasted Neem Oil,
The Smell reminds me of the smell you get when you walk into an upmarket garden supply store, like an undefined 'earthy' smell, a strange tree sap like smell, not like weed at all, I confess I now like the smell, cause at each sniff it reminds me of that posh garden store, and the cute girl there?

The taste is a true bitch, not like anything I've tasted before, again a heavy earthy chemical taste, thats as bitter as fuck himself.

Its important to understand that applications to bud zones during late bud, MAY effect the final taste of that contaminated bud spot, thats the theory anyways:
But in reality I have to yet notice any neem tasting or contamination of any of my harvested and cured bud,
I've been expecting some, but it is about a month from harvest, thru drying, thru cure, thru a week rest, to my bong, in that time any neem has dissipated along with any excess moisture,
for this reason it is advised not to use Neem within 2 weeks of harvest, and should you ever have neem tasting weed, then you may have applied way too much ..lol

ps ..also good for pubic lice which is another story


I would assume that if you are making concentrates of any kind, there will be residue left in the product, if the neem is used during flowering..(sorry off topic)

All the best

so quick update... so anyway to battle these white flies ive been spraying them down when lights are off with a half strength neem oil spray.. the next day just plain water at around 26 degrees and the next day yet again with a mid stregth neem oil spray and again today with the plain water.. i also have sticky fly traps hanging on some plants and above the canopy..

anyway from this neem oiling more of the pistils have turned red/brown most look ok and will recover with fresh pistils in a few days.. but the 8 ball kush didnt like it to much.. all the pistils have changed color from white. so im a bit scared to keep neem oiling them especially like 5 weeks into flowering.. but dont really want to leave these little nasties either.. any advice would be greatly appreciated.. thank you..


If you don't already, shake the plants a bit to get them flying and then you might see more sticking to the traps.

I also think defoliating a 'little bit' in parts where there are a lot of leaves helped thin out the hiding areas for them.

I might be just delusional but i think it helped. :redface:


Well-known member
a vacuum cleaner was mentioned earlier and i did that on flowering plants. shake the plants to get them to fly and suck them out of the air. also someone posted predator bugs...i have used 2 diff. types (not ladybugs) after doing the vacuum thing for 5 days in a row. try to rotate your treatments too.
a vacuum cleaner was mentioned earlier and i did that on flowering plants. shake the plants to get them to fly and suck them out of the air. also someone posted predator bugs...i have used 2 diff. types (not ladybugs) after doing the vacuum thing for 5 days in a row. try to rotate your treatments too.

sweet ill try the shaking them then vacuming the air... running out of options here as i dont want to keep spraying them with anything except plain water.. or would plain water be no good as there 5 weeks into flowering i dont want to cause mold but humidity hasnt risen of 50 yet


Well-known member
hmmm the eggs look a bit bigger rounder and shinier than those in the first like i seen there... so hard to get a pic of them though.. i do have a 200 x usb micrscope i might have to rip one off and investigate a little further.. but im sure there white fly.. the adult ones look similer to the ones in the link... im from a different country than US so maybe there slightly different.. but i do like this idea of putting another plant in there that will attract them away from the current ones there damaging..the second link is still loading its taking ages... i'll post a pic of the little bastards under the digital microscope
ok so by the looks of it there aphids.. sorry about that guys..

the aphids i found on the bugguide.net were black but from every other pic i can find there more of this yellowy color..


Hydrogen peroxide still does the job..if not,
Here is some info on trap crops, as suggested above.

Nasturtiums are very attractive to aphids (blackfly, greenfly, whitefly) which will often completely cover the stems.

Nettles also attract aphids.

All the best

Hydrogen peroxide still does the job..if not,
Here is some info on trap crops, as suggested above.

Nasturtiums are very attractive to aphids (blackfly, greenfly, whitefly) which will often completely cover the stems.

Nettles also attract aphids.

All the best


i'll grab some hydrogen peroxide from the super market tommorow..
one thing i did read will do the job is a mix of the 2 products i do have which is the neem oil with the eco oil. apparently this will suffocate the eggs and such but sketchy about the taste it'll leave and didnt like the neem oil changing the color of my pistils.. so ill do some research into this hydrogen peroxide and its effects during flowering..