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Whiskeytango's Area 51


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks so much guys!!!! Just came home to feed and let out my dogs, so I figured I would stop in to tell you guys the deal!!!
She started labor at 1230, and Baby girl was here at 703!!! We left for hospital at 330, so she popped that kid right out!!!! 4/11...7lbs, 2oz...18.5in long...
And I guess there is some rating scale about weight complection....blah blah...anyhoo, she scored a 9.9!!!!!!!!! nurses say it was one of the most perfect looking babies they have ever seen...Im sure they say that a lot though...lol.
Baby girl is sooo alert!! Already looking around, staring at mom and dad....making al kinds of cute faces....Its over guys, I have melted...lol
good vibes

Thanks again so much for all your support guys!!!!!!


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Wow! Awesome, a 9.9??? That's great! So glad everything went well!!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL girl Lola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:woohoo::woohoo:

Pics of her tomorrow when we come back from hospital, left camera there...lol

Thanks Lap!!! Forgot the name of the test...


Now you're gonna have to buy a shotgun Whiskey! Keep all them dogs away from your baby girl....Congrats!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
APGAR test...thats what its called!!!
Oh Lola, I will be KILLIN guys to protect that girl.....lol

good vibes


WT, Congratulations.... If I had sumthin to blaze right now I'd roll up a fatty and fire it up in her honor...

I thought the whole shotgun thing would be cool too, but I'm really into the arts, the Martial Arts that is... And I see myself sharpening the blade of an already razor sharp katana, when the boys come around for my daughters first dates...I feel it's alot more vivid than cleaning a shotgun...and if they are into the blades then, I'd let him know how easy the guns work too...lol...

Anyhoo, I'm so glad to hear that everything went great with the baby, and your wife as well...Enjoy your Families 1st Easter, finally all together...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys! Came home for a few, (only live 4min from hospital)...to roll up a few drying nugs o Querkle into some Raw papers for the ride back....heh
I really appreciate all the kind words guys! Means a lot!
good vibes


How is the Querkle bro...I've been wanting to try some of that...Space Queen X Urkle right...how purple does that strain turn. Not that the purple is gonna get you any higher, but it's nice to look at...

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
big congrats my friend
i have a 2yr Daughter
she has me wrapped tighter around her little finger than any woman ever has, from day one too !!
i know the feelings you have bro, good luck with her :yes:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Congrat's bro

Now life gets interesting for you and mrs T, Good luck my friend

Give the little one a hug/kiss from us all


I N Hail


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Well it appears that since there was some mycomium? in the water when they broke it, some got in her lungs. So they took her to the NICU...:frown::badday:
They say its most likely a mild infection, and they have her on an IV and antibiotics.
She has been breathing kinda fast since about noon, and they took her down there at 4...Mom gets discharged tomorrow, but we dont get to bring babytango home:badday: till tues or later....
more news later.....And again, thanks for all the kind words.
Wish us luck....
BB- I have never felt anything like this in my life. Nothing could've prepared me for that. I completely lost it and started bawling soon as she came out...:dance::gaga:. Best thing that has ever happened to me....


WT, I hear you all the way... my 3 daughters have been a blessing, it's life changing bringing another human into this world....

I'm sending good vibes and best wishes to the baby, and pray for a quick recovery... my oldest daughter has a bad ear, nose and throat infection right now....

Glad to know momma is ok as well, talk to ya soon bro...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
congratz my friend ! i'll be sending good vibes fir the little wee one...all will come in order you'll see !!....and again...you lucky SOB....many good wishes and congratlations from Belgium
say high to the new MOM from Core ! :D


Myconium is just baby poo. She pooped in the birthing waters and got a little of that water in her lungs.

She will be fine. Don't worry! :)

Glad Mom, Baby and Dad coming home soon. Happy Dance :dance:

(Now how about naming her Violet Tango? I Like It! Or Esmerelda Tango? Nobody else will have those names! )

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Hi bro
Wife said thats happened to one of the grandchildren
And not to worry that after a few day's she'll get to come home.

I N Hail
hey WT i had myconium in my lungs when i was a baby too. i think it's pretty common and i mean ... look how i turned out. err, maybe thats a bad example :D

congrats to you and mama tango



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Thanks a lot guys! Set my mind at ease...I was freaking for a minute!!...lol:jump:
Momma said thanks to all you guys, the good vibes have been felt. Best to all of you and yours...
good vibes

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
congrats man.
got yourself a daddy's girl.
she'll be in your wallet soon enough.
"i want this daddy"
happens to the best of us :D

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