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Which state will be last??


There will be a bunch of states that are last; at some point critical mass will be reached, and those states will become legal by default. I predict the southeastern US along with elements of the Great Plains will be the states that hold on to the drug war the longest.

As a caveat, I guess it's possible some of those would enact legislation to re-illegalize it.

That's my vote, too. The feds will get off it, a bunch of states will fall like dominoes. Kansas and Utah will re-illegalize it. All the bible belt thumpers are hypocrites anyway -- it's about the Benjamins.

Seems to me like the whole thing is mostly a ruse anyway; it's not about marijuana, it's about moving money around. I'm sure after WA and CO they see the handwriting on the wall, and are already working on new ways to move the money around, i.e., war on terrah and surveillance state.

Once pharma, tobacco, alcohol find a way to dip their beaks in, it's a done deal.

I also don't think they're going to be able to stop individual growers once it's legalized federally. They're not going to be able to do door to door checks.

<3 Tesla


Active member
F fuckin L..........

the most corrupt state in the united states of Agrivation.
BUT if charlie crist gets back in,they may have a chance!
They compleatly threw out having MJ on the ballet last yr.
To many repub old farts huh???

Midnight Smoker

New member
If I'm not mistaken, RI, HI, PA, ME, NH, VT have all begun the process of full legalization for adults. :woohoo:


<3 Tesla

Great link. I lived in Hawaii from 91 - 2005 and in the mid 90's the state allowed religious marijuana to be sold. The state even turned down federal funds because they wanted to stop incarcerating their kids for pot. Only one person had a permit to grow and sell. he would sell by mail in Hawaii only, and would sell out of the back of his van every weekend in Hilo on the Big Island. Once you became a member of his church, you were allowed to partake in the sacred plant. Of course the feds finally put him in jail, but the crops keep growing.:ying:

that smell

Ive seen NC pop up a few times, house bill 84 is being considered right now and if you google it the bill is a very good sounding bill if passed. Includes allowances for 24 oz of finished product, 250 sq ft of flowering plants, research at unc etc...


New member
North Carolina will be last! HB 84 was killed 2-20-13 by the rules committee, said they were tired of getting harressing emails and phone calls from supporters of MMJ! 3 years in a row!:mad: Please North Carolina do not elect these same lawmakers back into office!

Fly by Night

Like a Wing
The way things are going here in NY ..... seems like they'll never let it through !!!!

It's perfectly legal in newyawk...unless ya get caught homie!



New member
Let me tell you all something about good ole Oklahoma and set the record straight. Yes Oklahoma has some of the harshest penalties, however, there is a reason; with all the arrests made Oklahoma found a way to make more profit than other states by making people pay more when they get in trouble. Plus MMJ legalization has been on the ballot for the past few years. So we are trying!! One more thing.... when you live in a place with not a lot to do you tend to just party and get fucked up.


New member
The lady the MMJ bill is named after in FL Cathy Jordan. Was just raided by the fu*king cops a week or so ago. She's 64 or so yrs old and has had ALS for 25 + years. What a damn shame!

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