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Which state will be last??



I moved to Missouri about a year ago (temporarily) to take care of a sick relative.

Activists tried to get decriminalization on the ballot this year, but they didn't get enough petition signatures. Tons of people smoke here (At least in the city of St. Louis), but there is a large population of older rednecks that have no love for marijuana. Brainwashed by the federal government.


Well-known member
florida will not only arrest you for a joint . they will sell you a dimebag of weed, arrest you and repo your car. fuck florida

And that's. Just if you're in possession.. If you're cultivating say good bye to whatever money they can find, your house, your kids, cars, whatever other toys you hve accumulated i.ie boats, motorcycles, dirtbikes, anything they can get their grubby little hands on... And the cops around here feel they don't even have to play by their own rules, DIRTY AS FUCK.. And they wonder why the number of cops getting their heads blown off is on the rise... In my eyes you get treated how you treat others, cop or not...


Well-known member
Oklahoma The so called Free Masons run the show. My Piece Of Shit DAD is one and the reason I all most went to the pen for 25 years for ATTEMPTED Cultivation.
He was SO PISSED I didn't get any time(11months of drug court) They had to escort him out of the DAs office because he was ranting about me paying them off with drug monies.
I had the Best lawyer you could ever get. He was the prosecuting attorney that convicted Timothy Mcvay and Terry Nickles. He quit working for the guberment after they railroaded the two.
He told me that they weren't the only two involved in the Okc bombing. He seen the videos that magically disappeared,showing three people leaving the Rider truck befor it exploded.


The last state ( OK gets my vote too)? It looks like the movement is going backwards. Which state will be the last that has open dispensaries might be a better question.

Neither presidential candidate seems to interested in anything except raids and enforcement.

Why the optimism?


I'm cautiously optimistic because the states still have a few rights to make their own decisions. One of those decisions is whether or not they'll allow any kind of cannabis use OR decriminalize it. Between decriminalization and MMJ, we're approaching, what... half the states in the union that are *for* some form of allowance? We're already at 14 states and counting that are +MMJ.

I'm cautious because of that, and all the conspiracy theorists who keep the notion of bad government alive.


Active member
Still vote Mississippi, was born there, raised there Alabama Louisiana and Florida, and thankfully escaped from there. Oklahoma is def in the top 3. When I'd drive from new Orleans to Denver, I'd go thru Missouri to avoid ok and tx lol.

Little story about Mississippi. When I was 19 a friends older brother came by to pick up herb. What I didn't know was he was a meth head, and I was beaten and robbed at gunpoint by older bro and another guy. Dude took all my herb so I called the police (like they'd believe the guy who robbed me that it was my herb) and nothing happened. 3 weeks later older bro and younger bro kick my friends door in, kidnap him at gunpoint, make him empty his bank at ATM. Older bro ( already 4 strike felon for armed robbery, in a 3 strike state, and arrested w guns) gets 1 year probation, little bro gets 6 months probation. Older bro has the nerve to go back to my friends house to try and smoke a peace blunt and is escorted off the property @ gunpoint. Older bro didnt knock just walked in, while in the house for 1 min threw a dime bag behind the fridge and the cops come 5 mins after dude leaves directly to fridge, the charges were dismissed cause the only finger prints on the bag were from older bro. I left, 2 months later little bro went to my main dealers brothers house, got an 8th and gave him some pills and coke as a gift. 5 mins later cops bust in door n go directly to where the gifted drugs were. Both brothers were narcs and were basically given carte blanch to set people up. But wait there's more! 2 years later my friend that got kidnapped sent me a link to the local news station. The brothers were at it again, they met these kids at Applebee's in broad daylight, on video tape, got n their car pulled guns, stole the kids keys and weed. Kids call the police, cops arrest them cause car smelled like weed, the brothers were arrested again for armed robbery (strikes 6 and 3). And they got 6 months probation, the kids that were selling the herb got 2 years.

Long story I know but it shows you the mentality they have in Mississippi. They'd rather have robbers w meth and guns than somebody w a joint.


I honestly don't have much hope for it happening in the south. Sometimes you just have to go to the mountain :D



I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
New Hampshire is a scary state. i hate the 10minutes i am in it when passing down I95 from Maine to Mass. you get caught with a seed and your on your way to jail. and the governor is totally against marijuana keeps vetoeing the bill... i believe he is out this year so maybe NH gets someone pro marijuana or a little more lax on the issue


Weren't a whole bunch of Libertarians supposed to be setting up a colony in NH some years ago because of its unobtrusive laws...? Maybe I'm thinking of someplace else but I thought for sure it was New Hampshire (Live Free or Die state, right?).

Jim Rockford

Well-known member
Montana appears to be the first to re-illegalize. Or at least they've made it so med users have to register and undergo regular unscheduled checks by the police and other authorities. Caregivers can only have 3 patients and can even take one penny or any other gift from a patient. Might as well be illegal from talking to people up there.


I hate living in NH, every other state around us has MMJ but our laws here in NH are terrible! Horrible state to grow in, and it's not like you can charge a lot for packs even with the harsh laws because all the surrounding states have lax laws so they ship packs here and keep prices relatively low


Active member
Weren't a whole bunch of Libertarians supposed to be setting up a colony in NH some years ago because of its unobtrusive laws...? Maybe I'm thinking of someplace else but I thought for sure it was New Hampshire (Live Free or Die state, right?).

yup the free state project,this is a little information on it.


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