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Which manual version of "Spin Pro" is best for the price?


Registered Cannabis User
Well i got the spin pro. I got single wires, and also got a 4 wire design cutter that came with it. Anyway i found that it works fast as hell.

My only problems are that the trim gets shredded and seems to make sub par hash because its chopped up so fine.

Also, if you are looking for quality, this thing doesnt even come close to a good old fashioned hand trim. It does kind of beaster-ize your weed. Some resin gets smeared and some wiped off the buds while they roll on the grate. The buds dont look as glimmery as hand trim, mostly because of all the beat up resin thats still on the bud. And because you have to screen dry the buds, they get flat spots, and they rub against each other and sit on top of one another furthermore smearing resin. Resin doesnt shine once you smudge it. Also, very small specs of chopped up fine trim end up sticking to your nuggets adding to the not so good bag appeal. This machine doesnt work well with big buds, or leafy strains. Some people may not like how much leaf it takes off some strains, and also may not like how much leaf it leaves on with another. Seems very strain dependant.

But all that said, it reduces trim time by at least half if not more, and all of your nuggets are nice perfectly sized and have almost no stems poking out. I may order the blade cutter from that amsterdam guy to compare it to the wires. Also if you have a strain that is getting trimmed too much for your liking, you could probly just add extra washers under the wire/blade to distance it from the grate and get better results.


Registered Cannabis User
There is no machine that can compare to a hand trim as of yet, and i highly doubt there will be in the near future. Seriously tho, if you take the same plant, trim one half by hand, and the other half with the spin pro, let them dry, and then compare, there is no comparison. Your trading quality for time with this machine, simple as that. If your bulk client is average Joe blow from across town, chances are he's not gonna notice or care about the difference in bag appeal when buying machine trimmed bud. But if your bulk client is a med club or a cannaseur, you bet your ass you aint gonna get as much as you ususally do for a pound of hand trimmed nuggets.
I would only use a machine again if i was shorthanded with pounds and pounds of untrimmed plants that are hanging and ready to go limp (thats a scary thought). If you grow less than 50 pounds per harvest, just freakin pay trimmers, stimulate the economy lol. You will get slightly more weight, and much much better quality with a hand trim, and plus all your customers will be happy and more posotive rep towards your product.
If you want it done fast, just hire more trimmers. It costs just as much to pay 5 people to trim 50 pounds as it does 10 people to trim 50 pounds. It just gets done faster with 10 people, but each person gets less money. You still pay the same amount overall for the trim job. Hell if you get enough people, you could probably get it done faster than an actual trimmer. If your stingy with your money, and dont care bout your product, then dont pay trimmers and buy this machine instead. But you wont be truly happy. The buds do look very generic coming from a machine. Paying for trimmers every time is expensive, but you grow money on trees for christ sake, dont be greedy! I look at it like this.... When you pay trimming crews, your paying to ensure that your product gets a reputable name and therefore more and more people will want your product. And in the long run, the amount of money you spent on trimming crews is far inferior to how much money you gained from more new clientel who signed up due to the high reputation and quality of your product. This is buisness people, gotta be 2 steps ahead at all times.
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Agreed about the quality of nugs that comes out of a spin pro. Isnt worth it unless you're really strapped for time.

Tried one on some large white widow buds (wire cutter) and it really rolled the nugs around - transforming them from nice quality pears into balls of not so quality bud. The finished product was practically unreconizable compared to its hand trimmed sister.

Hired trimmers are a large security risk, but whatever it takes to prevent sub-bomb nugs from hittin the street. I guess out west its not as huge of a deal though...

If your harvesting anything even close to 50lbs a harvest you should just throw down the loot for a Twister Machine imho. Some may think its absurb at 14k, but so is a metal bowl with some rubber flippers and a shoddy socket. Maybe they should have teamed up with Craftsman when they made these things - at least then you may have been able to return to Sears for something else.

If you dont wanna trim popcorn folks.. dont grow it, just remove that shit before bloom; then you'll never need a spin pro..


Registered Cannabis User
True that. Im glad i have it tho, just to be safe. I may be in a pressed situation someday and need it. If you have large trim crews that you dont fully trust, just blindfold their asses lol! Im sure they wont mind, considering the easy money they are making every time you harvest. And if they bitch bout it, then you know they are trying to case your place.
Well i got the spin pro. I got single wires, and also got a 4 wire design cutter that came with it. Anyway i found that it works fast as hell.

My only problems are that the trim gets shredded and seems to make sub par hash because its chopped up so fine.

Also, if you are looking for quality, this thing doesnt even come close to a good old fashioned hand trim. It does kind of beaster-ize your weed. Some resin gets smeared and some wiped off the buds while they roll on the grate. The buds dont look as glimmery as hand trim, mostly because of all the beat up resin thats still on the bud. And because you have to screen dry the buds, they get flat spots, and they rub against each other and sit on top of one another furthermore smearing resin. Resin doesnt shine once you smudge it. Also, very small specs of chopped up fine trim end up sticking to your nuggets adding to the not so good bag appeal. This machine doesnt work well with big buds, or leafy strains. Some people may not like how much leaf it takes off some strains, and also may not like how much leaf it leaves on with another. Seems very strain dependant.

But all that said, it reduces trim time by at least half if not more, and all of your nuggets are nice perfectly sized and have almost no stems poking out. I may order the blade cutter from that amsterdam guy to compare it to the wires. Also if you have a strain that is getting trimmed too much for your liking, you could probly just add extra washers under the wire/blade to distance it from the grate and get better results.

Was it any better with the 4 wire cutter?


I got one from the dude on ebay in canada ,
It's got a blade , but also comes w/ wires = notttt .
Use pam cooking spray on the grate n blade before u even start , wipe off all the excess you can . The lil bugger does an oz. in about 12 cranks . We respray the grate , blade every 5-6 cycles and nugs look sweet .



Thas the one I got and it works great..The blade is very strong as compared to the wires...and the price from that seller is very reasonable with free shipping included.....I,ve used a Big red shredder and Trim pro grate style but this spin pro is so simple and so fast....I,m gonna buy another just for a spare.
can,t go wrong unless of course you have big #,s to trim..



Active member
Trim Reaper is the way to go.
If done with care you cant tell the difference between it and hand trim.

The best piece of grow equipment i have bought, worth every dollar.


here is the ebay store of the canada guy: http://stores.ebay.com/magicflowertumbletrimmerfactory

I bought one and am extremely pleased with it. i still hand trim the cola's, but for lower stuff... my god, what a time saver. i think i picked mine up for around 300

the trim reaper might be nice, but it is 4 or 5 times the cost. if you don't do more than a couple pounds at a time, i probably wouldn't bother