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Which kind of sweet??????


How do you decide what kind of sweet you use? Do you use a different one for vegging or flowering? Do you change based on the strain you are growing?

If you tell me to pick based on what I like, I would say that I love all three flavors in martinis, candy, non-alcoholic drinks, candles, and shower products, so that's not an acceptable response.




the Citrus Sweet has the most Mg and S, so i got that one. the differences were negligible, but it was listed higher.
i have to admit that i will consume or buy anything grape. i even like grape soda, although i know it's gross and turns your tongue purple . . . . but i thought there must be some reason they created three different ones.

tonight i was talking to a friend who is a chemical engineer, however, and he was musing that perhaps a lot of this nutrient thing is to make money off people. ya think?? that's why i love how everyone here plain waters, it will save on nutrients, and there are still nutrients leftover at the end of the cycle if you don't. i don't want to be wasteful.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
I've used Sweet for a few grows, and in my experience it doesn't change the flavor of the smoke at all. It's basically just a carbohydrate, and if you ask me, the best source for that would be black strap molasses. Otherwise if you want to buy a product from a nutrient comapny, I think the AN Bud Candy or Humboldt Honey ES would be the two to choose from.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
the Honey ES will probably run about $9-$10 cheaper than the Bud Candy. The honey is considered organic, but I don't think it really matters when referring to a carbohydrate; it's all sugars.
so is bud candy as awesome as the name is? i will soon be out of sweet for my spot, so i am thinking i'll try bud candy for a few rounds and see what i think. to be honest, things came out ultra sweet (no puns intended) this time, like i poured sugar on them or something, so i can't imagine it could get much better, but I DO want to learn and improve. otherwise, there is no point in doing this . . . .

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
I've never used the Bud Candy, but I know it's pretty recommended by the people who do use it. It's supplemented with a bunch of stuff that most other carb products don't have; B vitamins and shit like that.

I use the Honey ES or just pure black strap molasses. I grow in my own soil mix though, so I don't know how molasses would do in a hydro system with sprayers or drips?

The next run of clones I do I should do a side by side with the Bud Candy, Honey ES and the molasses. I wonder how noticeable the result will be?
yeah, i'm glad you mentioned the possibility of clogs with the molasses b/c i was just debating going and getting some to try out. i think i will do a little more research and try out either the bud candy or the honey es. it won't be possible to do a side by side, b/c i'm not going to have multiples of any strain except my O/Mountain Mix that is on the same reservoir anyhow . . . .

i love hearing everyone's ideas and opinions. since i'm making this my new hobby, i really want to learn and improve . . .

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
I bet if you kept your system flushed you wouldn't have to worry about any molasses build ups. The more I think about it, the less I think it would be a problem.

But at the same time if I were running a hydro system, I would probably use the bud candy. Or if you're looking more at the honey, I think they make a version specifically for hydro use.


hey whats up mountain :wave:

i have used all three sweets... hmm :chin: which one do i like better? grape did me great this last round with my casey jones. but sweet citrus in combination with arcata trainwreck was the best. i used molasses before but never get that really 'sweet' smell from my ladies when using the sweet. i pump them the whole round and they are so sticky i cant even touch early flower. worth the money to me :D

3 ml / gal veg
5ml / gal early flower
10ml / gal last 2 weeksl

i have been looking at bud candy as well but the hydro owner said he wasnt impressed with it, which saved me 10 bucks. if your in soil no doubt molasses would be a good route but sweet runs better in my drippers (coco dtw here)
we have been using berry and everyone said this round was amazing, but i've been adding sweet in veg as well as flowering, which my husband was only using it in flowering. i think that might have made the difference.

i'm doing hydro with hydro rocks. i don't know if there is a fancy name for that or not. :) I'm a newbie of sorts, but a newbie with lots of experience, equipment, and strains . . . . my husband takes this hobby seriously, so i'm well set up . . . .

would it be bad to use a combination of sweets??


New member
I have also used all 3 and the citrus came out in my goo like orange juice, the grape I thought was good but didnt come thru the way the citrus did and I thought the berry was similar to the grape. I do believe that strain has alot to do with it- the sweet seems to enhance the scents/flavors that are already there. I have also tried molasses and raw sugars and I dont see the same results. I also used filter bags to cut down on clogs.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
I have also used all 3 and the citrus came out in my goo like orange juice, the grape I thought was good but didnt come thru the way the citrus did and I thought the berry was similar to the grape. I do believe that strain has alot to do with it- the sweet seems to enhance the scents/flavors that are already there. I have also tried molasses and raw sugars and I dont see the same results. I also used filter bags to cut down on clogs.

strain has 99.9% to do with it. Genetics are what gives plants their tastes and scents. The citrus seems to work better because a lot of pot has a natural citrus aroma and flavor. I've done runs with almost every kind of "sweet" product there is and can honestly say that I've never noticed any flavor influence at all, nor did I really expect to notice any. They're all carbohydrate products made of some form of sugar. Most of them are made from diluted molasses and some (like Sweet) are made from regular cane sugar. The only real difference is that some have more supplements than others.

Anyway, they're great if you want to add some swelling to your crops or to keep your microbes flourishing or increase nitrogen exchange, but I wouldn't buy one of those products for it's supposed taste implementation.
great discussion. i have many more things to ask and discuss, so hopefully everyone will keep talking . . . . . i'm learning a whole lot . . .

and i think when i reorder i'll get citrus. i think that will complement a lot of our strains, although berry obviously might complement the sweet blue and grape the grape krush.


All 3 Sweet products have the same ingredients.
The "flavors" are just scents (perfume) for the benefit of those smelling the bottles.
They don't impart the listed flavors upon your plants.
Use them as a carb, magnesium, and sulfur boost, but don't fool yourself by thinking they can make your plants smell (or taste) like citrus, grape, or berry.
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Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
All 3 Sweet products have the same ingredients.
The "flavors" are just scents (perfume) for the benefit of those smelling the bottles.
They don't impart the listed flavors upon your plants.
Use them as a carb, magnesium, and sulfur boost, but don't fool yourself by thinking they can make your plants smell like citrus, grape, or berry.

couldn't have said it better myself... thank you my brotha


All 3 Sweet products have the same ingredients.
The "flavors" are just scents (perfume) for the benefit of those smelling the bottles.
They don't impart the listed flavors upon your plants.
Use them as a carb, magnesium, and sulfur boost, but don't fool yourself by thinking they can make your plants smell like citrus, grape, or berry.

they do list slightly different Mg and S levels, but i agree with everything else


they do list slightly different Mg and S levels
Their web site lists the labels for all 3 and they are exactly the same.
Here is what they say about their labels:
Some of the claims listed on our labels are the minimum guaranteed analysis.
It is easy to reverse manufacture products and because so many new hydroponic fertilizer companies have started up over the past two years or so we keep many of our trace mineral amounts private proprietary information.

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