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Which is better?

I have 2 1000 watt HPS lights+all the equip to run either soil or hydro...

I want to start a vertical grow but which is a better setup to go with?


And I would like to know if it is better to use TWO rows of plants around the lights?

I see most people using setup B but it seems like setup A would yield more.

World Peace,



A will yield more due to plant count alone.
B might do just as well if you do a stadium.
B will be easier to work on and water by hand. hydro should be comparable.


Active member
#'s dictate yield like my man DHF says... Why don't you look around at what many of the excellent growers around here are doing... and go from there... Pretty drawings don't do much for you when it come to actually building the thing.


Feeling good is good enough.
You start by:

Your local temps
Type of strain
Working space
Air circulation

These factors determine much.

Pic A is redundant and not practical in smaller spaces.

Finally, Search and then some.



love machine
ICMag Donor
I would go with B

but make it 2 tiers instead one,

that should do it.

A looks good too, but its better when plants get different directions of lights.

hope this helps



Active member
A, unless you slightly reconfig B,(then it would be A lol!!) at a glance that is. Tapered stadium would look slightly different again!(see laylows rig-wow!) G'Luck!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
#'s dictate yield like my man DHF says... Why don't you look around at what many of the excellent growers around here are doing... and go from there... Pretty drawings don't do much for you when it come to actually building the thing.

Couldn't agree more.....real world vs pictures are unrealistic.......their are many examples of peeps killing it here.

Good luck bro!
Thanks for the responses guys...

@bobblehead I'm glad you like my pretty drawings... LMAO. Of course I realize that its just a drawing but you have to start somewhere, RIGHT?

I have looked at others' setup ups (and not just on this site) thats why I said "most people use B", but you see, I have the space to run the A setup and am wondering y most people don't run it like diagram A.

It doesn't seem that much more difficult to run diagram A over diagram B (the only issue I see is having to get more plants)

It just seems like there's alot of wasted light in the CENTER of diagram B

And I have grown indoor and outdoor but this will be my first vert grow. It seems much simpler than a horizontal grow... just sayin.

World Peace,



love machine
ICMag Donor
I have run both A and B

A will suit better in a single set up, because you only have one light, or you can stack them if you like. that set up will use best in smaller space.

If you have bigger space, i dont see why you would do a cpl donuts in a good room while you can just built yourself a good stadium or collesium.

I understood the thoughts your drawing but i cant understand the logic of using A in a good size area, like having2 or 3 donughts instead of one big ass collesium, if you think you cant fit more plants in a stadium/colle vs the donut, hahahahah think again.

just my thoughts tho lol



Active member
Thanks for the responses guys...

@bobblehead I'm glad you like my pretty drawings... LMAO. Of course I realize that its just a drawing but you have to start somewhere, RIGHT?

I have looked at others' setup ups (and not just on this site) thats why I said "most people use B", but you see, I have the space to run the A setup and am wondering y most people don't run it like diagram A.

It doesn't seem that much more difficult to run diagram A over diagram B (the only issue I see is having to get more plants)

It just seems like there's alot of wasted light in the CENTER of diagram B

And I have grown indoor and outdoor but this will be my first vert grow. It seems much simpler than a horizontal grow... just sayin.

World Peace,


I see a lot of drawings of theoretical setups... Few of them ever get built. Then, when they do get built, it never comes together as planned... Because you're building a 3 dimensional room from a 2 dimensional drawing, with problems that weren't anticipated... That's all I meant by that.

Spend your time building... ;) You'll have plenty of time to modify things on the fly with us here to critique...


ICMag Donor
I agree with Red.

I have also done both, and would go with B, as I am running now.

@Red I saw your 4k watt stadium grow and I wanted to ask you how you deal with runoff?

I read through the original post and nowhere in it do you address what you do with your runoff.

World Peace,



love machine
ICMag Donor
there isnt any run off lol. i feed the dirt, the dirt feed the plants

this is the opposite of hydro, its an organic grow using recycled soil from last round.


I'm not an idiot, I can see you're running organic.(you should check your dictionary for the definition of OPPOSITE tho)


No, but seriously, how do you know if you've thoroughly saturated your soil??

World Peace,



love machine
ICMag Donor
well it depends on how big the pot is, and how many time you have water that pot,

memory will serve you, and by judging the plants how it have grown ( in flower or veg ), and the weight of the pot, you know how much water it needs, and not to have any run off lol,

im not saying run off is bad, it is good infact.... but in this case it is not necessary imo.

i dont mean to make fun of you or anything, i was just stone ,,, my bad :D:D