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where in California should I move to?


Active member
Heres my insider secret. There are plenty of landlords who rent their houses to growers and charge more rent. They dont advertise though. Come out here , pick a chill spot and become a part of the community. Youll be growing in no time , just like everyone else.Try to find yourself a grow partner online or through friends. They could allready have a spot and you have the cash so feel it out. Costs a lot of money to grow good weed though. Expensive here. Do it right the first time. Start in Oakland, its easy to meet top people in the industry there. Easy to get good plants there. Good place to find a partner, peace out


Active member
also a thought you could wait for Arizona to go medical in nov 2010 if you can deal with the heat 116 today :yoinks: you can find really cheap housing and co-ops, and vendors are going to be needed going to be the wild wild west free4all like it was in L.A. and how it is in colorado right now. I think Florida is up for ballot on going medical as well in nov 2010 but been there done that too damn humid. I'll wait on arizona.
You definitely don't want to live in Humboldt, it's extremely depressing there.

Santa Cruz is a really chill place, there are a lot of affordable apartments, Burbank which is a little city that's part of LA County is a very good area, there are tons of dealers there. I've lived in both these places, Santa Cruz is wher I am currently.. But yeah, really chill both those spots.


i like how the first 3 pages are filled with, i wouldnt live theres, etc. if you want a substainable living its going be alot harder in ca, places like that require more area per person, where i live its much easier, plenty of rain,underground water, great dirt, just gotta learn how to dry or can food for the winter.

if i was to move i'd move to thailand or brazil, i had some corn in georgia this spring omg it was so plump and juicy i wanted to move there too, it would be nice to have a place to migrate to when winter sets in here.


New member
I agree that California is the Golden State and here is some of the problems with other states. An Earlier poster said he would wait for Nov 2010 for Arizona but it's already happened. Arizona passed Proposition 200 on November 5, 1996 by 65% of the Voters which is considered a landside of 2 to 1. Prop 200 also permitted doctors to prescribe schedule I controlled substances, including marijuana, to treat a disease or to relieve pain and suffering in seriously ill and terminally ill patients. Under federal law, however, marijuana is considered an illegal drug and physicians are prohibited from writing prescriptions for illegal drugs. The use of the word "prescribe" instead of "recommend" is the reason that Prop 200 is not considered to make medical marijuana legal in Arizona and another classic example of how the Man fucks the voters out of the wishes of the majority.

A very conservative house of representatives tried to pass a law to repeal proposition 200 with the introduction of House Bill 2518 which was signed by the governor on Apr. 21, 1997, sought to repeal Proposition 200’s medical marijuana provision by requiring the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to first approve marijuana before allowing state physicians to prescribe it. The bill was placed on the Nov. 3, 1998 ballot as a referendum, where voters rejected it by a vote of 57% to 43%. Again, the elected officials doing everything within their power to sidestep the wishes of the public.

So here's the deal: No matter what State you are in, even one of the so called Ten Legal States, the man is going to try and fuck you. Grow it underground for yourself, Keep your mouth shut, Do personal consumption for medical reasons only and don't try to sell it. If you keep a low profile, you will get away with it. If you try to make aliving at it, you will be considered a "drug dealer" and you will probably get busted. There is always some stupid politician that want's the voters to know he is "tough on crime" and will fuck you.

It's against Federal Law and the stupid bastards will never admit that after locking up over a Million of it's citizens, declaring a war on it's own citizens, that it might have been wrong. Did you ever hear of the Natzi's coming out and say" Oops, we made a mistake when we gassed those Jews"? Not going to happen in this lifetime. So stay underground, grow small, use it yourself, and don't sell it. Sure as shit, it's going to end up in the hands of some high school kid, who ditch's school, get's fucked up on a quart of Jim beam and your grass (of course they will blame it on the grass and not the booze), run's into the side of a School Bus while driving drunker than shit and kills everyone aboard and it will hit the Newspapers on how bad Grass is. They will trace it back to your little grow room and you suddenly become "Jack the Ripper aka Al Capone" and medical marijuana growing is set back Ten years all because you got greedy and tried to make aliving out of selling dope. Use your head guys. It's legal if you are sick and in pain. If you want to become a major Drug Cartel, move to Mexico. Or keep a really, really, low profile and be quiet about it. I know this post is going to piss a large number of you off, but if you are moving to California to make a living off of selling MJ, I would just as soon you stay where you are for I have worked way to hard to make this legal for those who are in pain and are suffering. This is for the Mom who can't keep her lunch down after coming home from Chemotherapy for breast cancer knowing full well she will never see her kids graduate from High School. That's why the law was passed.


Active member
why in the fuck would you want to live in this shit hole of a state. I'm born and raised here and it used to be a good place to live but I'm planing to move out as soon as i can.


Registered Non-Conformist
Santa Cruz is a crowded and competitive "City/Town," with low availability for low cost living arrangements.. Definitely a place where people have a certain amount of "Attitude."

Great weather. Beautiful Females. Fantastic but PACKED surf. Pot is no problem...


Oakland sounds like a better idea just choose wisely were you live you dont wanna get shot.


Anyone here from SF or able to comment on the SF scene?
I'm guessing even a 1 bedroom apt is pricy there
After I get my degree my GF and I are wanting to move there for work and to be able to contribute to the MMJ scene in any way possible. My state laws basically say THROW EM' IN JAIL IF YOU FIND ANY OF THAT DEVIL'S WEED.

I thought of california long before I realized it was a weed prominent state. My college counselor was from there and he said, "do you know how great it is to be able to surf and ski in the same day?" I should have put in applications to cali schools that very moment. The beach and slope skiing have to be my 2 favorite outdoor things.

think about it though, say I see myself as a future employee for a company - but I can only get the legal training for that company in a certain state. So if and when the waterfall effect comes down and causes other states to legalize, I will already be legally experienced and will be able to help set up, regulate, operate and process cannabis grows nationwide because I will have had the legally approved experience to do so already in California.

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