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where in California should I move to?


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
If you're really interested in defending the state, check the number one problem in the state; illegals. Your state isn't fu cked because would be small time growers are coming over in search of freedom, I promise.
Your right. Its many problems. Growers coming over is one of em.

But before you get here I should warn you that "Illegals" is no longer acceptable. Once you step across state lines you'll need to use the term............



Active member
because California is haunted!:yoinks: ...and because im already here and i am a REAL ASSHOLE. I have really fucked up the place up and there's no escaping me! muwahahahahaa


is it any wonder.

is it any wonder.

Peace has come to Zimbabwe.

They turfed the Union Jack from Zimbabwe and Now poverty and hunger are starving the people.

From the dark i hear farmers lands being taken by the black zimbabweans.
back to the jungle and nothin to eat.


Active member
No doubt, if you take a moment to relate to the remnant culture that used to flourish in California; you will find we have love and compassion in our hearts for immigrant workers. They are not the problem and have not been the problem for a century and some change. the process your involved in here has happened quite a few times here on IC. In the end, i would surmise that about 90% of the cases; the motivation to move is about enterprise. The irony I find is when we apply the same logic process to you that you use to exclude those from another country; you object and the grounds that you have better paperwork to back you up. In the end, someone is being excluded from a particular resource for better...or for worse...


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Peace has come to Zimbabwe.

They turfed the Union Jack from Zimbabwe and Now poverty and hunger are starving the people.

From the dark i hear farmers lands being taken by the black zimbabweans.
back to the jungle and nothin to eat.

Please stay on the topic of the thread, thank you.


In Sonoma county there is a 30 plant limit and it is in between Lake County and SF/Oakland. Towns like Petaluma, Santa Rosa, and Rohnert Park.... not sure how big an area you are looking for, and I am unsure of the job market but I figured I would mention it as crime isn't as bad in these areas.

Went to Sonoma State for a semester. LOVED IT! Great small town feel and nice people.

But don't move there cuz there ain't no jobs.

Move to Los Angeles, they NEED more people in their town. Hollywooood babababy!!!


No doubt, if you take a moment to relate to the remnant culture that used to flourish in California; you will find we have love and compassion in our hearts for immigrant workers. They are not the problem and have not been the problem for a century and some change. the process your involved in here has happened quite a few times here on IC. In the end, i would surmise that about 90% of the cases; the motivation to move is about enterprise. The irony I find is when we apply the same logic process to you that you use to exclude those from another country; you object and the grounds that you have better paperwork to back you up. In the end, someone is being excluded from a particular resource for better...or for worse...
I don't have hate for illegal immigrants on a personal level, I'm just saying that the reality of the situation is that they are killing your economy. I was just throwing out an example, I agree that the economic situation is much more complex than a one dimensional immigration issue.

I still don't understand the hostility towards would be tax payers growing a few plants. I don't see how that's "part of the problem." Sloppy Gangsters with 500 plant operations and a poor understanding of electricity whilst running a 10K system might be a problem. But small timers like me?



Active member
Most big timers were once small timers like you; me personally, I enjoy company of like-minded down-to-earth folks and I find it sad that many of us have become so defensive about these isuues. Thats the REAL process call:
Many of us have become defensive. Not really something that can be argued; acknowledge it and find you own value in exploring what might be uniting many of down this path. Thats the only truth I can see in this at this point; we have become defensive and agitated re: folks moving in with cannadreams of all sorts and flavors. Fuck dude, i dont know why i have become this way; im really an appreciator of most things. But its happening to us mellow folks it seems more and more. Thats all I can say, and I am opened to the idea that I may be just being selfish or something I dont see.

I dont like to feel devisive but sometimes I still do...:1help: Guess Im a bit torn on this one for what its worth.

If you like showed up and said, "I really dig whats going on in CaliCity_X and want to be a productive part of that community" I guess it could feel different, but its like what can Cali do for me? from many folks vs. what can I do for Cali? (OK a bit of dramatic plagerism but you get huh?). Im real Old School that way about most things in my life. I see more and more attutudes of entitlement and self-consideration and I feel in my short time here on the planet I have given to my Country (10yrs Active Duty), My state (various roles) my community (many dev progs and non-profit roles,scools adn children programs) and my family. I like to daydream what it would be like if we had more of that going on, but Im only one flavor and get one vote.


Come on over sweetheart! I left and took my two children with me, so you can replace us. You just over grow the whole damn planet if you want! You go right ahead and don't listen to anyone tell you otherwise. Cheers!
What' is a "punk" to you? Healthy, young, and unestablished? I sense a little snobbery, and it's not fair. If the political landscape was as follows I could see your general point: small time growers/smokers get a little fine in most states, whereas California allows large grows. Then I would agree; you're being infiltrated by drug dealers looking for an easy buck, taking advantage of a situation. But that's not the reality. A man in my state got 3.5 years for 4 plants in his backyard recently. People are doing hard time for personal use in the vast majority of these United States. California is overrun by illegals taking jobs lower middle income Californians, taxes are incredibly high, you have outstanding tourism revenue, yet you're state is still a financial disaster. I would think these would be primary concerns for Californians. Not young hippies with 400 watt lamps.

Nah, I'd say a punk is more like reckless, unethical, selfish, and irresponsible. So the healthy, young, unestablished kid that thinks he's going to move to California and make $250,000 a year growing weed while renting an apartment, growing more plants than the law allows, doing it all by himself, and without much if any experience growing. Something like that. You see them here once in a while, but they are prevalent on other cannabis forums.

Snobbery? Perhaps that is true. I'm just trying to see it from the standpoint of the native Californian's eyes and making the distinction between not wanting the "punks" and not wanting anyone at all. Do they want the kid from above next door to them? Or somebody with a few plants taking care of themselves? Makes sense they would rather not have the "punks" come live next door, so by assuming I am not a punk, I think they would prefer having me to having a punk. Not so much snobbery as it is a recognition of the cultural environment and my perceived preference in it over others. Being more preferable doesn't automatically mean being "better", as the term snob would suggest.

I agree there are so many more important and bigger concerns than young hippies with 400 watt lamps. The 14000 watts of lamps are another story.


I don't want to move there to grow MJ!
Govenator Arnie asked me through the T.V. when I could
start working there, so I'm in!

Really though, I understand Pirate's opinion well, but it wouldn't
stop me from pursuing my dream..
I live in a deep southern state that gets a serious influx
of SENIOR CITIZENS fleeing from the northern winters.
They clog up our roads, crowd up our restaurants,
and flood our beaches! I'm tired of snowbirds
by this point, but I would never let them drive me down.

Regardless, we have a lot of intelligent youth out there
currently earning their various degrees, who really
don't want to be sent to prison for a recreational joy like growing mj.
Some of us out there really have a desire to breed
and contribute to the cannabis community in an active
way that is not yet as openly accepted by society in other states.
If my state were to follow and stopped putting innocent people
in jail, then maybe I would drop the california dream, but there
is no denying that California's community is more active and at the forefront
than any other states we have.

Too bad for those in Cali who want to post up their
"locals only" signs, but in FL we get our best beaches crowded
up ALL year long too! - All the beautiful places deal
with a tight crowd because everyone wants to live
in these nice places - just a sacrifice to be there.

Anyway, if I ever move there I'll grow you a blinding strain
called eye-patch, Pirate - You'll love the ones like me, I promise.
I have lived here for my whole life 40 some odd years. Lived in N. and S. and I welcome anyone that wants to just enjoy the weather and grow some nice weed. And if I were going to move here from out of state I would look into the Santa Cruz area. Lots of good people and prop 215, is pretty well recognized. And the local plant limits are very liberal. But just be warned that the state is full of assholes just like the other 49. Just in general though the MMJ card is not a free ride, any cop can still make your life hard even with the card. Maybe you watched that show, that made it look like everyone is growing weed and all is well. The truth is No, most still treat it like they are breaking the law. In Riverside county most cops will take your stuff and make you prove that you have a real need.


good advice rich - like your stance on it all.
So the cops are still cops no matter what state you live in, this is true.
But I feel the penalties are less severe and the stance is generally more liberal than in the south. To me, that means it allows a lower chance of being caught with a lesser penalty IF caught.

I would love to go full scale one day with quality
to offer to many patients, thats MY american dream -
But for the next few years of life, I'd be content with around 10
or so blooming buddies just for myself and a small amount of
patients. I'm going to get locked up in my state for years if I do that.
Growing is good to help yourself, but helping OTHERS is where
I'm going.

Tell me, on average - statistically. One already does have a lower chance of being arrested for a small setup in california when compared to southern states, right? This is what I always thought. If this isn't true, then the state laws are DEFINITELY less harsh in California then other states.

Cali didn't obtain the stigma of being a pro-weed state for nothing. What I am basically saying is California looks like the safest place for an avid grower to settle down and start a future right now
Dank, thanks and yes cops are pricks and that doesn't matter if you are in the deep south or in Sunny California. You are right about the penalties being less in Calif. I like the fact that you want to help others, I think at least that way you have Karma on your side. And kudos to you for having your own dream, most don't think it through and they settle for what society wants. I think growing medicine for sick folks would give you a good feeling at the end of the day. Dank, California can always use good people no matter where you live in the state. We have our share of complete assholes, but there are some good folks left, they just don't leave there house anymore.

shiva das

Most big timers were once small timers like you; me personally, I enjoy company of like-minded down-to-earth folks and I find it sad that many of us have become so defensive about these isuues. Thats the REAL process call:
Many of us have become defensive. Not really something that can be argued; acknowledge it and find you own value in exploring what might be uniting many of down this path. Thats the only truth I can see in this at this point; we have become defensive and agitated re: folks moving in with cannadreams of all sorts and flavors. Fuck dude, i dont know why i have become this way; im really an appreciator of most things. But its happening to us mellow folks it seems more and more. Thats all I can say, and I am opened to the idea that I may be just being selfish or something I dont see.

I dont like to feel defenisive but sometimes I still do...:1help: Guess Im a bit torn on this one for what its worth.

Bbing, I respect you. Our canna community is a very closed off one. It is hard to be with fellow canna folk and learn. Our cannabis plant is under attack and they have divided us through there draconian laws. So, the defensiveness of Pirate is understandable. Though Pirate, you can't tell someone not to go somewhere. Sounds like some real Pirate shit. If a pirate tells me not to go somewhere damn if I'm not going...

Migration is the natural ebb and flow of the universe. We have no power of it. Whatever "it" is. Life is freedom; freedom is life.

I have moved to Cali a couple times. I married into it, you could say. Through I never found it to be a very open community. You have to be there for a long time and know the right people to make it work. The state is getting flooded with growers. which makes it less safe, in my mind.


northern california fer sure, i dont know why someone would want to move to the city to grow either?? oakland ha. mendo! beautiful, part of the emerald triangle, like humboldt just less shotguns from what i hear and closer to the bay and the rest of california. got family friends who live in fort bragg and along the coast. also anywhere just north of the bay is nice. southern california sorta sucks unless your on the coast, big shithole, hah, nah its nota shit hole, but it does suck.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned north San Diego County, Escondido, Vista, San Marcos, Fallbrook. It's a huge agricultural area and if you stay away from the coast fairly reasonable cost of living here. Climate is wonderful for growing!


Registered Non-Conformist
Dankside, please read my last post.... Not "Locals Only." Reality.

Compared to people from other states, Local Growers Only Have the info.... Opinions aside.... Of course.... But, who else will you consult...? High Times Magazine...??

Go to the MAP (Media Awareness Project) regarding Medical Cannabis, and read ALL the articles coming out of CA. You will see, things are not so great here, right now... In fact, for growing, pretty rotten in some places that would surprise you.


Active member
I'm trying to move to CA too (hopefully soon!), beautiful place, loved it since I was young, and I've been growing up in maryland most of my life, and spent 5-6 years in the midwest, and with my traveling experience, I do have to say the west coast is callin my name. :Bolt:


The weather is gorgeous, the girls are beautiful, the people are more laid back, organics and sustainable technology are more widely accepted (I have a sustainable living major), and there is a movement of people who are pro-pot! Plus I have met some really cool people who are from CA, and partying/festivals with them would be a lot easier :friends::friends:

with that said..

It is my passion to grow and breed superb genetics to benefit mankind. I am going to make specific resins and grades of kief to treat very specific ailments and disorders. Patients can then mix and match grades of kief or bubble/etc to make their own perfect blend to suit their individual needs. Sound cool?

Now how in the world is someone on the internet going to try to convince others CA is not the place to be? It's our dream! Especially when we dream big and have good intentions behind it. There is no one or thing that will cross my path that I will not overcome to gain my goal, my passion is way way too strong. Trust me, I've gone against my parent's wishes multiple times on this issue, the ones I love most in this world, even broken their hearts over my dedication and fascination with this miracle plant..

If we really want to get into people's minds here.. the one's who oppose people migrating to other locations are the ones who are greedy, selfish, and in it for all the wrong reasons IMHO... These are the ones who seek profit over product, and don't want to share with anyone else but their stingy selves.. the ones who don't give a shit about the sick people who truly need this, the ones that will make you sick from their product, who sell you moldy buds, that have been wetted down with crappy chemical tap water, and these are the real people who are screwing it up for everyone, this is when guns and violence come in to play, when crooks and thieves come out. :dueling: Don't you hate beasters? I mean I love beasters, but I hate it cus it's grown for the wrong reasons, fast and quick, low medicinal quality, lots of wet weight... grown for the big buck, not for helping others, not one drop of love, not one care of quality. My friends just got raided in CA a few months ago, because they were growing over 600 plants under the table, for the wrong reasons, to make money, they got overly greedy, thought they could make a million in a year, and are ending up with some serious charges as well as a manufacturing oil charge :noway: The problem is trying to "weed" out those who are in it for the wrong reasons... It will happen naturally over time, (cite my friend's for example) as does everything, it finds its way to where it needs to be, aka natural selection.. maybe I'll start a secret society of people who are in it for the right reasons. Lemme know if you want to join, I'll send out the application and we can have our own collective of breeders in it for the passion and love of the plant and the miracles it can perform :D Free trade, tips and growing secrets for members only, those with true passion and green running through their veins. Green as in plants, not money... money is a byproduct, and will come naturally if you're doing things right :woohoo:

and with that said...

For me, my choice to live in California would be Sonoma County, good ol wine country. Their laws for medicinal marijuana are some of the most lenient per county, Up to 30 (formerly 99) plants with up to 100 square feet of garden canopy and up to 3 pounds of dried cannabis or conversion per year. That "conversion" clause is crucial, as from my understanding it can be 3 pounds of resin glands. Sonoma is beautiful, remote, and a perfect drive to the bay or northern cal.

From what I can tell, good places in California that support medicinal marijuana the most are...

City of Sebastopol
Ordinance: Safe Access Guidelines, same as the County of Sonoma; letter to DA asks to protect patients with 4.5# and 150 square feet of garden canopy.
*On 3/17/09, in an unanimous vote Sebastopol City Council approved the following four changes to the Medical Marijuana Dispensing Ordinance: 1. Extend hours of operation to 9 pm from 8 pm, Sunday through Thursday and 7 pm, Friday and Saturday; 2. Add the use of the California State Medical Marijuana Identification card and Patient ID Center Identification card as proof of patient status; 3. Remove the 30 immature plant limitation from retail sales; 4. Allow 150 sq. ft. for display and sale of medical use devices

City of Berkeley
Ordinance: up to 10 plants and 2.5 lbs per patient

City of Oakland
Ordinance: Indoors -- Up to 72 plants with up to 32 square feet of canopy and 3 # dried bud.

City of San Diego
Still in development: Current version 9/17/03: Adult marijuana patients with the approval of a San Diego County doctor may keep up to 1 pound of marijuana and grow up to 24 plants. (weak I know, but this is the current reason its a nice spot... "The U.S. Supreme Court will not take up San Diego County’s challenge to state medical marijuana laws.
For more than three years the county has been fighting in court to overturn state laws that require counties to issue medical marijuana identification cards. The county contends federal law, which does not recognize medical marijuana usage, trumps the state law.
The county has lost that argument in state trial and appellate courts, and the state Supreme Court declined to take up the case, too. The county’s last, long-shot chance was to have the U.S. Supreme Court take up the case.
San Bernardino and Merced counties initially joined the suit, but Merced eventually dropped out. The high court also rejected San Bernardino’s petition to take up the case." so this means you're safe! for now..)

Humboldt: County Board of Supervisors policy as a PDF file (220k) approved taskforce proposal of three pounds of bud or conversion plus 100 square feet of garden canopy, no limit on plant numbers or lamp wattage.

Santa Cruz: Board of Supervisors PDF file (188k) approved physician's taskforce proposal of three pounds of bud or conversion plus 100 square feet of garden canopy, no limit on plant numbers or lamp wattage.

Hope this helps, would love to hear how your journey goes.


Nah, I'd say a punk is more like reckless, unethical, selfish, and irresponsible. So the healthy, young, unestablished kid that thinks he's going to move to California and make $250,000 a year growing weed while renting an apartment, growing more plants than the law allows, doing it all by himself, and without much if any experience growing. Something like that. You see them here once in a while, but they are prevalent on other cannabis forums.

Snobbery? Perhaps that is true. I'm just trying to see it from the standpoint of the native Californian's eyes and making the distinction between not wanting the "punks" and not wanting anyone at all. Do they want the kid from above next door to them? Or somebody with a few plants taking care of themselves? Makes sense they would rather not have the "punks" come live next door, so by assuming I am not a punk, I think they would prefer having me to having a punk. Not so much snobbery as it is a recognition of the cultural environment and my perceived preference in it over others. Being more preferable doesn't automatically mean being "better", as the term snob would suggest.

I agree there are so many more important and bigger concerns than young hippies with 400 watt lamps. The 14000 watts of lamps are another story.

true..true...when u go into a collective and sign up to there coop...they are allowed to grow medical cannabis for u....and some coops do.

times are tight...alot of VENDORS go and try to sling to coops...only to be turned away....even if its da kind og..under 3000 a lb.

do u wanna know how hard it is to grow a kind lb of og...:wallbash:

and after that monster 300 dollar a month light bill??