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Where Do Seeds Come From?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
No one knows for sure the volume of seeds that are sold, and the seed-banks and breeders certainly aren't about to make that information public.

( I certainly wouldn't. )

Why not? I'd really like to know how many seeds are sold each year in this country. At least a ballpark number. Is it 1000s, or 10s of 1000s, or millions? Just curious how many growers there are. I have a feeling it's a lot more than most people would suspect.

I can understand how that information might be dangerous in the wrong hands, but it might also shed some light on how widespread our hobby really is. And how impossible it is to stop. We see statistics all the time about how many people smoke, but all we know about growers is when they get busted. And those are usually the big growers. I think it would be helpful to the cause if the public knew how many hobby growers there really are.