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Where are you musically?


What were we talking about?
I like rock, jazz, blues, electronic, whatever sounds good to me. I don't really have a favorite genre. A lot depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Usually, when I'm mellow I like to listen to Pink Floyd. I also like to listen to certain electronic music. Not all of it.

I have been a fan of just about all of Tangerine Dream's catalog of music. My favorite is probably Optical Races. I had that CD playing most of the time when I used to drive between Colorado and Arizona. Talk about some perfect music for the country I drove through.

I've been listening to it on YouTube today.


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
^ yeah that. Bluegrass and progressive/newgrass

BlueBlazer - I'm also a big fan of Tangerine Dream from the late 70's and early 80's when I first started listening to electronica, Tomita, etc..


New member
Punk, Pop Rock to the Stoner Rock days..KYUSS is still the best thing...to Psytrance and lately I'm more into ambient psychedelic things and some good hip hop

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I've been into metal my whole life. EDM also for long periods of my life. Lately I've been getting back into classical music.

Frederic Chopin was a genius. He changed the world, doing the craziest things with a piano that no one had ever thought of or had been capable of before. Listening to his music again makes me wish I had stuck with the piano lessons as a kid.

Wow! Yes please!!!!! :tiphat:
Arthur Rubinstein
I'm into all kinds of music. I fronted a metalcore band years ago and got to open for a lot of bands I looked up to at the time, I've engineered in the studio for a few punk and metal bands as well as handled production duties on one record. I dabbled in other genres but it's the punk and metal scene where my heart is at


Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
I listened to a lot of punk when i was younger in the very early 80s. Dead kennedys, circle jerks, doa, black flag, siouxie n the banshees, gen x, suicidal tendencies, man so many more the names are flooding back... lol

Nowadays im more into Spoon which i see as post punk. Anyway more my style as i have gotten older


Active member
ICMag Donor
Wow! Yes please!!!!! :tiphat:
Arthur Rubinstein

This was the one that changed everything for me. :) I was on acid with a friend of mine sometime back in 2000. We listened to this CD called Power Classics. One of them, anyway. Chopin's Piano Concerto #2, 3rd movement came on. Starting at around maybe 25:00 of this video.

It was almost like a religious experience. I bought so many Chopin albums that year. I got back into his music last year when I got Spotify on my phone.


Active member
ICMag Donor

This one's pretty cool when you're high. :)


Active member
ICMag Donor

This one too. :) Chopin's etudes are my favorites. And the scherzos, ballades, concertos, and other stuff.