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when will we see the first victim of bill c-10?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I would love to see how much the Gov makes on this one

I would love to see how much the Gov makes on this one

I will bet it's some poor guy/girl that can't afford his rent or food but our Gov will make a pretty penny locking him up... This looks more and more like the way the US does business,,,,,,,,
It's would be very interesting to me if anyone could really break this one down how much does our great so-called justice sytem make off locking up some poor soul for the "wicked weed"?? It's not like they built these jails for nothing right ? stay out of communist hands of Canadian Gov lol headband 707:tiphat:


That sucks for your buddy. Hope his lawyer can sort that out for him. I am personally making big changes to get myself under 200 plants because that comes with a minimum of a 1 year sentence.


I will bet it's some poor guy/girl that can't afford his rent or food but our Gov will make a pretty penny locking him up... This looks more and more like the way the US does business,,,,,,,,
It's would be very interesting to me if anyone could really break this one down how much does our great so-called justice sytem make off locking up some poor soul for the "wicked weed"?? It's not like they built these jails for nothing right ? stay out of communist hands of Canadian Gov lol headband 707:tiphat:

Can you please expain how the government MAKES money by throwing someone in jail? The government spends millions if not billions of our tax dollars keeping people in jail. Building all these new prisons, employing all the prison workers and keeping all the prisoners locked up with 3 meals a day, etc. etc. Is going to cost a SHIT LOAD. I have read it costs over $25,000-$40,000 a year PER INMATE to keep them locked up. Your post about the government "making a pretty penny" really makes no sense dude. Unless these were labour force prisons or some shit where the prisoners are forced to do labour work and dont recieve a wage like those road side "chain gangs" doing construction work but as far as I know we don't have prisons like that here....If I am mistaken I am very sorry I am just really curious to see what you mean...
The only people making money off this are the shareholders of private prison companies, people who will be working at the private prisons, and of coarse the Fürer Harper who no doubt is secretly getting briefcases full of cash delivered on the downlow for enacting these fascist laws. Election frauding goof!

The 100s of millions... or likely BILLIONS of dollars are coming directly out of the pockets of the taxpayers and these numbers are conveniently missing from the Conservatives impressive new soon to be balanced budget. Lying scammers.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Can you please expain how the government MAKES money by throwing someone in jail? The government spends millions if not billions of our tax dollars keeping people in jail. Building all these new prisons, employing all the prison workers and keeping all the prisoners locked up with 3 meals a day, etc. etc. Is going to cost a SHIT LOAD. I have read it costs over $25,000-$40,000 a year PER INMATE to keep them locked up. Your post about the government "making a pretty penny" really makes no sense dude. Unless these were labour force prisons or some shit where the prisoners are forced to do labour work and dont recieve a wage like those road side "chain gangs" doing construction work but as far as I know we don't have prisons like that here....If I am mistaken I am very sorry I am just really curious to see what you mean...

Well lets break this one down shall we because there are currently 7 million ppl in the US prisions and now how many ppl do you think that employees to keep all those people in all those prison and how much food do you think that takes and who prepares this food and who makes these clothes and who has these contracts?????? UMMM the same questions that they need to ask in the U.Sof A they need to ask here in Canada who is making money locking people up.. They are not losing money they are making money atleast someone is and you need to follow that trail.Since when did punishment become the order of the day for cannabis in Canada and we have a so-called Christian in charge here lol yeah right :moon:... headband 707

Oh BTW if it's costing what did you say $30 to $40 thousand a month to keep them wow thats really a lot of cash WAY more then I would spend in that period of time don't you think?? Give me a break seriously who is being taken for a ride here LOL...


Dude, your a joke. Please read my post. I said they spent that much money EVERY YEAR not month. And obviously it is going to cost more to keep an inmate in jail then it does for you to keep yourself alive on the outside. It takes a shit ton of employees to keep the prison running the cost per inmate is inlcluding all the expenses such as the cooks who feed each one of them, the dudes who clean up after them, the people who give them an education etc. You can find this information documented I did not just pull it out of my ass. Would you like me to post some links? Your post just proves my point even more. There is a SHIT ton of people in prison how the FUCK do you think they make money by keeping them fed and making them clothes and paying the thousands upon thousands of employees there? Are you implying that the prisons buy all their food and clothes and everything from the government? because that makes no sense...THE GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING THE PRISONS. It is a FACT that we do NOT make money from prisons. We LOSE a shit ton and it is our tax dollars that pay for all the money spent. Everyone loses because of prisons. We, the tax payers do and so does the government. Are you like 14 years old bro? Because your not very bright. Explain how we they make money off prisons with stone cold facts not just smart ass comments or GTFO.
Last edited:


Mr. Harper is pushing (getting paid to push) for privatized prisons.

Mr. Harper is counting on mandatory minimums to fill these prisons.

Check out what some of the states are doing, signing contracts that guarantee min. occupancy.

This whole thing is about getting the tax payers to pay to imprison themselves. An excellent business model if making tons of cash off your fellow citizens is your goal.


A 72 year old man was just caught in the Ottawa area with over 700 plants(way to go old timer!!!). There was no mention in the newspaper article about whether he faces the Bill mandatory minimum sentence, but if so I believe he's looking at over 2 years. It will be interesting to see if a judge is willing to put a 72 year old man in jail for growing plants though.

At that age you gotta wonder how many #'s that guys hammered out over the years. Thats awesome.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Dude, your a joke. Please read my post. I said they spent that much money EVERY YEAR not month. And obviously it is going to cost more to keep an inmate in jail then it does for you to keep yourself alive on the outside. It takes a shit ton of employees to keep the prison running the cost per inmate is inlcluding all the expenses such as the cooks who feed each one of them, the dudes who clean up after them, the people who give them an education etc. You can find this information documented I did not just pull it out of my ass. Would you like me to post some links? Your post just proves my point even more. There is a SHIT ton of people in prison how the FUCK do you think they make money by keeping them fed and making them clothes and paying the thousands upon thousands of employees there? Are you implying that the prisons buy all their food and clothes and everything from the government? because that makes no sense...THE GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING THE PRISONS. It is a FACT that we do NOT make money from prisons. We LOSE a shit ton and it is our tax dollars that pay for all the money spent. Everyone loses because of prisons. We, the tax payers do and so does the government. Are you like 14 years old bro? Because your not very bright. Explain how we they make money off prisons with stone cold facts not just smart ass comments or GTFO.

WOW lol yeah 14 lol..thanks ..and I look goood......too....
Okay let us TRY to break this down one more time and the amount is more like a month thanks..
Now WHO exactly is paying for this ?? YOU and me TAXPAYERS ... ffs.. give this a rest and how much does it cost again to hold a person in prison for cannabis? HUMMMM that is a very interesting question I guess it depends on who your asking doesn't it.
You mean to tell me there are 7 million bad ppl in the USA that need to be locked up and how many of those guys are black and how many of that population should not be in prison at all? I mean when you do the true stats on the whole thing? You have been watching there boarder war shows etc. right? You think with these new laws that Canada will do any better? You think that we are somehow better then the US at this? You think that there isn't some asshole somewhere making money off this shit? Then your a bigger fool then I thought.. Headband 707:dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
A 72 year old man was just caught in the Ottawa area with over 700 plants(way to go old timer!!!). There was no mention in the newspaper article about whether he faces the Bill mandatory minimum sentence, but if so I believe he's looking at over 2 years. It will be interesting to see if a judge is willing to put a 72 year old man in jail for growing plants though.

Well we all know that a 72 year old man need to be put in "JAIL "right were he will learn a real lesson although that escapes me right now but I'm sure our Gov will figure it out right?
Oh that wicked weed when will we learn to let our Gov tell us what to do and when to do it like the Chinese do? WHEN << WHEN??:tumbleweed:headband 707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Harper arrives at Summit of Americas meeting..

Harper arrives at Summit of Americas meeting..

Harper arrives at Summit of Americas meeting

Posted: Apr 13, 2012 5:17 AM ET

Last Updated: Apr 13, 2012 10:30 PM ET

Colombian special forces troops take position on the roof of a building in

Drug legalization debate divides the Americas

MPs talk the Americas11:11
MPs talk the Americas11:11
Harper in Colombia2:15
Harper in Colombia2:15

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has arrived in Colombia to attend the Summit of the Americas, where the war on drugs and trade issues are expected to dominate talks.
Harper met with nine Canadian business executives at a hotel boardroom on Friday shortly after arriving in Cartagena. They included Scotiabank president Rick Waugh; former Conservative cabinet minister Jim Prentice, now executive vice-president of CIBC; and former Liberal cabinet minister John Manley, now CEO of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives.
"I'm looking forward to chatting with you all about what Canadian industry is doing here in the Americas," Harper said. "This has been an area of tremendous growth in Canadian trade and investment activity since our government has taken office."
Upon Harper's arrival, the government announced that Canada had reached its first ever air transport agreement with Colombia, as well as Open Skies-type agreements with Honduras, Nicaragua, Curacao and Saint Maarten.
According to the Canadian government, the Open Skies-type agreements with Honduras and Nicaragua will provide airlines with flexibility in terms of routes, frequency of service and pricing, which will support increased trade and tourism.
Talks among the leaders are expected to shift to other areas, in particular, the war on drugs.
A number of heads of state from Latin America have been calling for the legalization or decriminalization of certain drugs, such as marijuana, in order to undercut drug cartels' profit margins and better control the trade.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, host of the conference that will bring together 34 leaders from the Western Hemisphere, said the issue needs to be debated.
"Colombia has suffered for years from this scourge. Organized crime has an ever greater hold on Central America," Santos said after arriving in Cartagena, according to Reuters. "We need to take the bull by the horns and start a debate, just to see if there's a better alternative to attack it."
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has said the terrible drug violence plaguing his country affects everyone in the hemisphere and has urged other leaders to come up with "market alternatives" to the war on drugs.
But U.S. President Barack Obama, who will also attend the summit, and Harper have so far signalled they are opposed to any moves to relax their drug laws.
Canada's farmers in crosshairs

On the issue of trade, Harper will be looking for support for entry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a nine-country tariff-free bridge between the Western Hemisphere and Asia.
Canada's supply-management system, which protects certain Canadian farmers from international competition, has been an impediment to joining, in particular with the U.S.
Trade Minister Ed Fast said Canada is willing to discuss everything — including its supply-management system — when it sits down with other countries. Fast underlined, however, that Canada's Conservative government has promised egg, dairy and poultry farmers that it will protect their interests.
But he also suggested that all the states involved — including the United States and New Zealand — would have their own sticking points to hash out.
"We're prepared to discuss everything at the negotiating table, and every partner brings certain sensitive areas to the table which they defend aggressively, and at the end of the day they make a decision on whether to sign on to an agreement, whether they see the trade interests of their country being moved forward in a substantive way," Fast said in an interview from Lima, Peru.
Harper's director of communications, Andrew MacDougall, told reporters Thursday that the government wasn't interested in negotiating away items before it even arrived at the table for discussion.
This year's Summit of the Americas is the sixth such meeting of national leaders, with a summit held every three to four years since 1994. Canada hosted the 2001 summit in Quebec City.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
This was 2001 Do you think they are making more now? lol

This was 2001 Do you think they are making more now? lol

Dude, your a joke. Please read my post. I said they spent that much money EVERY YEAR not month. And obviously it is going to cost more to keep an inmate in jail then it does for you to keep yourself alive on the outside. It takes a shit ton of employees to keep the prison running the cost per inmate is inlcluding all the expenses such as the cooks who feed each one of them, the dudes who clean up after them, the people who give them an education etc. You can find this information documented I did not just pull it out of my ass. Would you like me to post some links? Your post just proves my point even more. There is a SHIT ton of people in prison how the FUCK do you think they make money by keeping them fed and making them clothes and paying the thousands upon thousands of employees there? Are you implying that the prisons buy all their food and clothes and everything from the government? because that makes no sense...THE GOVERNMENT IS RUNNING THE PRISONS. It is a FACT that we do NOT make money from prisons. We LOSE a shit ton and it is our tax dollars that pay for all the money spent. Everyone loses because of prisons. We, the tax payers do and so does the government. Are you like 14 years old bro? Because your not very bright. Explain how we they make money off prisons with stone cold facts not just smart ass comments or GTFO.

by Tdot
Member since:January 25, 2007Total points:14,302 (Level 6)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

The only sourced statistic I could find was from 2001. The average cost to house a federal prisoner was $189 per day or nearly $70k per year.

Currently approximately 2500 prisoners are serving life sentences.

Between 1859 and 1967 (the year a moratorium was placed on capital punishment) 710 inmates were hanged.



WOW lol yeah 14 lol..thanks ..and I look goood......too....
Okay let us TRY to break this down one more time and the amount is more like a month thanks..
Now WHO exactly is paying for this ?? YOU and me TAXPAYERS ... ffs.. give this a rest and how much does it cost again to hold a person in prison for cannabis? HUMMMM that is a very interesting question I guess it depends on who your asking doesn't it.
You mean to tell me there are 7 million bad ppl in the USA that need to be locked up and how many of those guys are black and how many of that population should not be in prison at all? I mean when you do the true stats on the whole thing? You have been watching there boarder war shows etc. right? You think with these new laws that Canada will do any better? You think that we are somehow better then the US at this? You think that there isn't some asshole somewhere making money off this shit? Then your a bigger fool then I thought.. Headband 707:dance013:

WOW....I'm not even going to try arguing with you, I never thought I'd say this about anyone but you smoke way to much weed. You have not proven me wrong once, your reply to mine was completely off topic. what the fuck does it matter if the people are black and if the deserve to be in prision or not? I think you actually have slight mental problems because you literally have not made any sense what so ever. and I don't even think you know what point your trying to make. The post right above this in the title you say "2001, do you think they are making more now?" What the fuck do you mean do you think they are MAKING more now?? That is the COST per inmate not how much they MAKE off each inmate. are you actually retarded? The government needs to SPEND that money to keep them in prison how do they MAKE money off the inmate is what I'm asking you and You have yet to prove to me how they make a penney, infact with your above post your just proving me right even more for fuck sakes... Now PLEASE tell me how any money is made and dont just post some bullshit off topic ramblings...You have the nerve to call me stupid but are not doing anything to reinforce your arguments you're just making yourself look stupid.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
yeah I look real stupid lol..

yeah I look real stupid lol..

WOW....I'm not even going to try arguing with you, I never thought I'd say this about anyone but you smoke way to much weed. You have not proven me wrong once, your reply to mine was completely off topic. what the fuck does it matter if the people are black and if the deserve to be in prision or not? I think you actually have slight mental problems because you literally have not made any sense what so ever. and I don't even think you know what point your trying to make. The post right above this in the title you say "2001, do you think they are making more now?" What the fuck do you mean do you think they are MAKING more now?? That is the COST per inmate not how much they MAKE off each inmate. are you actually retarded? The government needs to SPEND that money to keep them in prison how do they MAKE money off the inmate is what I'm asking you and You have yet to prove to me how they make a penney, infact with your above post your just proving me right even more for fuck sakes... Now PLEASE tell me how any money is made and dont just post some bullshit off topic ramblings...You have the nerve to call me stupid but are not doing anything to reinforce your arguments you're just making yourself look stupid.
See also: Race and crime in the United States and Racial inequality in the American criminal justice system

On June 30, 2006, an estimated 4.8% of black non-Hispanic men were in prison or jail, compared to 1.9% of Hispanic men of any race and 0.7% of white non-Hispanic men. U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics.[40]Midyear 2010 Incarceration rates by race and gender per 100,000 US residents of the same race and gender.[41]EthnicityMaleFemaleTotalWhite non-Hispanic67891-Black non-Hispanic4,347260-Hispanic of any race1,775133-All inmates1,352126732

According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) non-Hispanic blacks accounted for 39.4% of the total prison and jail population in 2009.[42] According to the 2010 census of the US Census Bureau blacks (including Hispanic blacks) comprised 13.6% of the US population.[43][44][45]
Hispanics (of all races) were 20.6% of the total jail and prison population in 2009.[42] Hispanics comprised 16.3% of the US population according to the 2010 US census.[43][46] The Northeast has the highest incarceration rates of Hispanics in the nation.[47] Connecticut has the highest Hispanic-to-White ratio with 6.6 Hispanic males for every white male. The National Average Hispanic-to-White ratio is 1.8. Other states with high Hispanic-to-White ratios include Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New York.[48] Unlike other ethnic groups, the Hispanic community is not monolithic, and thus there is variations, even with incarceration rates. Among the Hispanic community, Puerto Ricans have the highest incarceration rate, and are up to six times more likely to be incarcerated than whites, and may explain the higher incarceration rates for Hispanics in the Northeast region.[49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57] Illegal Immigrants, usually of Mexican origin, also make up a substantial number of Hispanics incarcerated.[58][59][60]
In 2010 black non-Hispanic males were incarcerated at the rate of 4,347 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents of the same race and gender. White males were incarcerated at the rate of 678 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents. Hispanic males were incarcerated at the rate of 1,755 inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents.[41][61] For female rates see the table above.
However, black majority cities have similar crime statistics for blacks as do cities where majority of population is white. For example, white majority San Diego has a slightly lower crime rate for blacks than does Atlanta, a city which has black majority in population and city government.[62]
Census data for 2000, which included a count of the number and race of all individuals incarcerated in the United States, showed for each state that the proportion of blacks in prison populations exceeded the proportion of whites among state residents in every state.[63] In twenty states, the percent of blacks incarcerated was at least five times greater than their share of resident population.[63]
