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When its dry - its REALLY dry


Active member
Meh, one of the downsides of living in a non-med draconian state.

Just about EVERY one of my toker buddies has been calling ME (of all people) to try to locate them some stash. I have never ever been known as the 'go to guy' for herb, which is why I know that its dry round these parts. While I still have enough stash to sustain me for the next few days, it just fucking sucks that I cant even so much as locate mids right about now.

Would this be considered a 'victory' by the prohibitionists? Forcing me to the depths of the black market for something that I enjoy responsibly in the comfort of my own home?

Sorry, just wanted to bitch.
Keep looking bro. It's never dry. That's just a myth we tell ourselves. We stoners have a way of convincing ourselves that our social circle somehow encapsulates an entire multi-billion dollar black market economy within a 200 mile radius.



I agree, it's never dry

you just gotta find it...

but then again if you live in a little village of 200 people, I can understand

but if you live in such a small place, there must be a lot of forest and land to grow..


Registered Med User
How far away are you from cali? you could go to cali n pick up p's of some killer outdoor for 1600 a pop these days....


Active member
LOL I live on the opposite coast of Cali so thats kind of not an option. And Im SURE there are PLENTY of places to locate herb, (see - low income housing) but call me a snob of sorts. There are places that I am and am not comfortable trying to locate the herbage.

I guess I am just feeling the pinch a little more as my normal go to guy(s) are starting to get lazy. Its all good, I have options within my own stash to stretch it. I just hate having to go to some of these measures sometimes :p


Old School Cottonmouth
No. I disagree. The drought is a real thing. It becomes less serious every year due to the increase of indoor weed but for sure it still exists. Sure to come every year.

Its caused by 2 things. Pot is still mostly grown outdoors and is harvested once a year. The yearly harvest happens around september to november. So the further you get from harvest the drier it becomes, and it costs more for lower quality. Plus poorly stored weed has fermented by now. So weed that was mediocre is crap now.

The other thing is mexico supplies somewhere near half of the pot in the states. A lot of it is brought across land routes by smugglers, and they come through the desert during the cooler months. Once it starts getting hot they can't carry as heavy of loads, and its more likely they will have to abandon their packs or die of dehydration.

Every year since I was a kid I remember it would get dry around when school lets out. May to June. When school would start up again we'd start seeing weed. Used to piss us off good. Once we were all free to party and had money from summer jobs all we could find was ditch weed.


Overkill is under-rated.
How far away are you from cali? you could go to cali n pick up p's of some killer outdoor for 1600 a pop these days....

Who wants outdoors from 6 months ago? It certainly doesn't age well in 99% of cases. All the good indoor is gone very quickly in California, quality declines every month from harvest until it's a bunch of crap left NOBODY wanted from November til now.

If someone has outdoor for sale here, I would be VERY concerned it was worthless crap.


Active member
haha.. all this talk makes me want to hold on to my indoor crop for 2-3 months longer than normal to cure it our real good and make it super proper.
I know some folks sat on their stuff for 420 to meet bills could get more money etc. so now they're starting over. I have some great friends on 420 many of uncle Bucks friends gifted me alot maybe 8-9 onions and some wild hash.


I graduated from a university in a very small town, kinda hickish.

Freshman/sophomore year I was spending a lot of time partying so it was easy as hell to find weed. Come junior/senior year, I had to get serious and buckle down...I still smoked tho, just not as many parties.

It came time where I lost touch with my dealers and found myself dry. One day i just said fuck it, went to a crowded sports bar, started a convo with the bartender. Eventually I asked him if he could help me score. He hooked me up pretty good, was a little pricey but hey beggars can't be choosers.

just go to a bar, be cool, make conversation and ask around. you might get a few looks but eventually you'll find some.


I know that here it's common for growers to help the drought in the summer, they keep their stuff and sell them at much higher price at the end of the season.

They put it in big freezers or store it in some place, and some they put tiny mothballs with the weed, and then it smells like it

pounds which sell 1000$ a p in october go for 2000$ at the end of summer


I hold El Roacho's
If you have to pay 2k for a P anytime of the year you need to find a source thats reliable and if your popping for 2 P's at a time make sure your sources pencil is sharpened real thin and them prices he writes are far less then the 2k per P, the risk of picking up 2 p's and driving back to your krib does Involve some risk but having runners or mules being paid for delivery services makes it worth paying them some extra cash...

(DRY) = Don't Runout Yo` Happy Easter Everyone


All the mail order cali I've seen around these parts were last years outdoor and kiefed heavily. Great names though lol. If it fell to 500 a p I still would not support them fools.


Support your local farmers one day they may bee your only chance of survival...


All the mail order cali I've seen around these parts were last years outdoor and kiefed heavily. Great names though lol

Yeah, the outdoor unbricked going around here right now is less than savory. Won't stay lit, black ash, early heavy crash and sold at premium indoor prices.

Soon my finger hash cometh, and my current supplier goeth. :D


Active member
1/2 of Cali is shipping these days. Im sure there is something.

And Im sure they are there for the picking. I even have a couple of contacts over in that area, but sending shit through the mail is just a little too sketchy for my tastes. I have a hard enough time going to my 'go to' and he is one of my good buddies who I have known for several years. Im still waiting for the 'perfect' opportunity to take the plunge into a grow. I just have too much at stake right now that Im not comfortable enough to take that risk. :/

Someday though :D

Until then... I get to lie in the only bed I have available.


And Im sure they are there for the picking. I even have a couple of contacts over in that area, but sending shit through the mail is just a little too sketchy for my tastes. I have a hard enough time going to my 'go to' and he is one of my good buddies who I have known for several years. Im still waiting for the 'perfect' opportunity to take the plunge into a grow. I just have too much at stake right now that Im not comfortable enough to take that risk. :/

Someday though :D

Until then... I get to lie in the only bed I have available.

That is exactly what I don't get about some peoples situation. You will put yourself at risk interacting with people, sometimes multiple people, to score some weed but won't grow for fear of getting arrested. I just don't get that. Now if you have kids in the house or have relative that is leo and is visiting all the time I understand, but outside of those two instances, I don't get it at all.


Active member
That is exactly what I don't get about some peoples situation. You will put yourself at risk interacting with people, sometimes multiple people, to score some weed but won't grow for fear of getting arrested. I just don't get that. Now if you have kids in the house or have relative that is leo and is visiting all the time I understand, but outside of those two instances, I don't get it at all.

Ding Ding Ding Ding - Number 1 is my biggest deterrent.
IF it was just me, or me and my significant other then it would be much less of a dilemma. Having a family to support and SAFE (and pseudo secret at that) makes it a bit more hairy.

Yet another reason to hate prohibition/black market.
But it is what it is and I work with what I have in the capacity that I am most comfortable (in being uncomfortable)


Active member
Going WWWWWAAAAAYYYY back to when I was young and in school.
It would get severely dry every summmer without fail.
Nothing, no mex, no indoor(which we never saw anytime of year), nothing.
People would sit on complete garbage they couldn't give away in the winter till summer, because it would always sell then.

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