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When is the first day of flower

When is the first day of flower

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LUDACRIS...your name explains it very well! Have grown indoors since 1981 & the flowering begins when you flip to 12/12. Give or take 5-7 days even on the same strain/phenos. My same c99 pheno will finish in 53 days one time & 58 the next. It's a plant (a living thing) So you cannot narrow the days down with complete mathematical precision to the exact day. The flowering times breeders post are accurate estimations (estimations) from when 12/12 is started. View poll results

Sorry but you are mislead on that theory as flowering begins when flowers show and thats easy to understand NO flowers = NOT flowering. Your theory is like saying when you put a piece of bread in to a toaster and the minute you switch the toaster power on you have toast. YOU cant make a plant start flowering as soon as you switch the lights simple as that.
NO flowers = NOT flowering.



Not to be a dick but check out what Mike of Mandala seeds says about 12/12 on their strains. They start counting when the lights are flipped http://www.mandalaseeds.com/html/faq.html#HA1 check out the question when to harvest. I always run Mandala #1 which they state is a 8 week strain and usually my girls are ready within +/- 2-3 days of 8 weeks after flipping.


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"The general consensus among growers is that the trichomes don't have to be clear, cloudy or amber in a certain percentage to be ready for harvest. You just have to go on your personal choice of more amber if you require a more couch lock stone, or more clear and cloudy if you require a more heady high. The trichomes are one indication, but even more importantly is watching the flowering growth. Once it makes a significant drop it's time to start harvesting the ripest looking buds/plants. Our harvest dates are a good milestone. We start counting from the day the 12/12 light cycle begins and our flowering times in the strain details are known to be very accurate. You should not let your plants flower considerably longer than the times indicated unless you want to increase CBD-CBN% for medical reasons.

Clones tend to ripen faster than seed plants.

Sativas like Satori and Kalichakra can ripen from top to bottom; the flowering parts closer to the light source will be riper than those in the shade for example. Consider harvesting the tops in that case, and letting the light pass through to the other buds so that they can catch up. In progressive harvesting don't wait too long to start with the first batch of harvested buds. If a strain such as Kalichakra has a max. 75 day flowering period you need to deduct at least 5-6 days from this period for the start of your harvest, so that the bottom shoots have time to catch up and are still harvested within the preferred time frame for best THC levels.
We go by bud growth since our strains retain clear/cloudy trichs far into flowering. Our preference is to harvest before flowering comes to a dead end... as in no fresh pistils at all. This retains the balanced high and max. potency."

you will get plants that give quite a racey high going by their methods. not what i would want. i need the cbd from more amber trics, clear trics just make me anxious and dont get me battered. so imo they harvest TOO early and for me another 1-2 weeks is needed. they will look done mind, but when a plant looks done, the time spent after that is ripening.


Everyone has their own preference's.
For me if I'm going to grow sativa's or sativa dom plants I'm not going to let them overripen, that ruins the quality of a sativa high. Sativa's are meant to be racy, uplifting, clear, thought provoking, trippy.
If I want the stoned/couchlock/etc. I'll grow indica's or indica dom plants.
Why eat an apple if your in the mood for a banana?


Active member
Everyone has their own preference's.
For me if I'm going to grow sativa's or sativa dom plants I'm not going to let them overripen, that ruins the quality of a sativa high. Sativa's are meant to be racy, uplifting, clear, thought provoking, trippy.
If I want the stoned/couchlock/etc. I'll grow indica's or indica dom plants.
Why eat an apple if your in the mood for a banana?

a sativa taken early, can give a stupidly racey high, ive tried it, you are buzzing, but it doesnt last long and you will easy get used to it, abit more ripening balances it out and makes it hit harder/last longer.
so i take it you hit the XXdays because you want it more racey, can only be clear/cloudy no amber trics at that time ?


a sativa taken early, can give a stupidly racey high, ive tried it, you are buzzing, but it doesnt last long and you will easy get used to it, abit more ripening balances it out and makes it hit harder/last longer.
so i take it you hit the XXdays because you want it more racey, can only be clear/cloudy no amber trics at that time ?

Hey Smokey. I grow 2 types.
I grow sativa's for the racy, trippy highs that I need at times esp. with my type of work.
But at night I do have sleep disorders so I prefer a good Indica or indica dom to relax me and give me the rest I need.
Thanks for the debate/discussion 'bro. Its been kept civil.


I am glad it has been kept cival, I had posted the same poll in a couple other MJ forums I frequent and they are not so cival... people get so upset if your method doesnt go with there method..... After all there is more than 1 way to skin a cat.... as they say..... It really doesnt matter how you grow it just grow it. it doesnt matter how you smoke it, just smoke it....

I added a couple of pics of some Green House seeds Super Silver Haze to well just to show em off/ (I am a proud papa)

Pic 1 was taken 4-22 ( 28 days in flower from 1 st set of pistils) or ( 34 days from light flip) - Check out the Trichs

Pic 2 was taken 4-20 (happy 420 day )of the underside of the same plant just 2 day earlier. I could not believe the trichs UNDER the fans.....

So I turned them on 3-21 and seen first flowers / pistils on 3-26 how many days have they been flowering?
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lookin good Lerellion. Keep an open mind is the best way to look at things


Active member
You can harvest both a sativa or indica to provide that special stone. I harvest my hybrids just as the trichomes finish being clear and slight milkyness appears and its just the same as that sativa high but slightly a better stone in my opinion and indicas harvested with clear/milky trichomes will produce a more powerfull but get up and go stone even better than a sativa. Its down to plant care and strain and when you harvest but you can have the same stone from sativas or indicas dependent on when you harvest them.


Well-known member
but you can have the same stone from sativas or indicas dependent on when you harvest them

Since this is in the beginners forum, I just want to point out that that's not what most people think. Variation in effect based on when you harvest, yes. Having an early picked Indica stone you like a sativa, not likely.


Active member
Since this is in the beginners forum, I just want to point out that that's not what most people think. Variation in effect based on when you harvest, yes. Having an early picked Indica stone you like a sativa, not likely.

depends on the strain really. some indica hybrids can get you very high, just like a sativa does, if you pick it early.


Active member
Since this is in the beginners forum, I just want to point out that that's not what most people think. Variation in effect based on when you harvest, yes. Having an early picked Indica stone you like a sativa, not likely.

Definatelly the same uplifting stones from both strains harvested to suit.


???? ???????:?9-THC
for me is when I flip the lights to 12/12

BECAUSE, I only flip the lights after all my plants show the pre-flowers...

(my flowering tent is like a harem, the only man allowed inside is me ....ehehe)


Active member
Some good different opinions on this and its everyone to their own. I only count my vegg time at 4 weeks (2wks at 24/0 then 2wks at 18/6) then i switch the lights 12/12 and when its ready to harvest i just count roughly how long it took from when i switched to 12/12 back to the seed planting date but i dont see any point in counting the days as it will be ready when its ready.
Every hybrid strain i have grown is always ready in 12 weeks (4wks vegg and 8wks flowering).
My 2 cents...

Plants will sex or show signs of male or female after 3-4 weeks under 24 or 18/6 lighting. This does NOT mean the plant is flowering. It is just showing its SEX. Flowering begins at the onset of 12/12 lighting, just because you do not see flowers at day one does not mean the plant is not flowering. Flowers grow and take time to do so, by the end of week one you will begin to see the growth. And yes that week would be including in the breeders finishing time. Clones however may finish a week or two earlier than plants from seeds.

Also never pay attention to breeders finishing times other than to get a rough estimate, strains show so many different phenos that it makes no sense to say "pick at exactly 8 weeks". Pick your buds when the crystals begin to turn amber.


Active member
A plant can NOT be flowering if it has NO flowers quite simply. If you suddenly decide to switch to 12/12 that is NOT the start of flowering (its only inducing the flowering cycle). Switching to 12/12 will start the plant on its flowering process thats around 7-10 days for males to start showing flowers and the females maybe up to 10-15 days to start showing gender under force flowering conditions.

17.2 Flowering

Male Plant

Under natural light, males usually start to flower from one to four weeks before the females. Where the photoperiod is artificially controlled, as with electric lights, males respond quickly (in about a week) to a change to short photoperiods and usually show flowers sooner than the females.

Male flowers develop quickly, in about one to two weeks on a vigorous plant, not uniformly. Scattered flowers may open a week or more before and after the general flowering, extending the flowering stage to about four weeks.

The flowering stage continues to demonstrate the male's tall, relatively sparse growth. Most of the flowers develop near the top of the plant, well above the shorter females. The immature flower buds first appear at the tips of the main stem and branches. Then tiny branches sprout from the leaf axils, bearing smaller clusters of flowers. The immature male flowers are closed, usually green, and develop in tight clusters of knob-like buds. The main parts of the male flowers are five petal-like sepals which enclose the sexual organs. As each flower matures, the sepals open in a radiating pattern to reveal five pendulous anthers (stamens).

Inside the ovoid, sac-shaped anthers, pollen grains develop. Initially, pollen sifts through two pores near the top of the anther; then, starting from the pores, longitudinal slits slowly open (zipperlike) over the course of a day, releasing pollen to the wind. Once a flower sheds pollen, it shortly dies and falls from the plant. Normally, male plants begin to die one to two weeks after the bulk of their flowers have shed pollen. Healthy males may continue to flower for several more weeks, but secondary growth seldom has the vigour of initial bloom.

Female Plant

The female plant generally starts to flower later than the male, under either natural light or an artificially controlled photoperiod. Female marijuana plants start to flower when the average daily photoperiod is less then about 12 to 13 hours for sometime. However, some varieties and individuals may flower with a photoperiod of over 14 hours. Some Colombian varieties may not respond until the photoperiod falls below 12 hours for a period of up to three weeks.

By E+B rose.

Cannabis plants will eventually flower (when sexually mature) regardless of photoperiod. Just because you decide 1 day to switch the lights to 12/12 the plant wont magically start flowering from that point so its like i said. When the lights are switched you are only inducing flowering and when the flowers start to appear days after the light switch cycle has been on 12/12 for however long it takes for the plants to start showing flowers then thats the start of flowering.
A plant with no flowers is NOT flowering regardless of photoperiod.
The main point anyway is when to harvest. I have never counted the days when my plants start flowering to harvest time as they are ready when they are ready.[/quote]


Active member

When flowering indoors, flowering is noticed 1-2 weeks after reducing the amount of light to force flowering. Outdoors plants will start to flower when the length of daylight hours have dropped to low enough level (in late summer or early fall).
If all the plants are the same marijuana strain, male plants will probably start to mature before female plants. You need to identify male plants and remove them from the garden before they mature.
Otherwise the male plants will release pollen and fertilize the female plants. Once fertilized, the female plants will expend some of their energy producing seeds, rather than THC (not recommended because this decreases the potency of the marijuana).
3-6 weeks after flowering has started, your female plants will be covered with these white pistils emerging from every grow tip on the plant. It will literally be covered with them. These are the mature flowers, as they continue to grow and cover the plant.