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when do you count the days of flowering?


If you start a seed under 12/12 lighting, is the recommended flowering time still the same or is the seedling "vegging" under flowering photoperiod.

All seedlings be them autoflowering or not will veg for at least a couple weeks under any amount of light. Some will start to flower quicker then others but the gen rule of thumb when growing 12/12 from seed is that you allow a couple weeks before you start counting flowering time.


All seedlings be them autoflowering or not will veg for at least a couple weeks under any amount of light. Some will start to flower quicker then others but the gen rule of thumb when growing 12/12 from seed is that you allow a couple weeks before you start counting flowering time.

if your soil/lights/strain, etc. isnt in order then its going take longer to mature,


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
to settle it once in for all the damount of days is different for everyone and is just a ABOUTISH timeline o start checking the trics on your plants... i dont even mark my days really anymore.... i know what my plants look like done and i have a microscope....


Active member
still2big, your plants are flowering from stress. Probably rootbound, that's the most common cause of 'auto flowering' when they don't actually have the AF genes.

a 2foot tall plant in a 5gallon bucket isnt root bound...

almost every plant, indoors, outdoor, for the past 10 years has shown sex. Thats just the way it is.


Active member
What exactly is the purpose of counting days? Wouldn't you know the best time to call it quits by examining the development of the trichomes? Microscopes aside, I've been able to use a good magnifying glass to view trikes in medicinal shops, and can tell there are differences.

It's a guideline from the breeder so you can tell if it's fast or slow finishing. Don't take it as gospel. Look at trics to know when it's ready.

This is a very interesting question, I figured that flowering time would begin when flowers started to show, i.e. balls or pistils.

If you start a seed under 12/12 lighting, is the recommended flowering time still the same or is the seedling "vegging" under flowering photoperiod.

I ask because I just started a 12/12 from seed grow just to see what happens. I grew a previous seed with 2&1/2 weeks veg and it was finished in 43 days from the time pistils showed (G13 Labs Gigabud - rec. flower time 35 - 45 days) but for the 12/12 I can't see it finished in another 20 days, it has been above ground for 19 days so far.

Starting 12/12 from seed cuts down the overall size of a large plant. Some plants are naturally large (sativa) some are small (indica). So, to keep a large plant "small" you start at 12/12 so it doesn't grow as fast as it otherwise would. It will grow half as fast as if you gave it 20 hours...

to settle it once in for all the damount of days is different for everyone and is just a ABOUTISH timeline o start checking the trics on your plants... i dont even mark my days really anymore.... i know what my plants look like done and i have a microscope....


I find that most plants show sex by one month of age (with a jeweler's loop). I'm not talking about flowering - just pre-flowering.


It shows preflowers when it's mature. No sooner. It won't flower at all until it's mature...even if started 12/12 from seed. The only plants to start 12/12 are big sativas.


Sativa Tamer
It shows preflowers when it's mature. No sooner. It won't flower at all until it's mature...even if started 12/12 from seed.

Well - I guess what I'm saying is that it typically takes my seed plants less than 1-month to mature under 24/0 lighting. Some plants will auto-flower (not pre-flower) under 24/0 or 18/6 if they are pot bound.



Green is Gold
The only reason for starting from the flip is simple; Starting at any other time is too subjective.

Seeing pistils is subjective? They are either there or they are not, there is no subjectivity in determining if your plants are shooting pistils or not


Green is Gold
no, it makes complete sense. we are talking about a requirement that the plant experience X amount of weeks of a certain type of condition (photo period shorter). After X amount of that, the plant is 'finished.'

Why would you start "counting weeks" if there is no signs that anything is happening? If you have pistils growing out of the plant then it means it has BEGUN FLOWERING, not just showing its sex, but actually making buds. You are confusing the question here. The OP did not ask how long it takes to determine if you have a female or a male, he asked when do you begin counting days of flowering. If the breeder recommends letting your plant go for 8 weeks flowering, and it takes 10-14 days for the pistils to even start appearing, using your method you would be shorting yourself two weeks of potential bud growth for the time when you were counting but nothing was there. You should start your 8 weeks count from the time you see hairs not the time you flip. At the very worst by doing it my way you would be extending the flowering time, something that I have never heard one person complain about. It allows the buds to ripen up even more and get BIGGER which is the whole point is it not? Doing it your way you are making the flower time SHORTER. The difference in our approaches would be readily apparent at the "end" of the flowering cycle where using your method, your plants would be done in week six, and using my cycle, they would be going for an additional two weeks (at least) because I didn't begin counting days from the first day I flipped to 12/12. It is really up to each person to decide what works best for them though, and that point I think we can agree.


Green is Gold
to settle it once in for all the damount of days is different for everyone and is just a ABOUTISH timeline o start checking the trics on your plants... i dont even mark my days really anymore.... i know what my plants look like done and i have a microscope....

This is the truth right here


This is the truth right here

Yes that is the truth.

Like everyone else said its too subjective to say you start counting from signs of sex..

If I were to get a clone from someone and they said run it 65 days from signs of sex, I might see pistils at day 10 when u might at day 6 of 12/12; point being, if everyone just goes with the amount of days in 12/12 we would both be on day 10, no opinion can get in the way of that.


Green is Gold
Like everyone else said its too subjective to say you start counting from signs of sex..

If I were to get a clone from someone and they said run it 65 days from signs of sex, I might see pistils at day 10 when u might at day 6 of 12/12; point being, if everyone just goes with the amount of days in 12/12 we would both be on day 10, no opinion can get in the way of that.

Yes but my day six as you would call it, would only be my first day of flowering, not my sixth day. If it takes you 10 days to see pistils and it takes me 100 days to see pistils (I'm exaggerating to make a point) it would still be the same thing, you should only begin counting from the time you see them appear not from the time you turn the clock down. In your scenario I would go for 165 days and you would go for 75 days, that's 10 days for the first pistils to show followed by the 65 ACTUAL days of flowering


Active member
hello do u start counting the days of flowering when you 1st start 12/12 or when the 1st shows of sex start?

Question..... what is your purpose of counting? Are you counting for your own reference or are you trying to count the same way as the breeder that printed the flower time on your pack of seeds?

MOST Indoor growers count "Flowering" as starting the day you flip to 12/12.
MOST Outdoor growers count "Flowering" as soon as the plant shows sex.

If your seed pack specifically lists an INDOOR flower time, start counting from the day you start 12/12 lighting.
If your seed pack doesn't specifically list an indoor flowering time, start counting from the day it shows sex, after switching to 12/12 lighting.

Nice how it all seems really simple after reading that, eh? :D


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Seeing pistils is subjective?

Yes. Some show flowers in days, some show flowers in a month. Because the plant can't decide when "flowering" starts, we have to step in and make an executive decision. Flowering time begins at the switch. When it ends is entirely subjective.


If you really really think about it you will come to the conclusion that it's the first day of your 12/12 cycle. Think about it. realllllly think about it.


Active member
If you really really think about it you will come to the conclusion that it's the first day of your 12/12 cycle. Think about it. realllllly think about it.
So..... what month/day is the first day of flowering for my outdoor plant? I can tell you right now it isn't the first day of the year that the lighting reaches 12/12.


So..... what month/day is the first day of flowering for my outdoor plant? I can tell you right now it isn't the first day of the year that the lighting reaches 12/12.

but were not talking about outside, we're talking about 12/12 light cycles, this in indoor grows- soil :moon:


If your seed pack specifically lists an INDOOR flower time, start counting from the day you start 12/12 lighting.
If your seed pack doesn't specifically list an indoor flowering time, start counting from the day it shows sex, after switching to 12/12 lighting.

If your seed pack doesnt list a indoor flowering time, inform the breeder of it when youre done. You'd have false claims of a faster flowering because of ignorance of the actual indoor flowering time. Should you really set a different standard simply because the indoor flowering time wasnt listed?

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