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When BHO Goes Horribly Wrong


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ICMag Donor
Why does it HAVE to be done indoors? I dont understand this. Having to make oil in odd places is, again, throwing caution to the wind. If you dont have the right place to do it, you shouldnt. Even with windows and doors open in a residence there will be a buildup. Outside = safer. I dont think i could ever need to make how ever much moneys worth of wax and have it be worth riskng my life and future. F u c k that. The only way i could see it indoors is in a lab type of environment with a serious exhaust going and even then the fan itself is sketch because it runs off electricity. I just think if you want to dramatically reduce risk, do it outdoors. Im a risk taker but im not gonna take unnecessary ones. I like to measure twice and cut once.


Well-known member
0 of 4 members found your post helpful, well excuse me for trying to impart safety information to those who for some reason choose to extract indoors.

I have been making extracts for 8 years without a single dangerous incident, just wanted others to experience the same. Evidently not a popular decision.

Let me try and put this in a light you don't misinterpret, do you know what harm reduction is?
My post was an attempt to minimise the amount of danger people who read this thread and will extract indoors regardless expose themselves to. If it helps one person to avoid an electrical spark by turning of the mains I've done a good deed in my opinion. The "never extract indoors, ever" approach can be likened to telling heroin addicts never to use again, the ideal solution certainly but the likelyhood of it playing out that way every time is unrealistic. People will continue to make do with their less than ideal extraction locations, I'm trying to make it as safe for them as possible.

The member who thought it was appropriate to leave me a message with my neg rep instructing me to go somewhere and die appears rude, unconstructive and arrogant, perhaps attempt to see my posts in the spirit they were intended to be seen before jumping to hurtful negativity

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
0 of 4 members found your post helpful, well excuse me for trying to impart safety information to those who for some reason must extract indoors. I have been making extracts for 8 years without a single dangerous incident, just wanted others to experience the same. Evidently not a popular decision.

Let me try and put this in a light you don't misinterpret, do you know what harm reduction is?
My post was an attempt to minimise the amount of danger people who read this thread and will extract indoors regardless expose themselves to. If it helps one person to avoid an electrical spark by turning of the mains I've done a good deed in my opinion. The "never extract indoors, ever" approach can be likened to telling heroin addicts never to use again, the ideal solution certainly but the likelyhood of it playing out that way every time is unrealistic. People will continue to make do with their less than ideal extraction locations, I'm trying to make it as safe for them as possible.

The member who thought it was appropriate to leave me a message with my neg rep instructing me to go somewhere and die appears rude, unconstructive and arrogant, perhaps attempt to see my posts in the spirit they were intended to be seen before jumping to hurtful negativity

One of my concerns, is that it is posts like yours that leave the impression that maybe extracting indoors with an open butane column is OK if you hold your mouth right.

Maybe a little like Russian roulette. You only have to be unlucky once, despite all the times that you got away with it, to be a bad idea.

Is blasting with an open tube or thermos indoors a bad idea, or were those blowing themselves up just unlucky?

Fuck off and die is undoubtedly a hyperbolic response and they really just want you to stop misleading noobies on something this dangerous.


telling people to turn their power off at the mains before blasting INDOORS, is NOT a saftey tip. there are other potential sources of a spark.

how about gas water heaters and cookers with pilot lights? and those are just the obvious, there are things beyond your control and inside that can mean you get an explosion. so don't talk about safety and blasting indoors in the same post please, as there is no safe blasting indoors. sooner or later it will bite you in the ass, if you are lucky it will just be you paying the price and not loved ones etc.

i really don't like to even give people the idea that doing it indoors can be done, it's irresponsible, i am tempted to delete those posts, but i guess we are all adults and can make our own decisions, just do be sure to understand that blasting bho inside is just the same as playing Russian roulette with your house, belongings and everyone insides life as the stake. potentially prison time too after the fire is put out. really really stupid, it really isn't hard to find a place outdoors to do your blasting. even a balcony will do, as long as it's open.


Well-known member
I fully agree that blasting indoors is generally unsafe, not once did I say otherwise? Not sure how I am misleading anyone by giving basic safety advice?

I feel like my point about harm reduction was missed in a sense, there being other possible sources of sparks doesn't mean we shouldn't advise people to avoid the most common and dangerous ones? Also unsure how the possibility of non-electric ignition sources detracts from my point, it was a warning, not an all encompassing safety manual and this thread seems like the best possible place for it.

I mean really, I've heard of a good few people blowing themselves up as a result of stupid mistakes with electricity or gas stoves, and very few of the more unorthodox methods of ignition leading to explosion. Those people are unlikely to pay heed to warnings never to blast indoors in my experience, so lets help them avoid as many possible Darwin award scenarios as we can without being rude to each other perhaps..

I would liken your "never blast indoors" approach to Christianity's celibacy ideal, certainly avoids any potential for disaster, but not everyone has the resolve/intelligence (call it what you will) to maintain a resolution of this ilk. I'm trying to help those who do make a stupid choice (as I have in the past) to be as safe as possible in doing so.

For the record I am in no way advocating doing extractions of any kind in confined, urban/residential situations (Though I see how it may have come across that way), rather this is akin to the strategies applied to meth addiction, about minimising potential damage in an imperfect situation, regardless of whether or not I approve.


the point is there is always the potential for unforeseeable events to take place and no matter how smart you are, another person's stupidity can be just as deadly as one's own.

i'm glad to see you clearing things up. a lot of people read here and learn about this stuff, so the last thing we want is for people to take idiotic risks to make bho.


"well excuse me for trying to impart safety information to those who for some reason must extract indoors."
- No your not excused, your safety information was not safe, but actually very dangerous suggestions because it suggests open blasting indoors is okay if it's a last resort. Eight years of extracting under your belt and this is the kind of suggestions you have, that's just.... fuck.. Actually very disappointing to see long time members suggesting things like this and to back it up. Sad sad sad....

"Not sure how I am misleading anyone by giving basic safety advice"
-Wow just wow, I don't even know what say to that, basic safety advice is that really what you think your doing. Holy fuck man, get a grip. The last thing your doing is giving basic safety advice, basic blow your self up advice is more like it.

"but not everyone has the resolve/intelligence (call it what you will) to maintain a resolution of this ilk"

When idiots see many warnings about open blasting indoors I'm pretty sure they will realize this is not a route they should be taking, but when the see one or two bhotards saying ooh man its cool been blasting in my ma's basement for years totally cool or oh my apartment bathroom has the best airflow perfect for extracting. This kind of shit gives noobs and not so bright individuals the wrong idea on what's safe technique, and most likely will lead to them trying it at least once, but most won't stop there after one run has gone alright, they're most likely going to do more. But the thing with blowing up your living space is it only has to happen once, before your in jail, scared for life, possibility of death and injuring innocent by standards.

So stop and think about what may be perceived as helping on your part, but actually is a very dangerous suggestions.

You really have to question ones age and intelligence when arguing a fact such as open blasting indoors. I know some will say vent hood, ya that is possible, but how many people actually have sparkles lab vent hoods that are completely sealed to do there open blasting in, with static free clothing and shoes, along with gas sensors to tell when the lab has leak that could potentially be dangerous. I'm willing to bet less than 1%.

I think we should have that video of the guy that blew up his kitchen as a sticky, just like tokecity has to show noobs what will happen when you mess around with these dangerous methods of solvent extracting.


Well-known member
I didn't say I'd been blasting indoors for years, read my last post, I literally said I'm NOT advocating blasting indoors FFS (I also made reference to how having done so in the past was a stupid mistake, honesty, not a high and mighty attitude).

Your rant sounds dangerously close to my evangelical Christian comparison if you ask me, mine is a more realistic approach. To suggest that warnings about safety procedures should not be made public because they encourage the action in question resembles the Pope's ignorance based anti-condom campaign in my humble opinion.

Thankfully Gaius didn't miss my point quite as splendidly as you did (perhaps have a smoke and read it again)...


Active member
All the people saying they are glad they make bubble makes me laugh. Thats like comparing apples and oranges. That bubble does not offer nearly what the oil brings to the table. On top of that you are left with a bunch of grades or bubble that nobody wants. Everyone wants the full melt and you only get a little of it, most bubble makers keep it for themselves!
The rest is sub par sizzle and smolder boulder. You can make so many things out the oil on top of that it yields far better than spinning bubble with an end product that is only refused by bubble enthusiasts. Educating yourself on the process and the solvent involved will alleviate any worry. Provided you have the ability to grasp some basic chemistry and a little common sense.

This thread is like Jerry Springer revived x BHO

LOL, Im off to make some oil in the Terpenator...reclaim reuse repeat

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Your rant sounds dangerously close to my evangelical Christian comparison if you ask me, mine is a more realistic approach.

To suggest that warnings about safety procedures should not be made public because they encourage the action in question resembles the Pope's ignorance based anti-condom campaign in my humble opinion.

Your perspective has been noted, but I strongly disagree and also note that your opinion is anything but humble or you wouldn't be continuing to try and defend it.

The central point, is that there is no safe or sane way to blast with an open column or thermos indoors.

I and several others have repeatedly made that point, but it seemingly escapes you. That doesn't make us the ignorant ones, nor evangelical, but it does draw into question your own mental state and qualifications for giving advice.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
If I might put a air fuel explosion into perspective, the fuel and air are suddenly super heated and expand.

It is the expanding gas that creates the damage from the explosion and if it isn't contained, there is a flash, not an explosion.


Well-known member
Again, I'm really not trying to justify blasting indoors, but for some reason that doesn't seem to be communicating, ironic that you think your point is escaping me when I have repeatedly agreed that it is both unsafe and stupid to do exactly what you think I am encouraging.


Well-known member
In the interest of clarity my previous post was in response to midwests post fraught with veiled insults and all capital shouting, not yours.
Your opinion on all matters extraction is something I take to heart, though I must admit I like you a little less after you questioned my mental state and ability to give advice because I didn't agree with you, but I suppose it's one of the oldest debate tricks in the book.

I still firmly believe that that this is not the last time someone is going to attempt an extraction indoors, or the last time someone is going to blow themselves up doing so. My intention was to minimise the potential danger for things to go horribly wrong using information I have gathered over time, not to encourage aforementioned controversial behaviour. Harm reduction works (Sounding like a stuck record now, aren't I).

Anyway, flogging a dead horse again, I'm out, apologies for anyone who has been endangered by my unsound advice


Active member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]apologies for anyone who has been endangered by my unsound advice [/FONT]

Thats the best thing I heard you say so far. Thanks for clearing that up.

I agree if you insist to blast indoors you must have a fetish involving risky behavior, fire and or dying by way of fire. Or all of them combined? Seems foolish and selfish to think of someone blasting in an apartment building or in such tight quarters they cannot do it outside. If you blow up or flash fire, what about the family next door or below you? Crazy what some people will do for a little BHO.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I said it from the beginning, no blasting indoors. As soon as i saw someone trying to defend doing it inside i knew people were going to go at it here. I agree with nothing mildestoner suggested or tried to defend. Making heroine addiction comparisons and such does nothing but make the obvious point that people do stupid things. If someone wants to commit suicide you wanna show them how to load the pistol? I think the posts should be deleted. No blasting inside, its moronic.


The first accident of this sort I heard of, was the owner of the Eden Hash Center. He had the problem one gets when large amounts of either meets static. Happened in the very early seventies. It was said that he was taken by the flames of Shiva. Accidents can, do and will happen. Even to those who have made the best of preparation. Murphy is not patron saint material.
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Well-known member
If someone wants to commit suicide you wanna show them how to load the pistol?
More like encouraging a clean needle programme for addicts (perhaps you think that too encourages use, rather than saving people from diseases that abide on the tips of communal stainless steel), but yeah, I've given up, evidently I'm the only person who believes knowledge is power in this instance, you all seem to think never mentioning bad things that happen makes them happen less somehow.
One last time, not once have I suggested people blast indoors (I've said it's a bad idea again and again, but somehow you keep thinking I'm encouraging it), I'm not defending the idea in any sense, merely suggested a few basic safety measures to employ in the event that someone does decide to do so (The less possible ignition sources the better if you ask me).
Anyway, becoming totally frustrated that no one seems to understand where I'm coming from, over it.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No,we just see that telling people to never do the dumbest shit ever will result in non disaster like situations. What you were trying to do was dangerous. We prefer to give the real knowledge that leads to success rather than possible explosions. Youre the only one who believes knowledge is power? You actually think that, after giving advice on how to do something stupid? Heres how to try and not blow yourself up making bho........heres how to neuter/spay your dog at home too! You should never attempt either but heres how to take a giant risk. Your information was far from imparting knowledge of any sort.