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Whats up with these seedlings?

These are Auto AK47, They were planted in FFOF with extra perlite..

Im thinking they were getting too much N, and are now evening them selfs out? I dont know, What do you guys think? There about 9 days old.



Dr. Doolittle
I would be worried, thats not normal, FFOF is rich soil, remove them from it or you will have worse problems.
Get some seed starting mixture and put them in that.
The sooner you move them from that soil the better.

While they are small it's easier. but more dangerous to move them...

take a spoon or a knife and take a small part of thye soil and rinse the tap root off and put them into not so rich soil.

Your soil mixture is good, but it's too strong for your plants.
High amounts of phosphorus lock out micronutrients.....

You using distilled water? Bottled? tap?
Do you have these in a hut or anything?

the problem is your seedings are showing sulfur problem, due to high amounts of phosphorus levels in the soil.
I would be worried, thats not normal, FFOF is rich soil, remove them from it or you will have worse problems.
Get some seed starting mixture and put them in that.
The sooner you move them from that soil the better.

While they are small it's easier. but more dangerous to move them...

take a spoon or a knife and take a small part of thye soil and rinse the tap root off and put them into not so rich soil.

Your soil mixture is good, but it's too strong for your plants.
High amounts of phosphorus lock out micronutrients.....

You using distilled water? Bottled? tap?
Do you have these in a hut or anything?

the problem is your seedings are showing sulfur problem, due to high amounts of phosphorus levels in the soil.

Thanks for the info, Im using RO water, Ph'd correctly of course..
They are in a built grow room. I was thinking that it was because of too rich of soil too.. I did it because I read that lots of people plant directly into FFOF with no problems.. I planted a 5 pack, And 2 of them are like this.. There almost 2 weeks old now, Wont they need the rich soil at this age?
Fox Farm is not great soil for seedlings. its just too hot. transplant to roots organic soil and cut the nutes and just water and you will be fine
Yeah, I was looking at that Happy Frog last time I was at the store. Didnt know too much about it.. What will happen if I leave these seedlings in this soil will they improve over time? Or are they just gonna get completely nute locked out and die? Why are the other 3 fine and these 2 are like this?


Hard to tell but some strains have a rather greenish new growth in veg, if you've been kind to them im sure they will be alright. :)


Dr. Doolittle
Some strains are different when it involves what they can handle, that is why you are only having problems with the 2.

They are small for there age, because the mixture is too rich and burns the roots.
The cotyledons will supply them with all the food they need until they get roots going, but if they don't get it going before a certain amount of time; they use up stored food or they do not use it at all and end up getting what you see now.

Ro water is bad for seedlings, same goes for distilled; no micronutrients; just use plain tap without pH adjusting. When they get a nice root system, if you need to PH adjust it, do so then.

Hopefully they will recover, but there is no grantees, because sometimes they get stressed to a point where they just stop growing, they don't grow, they don't show any nutrient deficiency problems and then they slowly feed off there stored nutes in there leaves and then die eventually.

Just don't put any seedlings in rich soil unless you know they can handle it.....
Some strains are different when it involves what they can handle, that is why you are only having problems with the 2.

They are small for there age, because the mixture is too rich and burns the roots.
The cotyledons will supply them with all the food they need until they get roots going, but if they don't get it going before a certain amount of time; they use up stored food or they do not use it at all and end up getting what you see now.

Ro water is bad for seedlings, same goes for distilled; no micronutrients; just use plain tap without pH adjusting. When they get a nice root system, if you need to PH adjust it, do so then.

Hopefully they will recover, but there is no grantees, because sometimes they get stressed to a point where they just stop growing, they don't grow, they don't show any nutrient deficiency problems and then they slowly feed off there stored nutes in there leaves and then die eventually.

Just don't put any seedlings in rich soil unless you know they can handle it.....
Wow, I had no idea I should use tap water instead of the RO water, and definitely didnt know I wasnt supposed to adjust the PH.. Thanks. I really suck at transplanting I usually end up ripping half the root ball off, And stunting. So I thought I would just see what happens. I have another 5 pack, And bought a fresh bag of light warrior so for my next I will use that. I've used light warrior before, It seems that the seedlings started in the LW had purple stems and grew taller than regular. Should I mix LW with maybe 1/4 FFOF? Or something else maybe? Then when are the plants ready for FFOF?


Active member
i used light warrior for full grows with great success. then switched to pro mix bx un-enhanced. the light warrior helped them grow a much larger root system. kinda expensive to buy so many bags, but they pay for themselves


Dr. Doolittle
If you want to toss the seedlings, at lest try to remove them from the soil for experience wise.

Just take a spoon and scoop around it, make sure it's moist, but not too moist and then scoop the seedling out and rinse it with water and replant in light warrior.

Ya, seedlings don't need that much care, they do it on there own until they start to get around 3 sets of leaves.
With RO water you are using pure water, there is no minerals in the water. If the seedlings were growing outside they get rain water and there is elements in rain water from common pollution and so forth.

Distilled water is the same way, virually all water that has been filtered using RO, spring water and bottled water that says RO on it will not get the seedlings the micronutrients they need.

I know some people who don't want to stop using RO, they would get a micronutrient supplement like earthjuice micronutes and others.

Your situation you would be better off using tap for now, pH comes later in the grow, right now you just want to get your seedlnigs off to a good start.

I would keep the seedlings in the LW warrior mix around 2-3 weeks top.

use dixie cups or size equivalent to it to start seedlings off.....
Most of the time it's 2 weeks, because the mixture is perfect for many strains...
when you transplant them, you can mix a small amount of FFOF soil in with the mixture. I always used 50/50 mixture of a good rich soil mixed with a soil that did not have much nutes like light warrior.
The seedlings must have at least 3 sets of leaves growing before putting them into the FFOF half/half mixture.

How big are you letting your plants get before going into flowering and after?
If you want to toss the seedlings, at lest try to remove them from the soil for experience wise.

Just take a spoon and scoop around it, make sure it's moist, but not too moist and then scoop the seedling out and rinse it with water and replant in light warrior.

Ya, seedlings don't need that much care, they do it on there own until they start to get around 3 sets of leaves.
With RO water you are using pure water, there is no minerals in the water. If the seedlings were growing outside they get rain water and there is elements in rain water from common pollution and so forth.

Distilled water is the same way, virually all water that has been filtered using RO, spring water and bottled water that says RO on it will not get the seedlings the micronutrients they need.

I know some people who don't want to stop using RO, they would get a micronutrient supplement like earthjuice micronutes and others.

Your situation you would be better off using tap for now, pH comes later in the grow, right now you just want to get your seedlnigs off to a good start.

I would keep the seedlings in the LW warrior mix around 2-3 weeks top.

use dixie cups or size equivalent to it to start seedlings off.....
Most of the time it's 2 weeks, because the mixture is perfect for many strains...
when you transplant them, you can mix a small amount of FFOF soil in with the mixture. I always used 50/50 mixture of a good rich soil mixed with a soil that did not have much nutes like light warrior.
The seedlings must have at least 3 sets of leaves growing before putting them into the FFOF half/half mixture.

How big are you letting your plants get before going into flowering and after?
Well these are auto Ak47, So I guess they wont get big.. For my regular strains I train them so they are very short.. Usually veg for 6 to 8 weeks. If I start my seeds in a regular beer cup, With light warrior, Will the roots take up the whole cup by 2 - 3 weeks? Thats my only problem with the transplanting, It the root ball hasnt taken up all the dirt I end up ripping the roots..

As of now today they are 2 weeks old and 2 of them are already showing sex traits. The ones affected by this are growing. Not as fast as the others.. The light greenness of them has gotten a little worse. Two of the healthy ones are female for sure Im just hoping for a male so I can make some seeds for myself :)

Thanks Stitch


Dr. Doolittle
using a dixie cup with the proper mixture/growing conditions; the roots would be easily be shown on the outside around the inside of the cup.

What beer cup are you talking about? aluminum can?
using a dixie cup with the proper mixture/growing conditions; the roots would be easily be shown on the outside around the inside of the cup.

What beer cup are you talking about? aluminum can?

No I dont think I would put any plant in a metal container. Im talking about the same cups your talking about I think.. A keg cup, Red, plastic..

Heres some pics from today, First pics is the one thats the worst. Im worried about it but crossing my fingers..
Second pic is what the others look like..



Dr. Doolittle
that is most defiantly sulfur; all the sulfur problems I Have seen, have been induced by lockout from nutes/pH. Or a hydrohut, your not using one of grow tents so don't worry about that problem.

Sulfur is used very little in cannabis.....

You either have 2 choices to fix this plant, either flush the hell out of the mixture, and then the plant will get moisture stress for some time.... or carefully scoop up the plant with a spoon, cutting a circle first of course, then rinse the roots and put it into a seedling mixture.

The plants are for one, not getting much micros from using distilled water.
THis is causing the plant to grow slowly and the mixture is rich causing problems to the roots.

REmove them from the mixture while you still can, the plants roots will not be grown like another plant of the same age.....

rinse and put into seedling/beer cups.

Yes, I know what you are talking about with the keg cups :)

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