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New member
After herb is dried for week or so, is the potency at it's maximum? or is it the curing process that "releases" the THC from the bud?


After herb is dried for week or so, is the potency at it's maximum? or is it the curing process that "releases" the THC from the bud?

The curing process is ob absolute inportance. You can take the best strains and if you don't cure them currectly then you will get a lower grade cannabis. A proper cure evenly dries the bud and converts into a more psychoactive state, which for us means a higher quality smoke and higher levels of THC. A proper cure can be done in a week, but for most it is done in 14 days, atleast for me it is.

Check out my current 26,500 lumen CFL grow in the CFL Club.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I'm about to get some shit for this but fuck it I do"Everything Wrong" when it comes to growing and have great results so... I cut my dry time in half by hanging my buds with a lil PC Fan blowing on them so they swing around while hanging and instead of taking 6 days to dry out my bud I cut it to 3.. Now most would say that ruins the bud and gives harsh smoke which I found to be true only if the bud wasn't flushed and was cut in the middle of the light cycle. Also the bud is then "Perfect" IMO after being jarred up over night ... Don't get me wrong the longer you cure the better it can get but my method hasn't decreased potency one bit!!!


space gardener
2 weeks for me, I think quick drying degrades the product significantly. Just my experience, smells different, tastes different, doesn't seem to as potent either.


New member
Thanks guys, i think i'll hang them up with a fan pointing at them for a week and see how they turn out. So Thundurkel, your saying the best time to cut is during off light cycle? why is that?


cut right before the lights come on because your plants store all the sugars and foods theyve made in there roots overnight. so we harvest right before the plant starts photosynthesising and starts up taking food from the roots. you want your end plant to be as much filled with water as you can. the day before/of my harvest i rip off a leaf and taste the stem juice and if it taste like water your good but if its really bitter alot of nutes are still floating around. i grow organically and i still use a week long flush. also hung in a 55gallon tupperware box to dry with a fan and a carbon scrubber in it. they did get a little dryer than i wanted after only 5-6days of drying and then moved to jars for curing. i cure from a week to when the buds done...after a week of curing i take a sample and see how it is, with every passing week it seems to get better, less harsh, smells better, and gets me much higher. i leave all my buds in jars and when i want some i just grab it, in turn burping the jars.


Active member
Not pointing at them but around the room they are in and once dry they should be good.I find that when you cure you do bring the flavors out more but good Genetics have shown to be great right at the point of dry I flush sometimes and sometimes I don't so that's a personal choice to me and really depends on how you feed This Bubba was freshly dried and dank as ever no cure at all :2cents:

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