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Whats up with Spain and cannabis?


For what it's worth, it's the Basque region that's the hemp heaven. I've been to Bilbao, Mundaka and then San Sebastian and in all three places found the best of weed. No rip offs, friendly people and also smoking in public. In Mundaka we we're not only given some class weed for free we were also even smoking in the bars at night - lots of surfers, chilled out, no problems. Honestly some of the friendliest people I've ever met.

I heard a story from one of the locals there that the police had raided a grow-op greenhouse and taken all the plants. They hauled the folk who ran it to court where the judge ended up telling the police to give back everything they'd taken - including the plants :) I forget the name of the place now but I did check this out on the net when I returned home (2007) and I definitely did find a story about it too. I remember reading that it was 14/15 people, all working in full time jobs, told the judge that they came together so they could afford the rent of the land and the building of the greenhouse to grow it for their own use. The bottom line is the Judge saw no problem with that.

Anyway I'm uploading a pic too that I took in a park in Bilbao. It's a pic of some guys sitting on a bench and rolling up. It's cool as fuk :D I remember thinking "holy shit man, I wish the rest of the world was like this. This is better than Holland." There they were, not a worry in the world. People walking around everywhere and not paying the slightest bit of attention. Another thing I thought was very cool - the lighters. You can only buy lighters in tobacco shops or out of vending machines in the street but the funny thing was that every single lighter - no matter where you bought it - had some hemp related logo on it. Even people who only smoked cigarettes were using lighters with MJ motifs on them, y'know? It was like an overt promotion of it. Also, in the vending machines in the street, beside the lighters slot was a rizla slot :D Wicked!!!

The thing is though - if the Basque people hear you calling it Spain they'll flip. It is - officially - but they don't like it one little bit. It's Basque and they speak Basquez - it's not Spain and they don't speak Spanish. I found that out the hard way :D I think they'd just do anything to be different to Spain and that's why it's the way it is lol Once you understand these things though - it's really quite cool and don't get the wrong idea folks - I've met plenty of folk there from both Madrid and Barcelona. The people from the Basque have no problem with folk from Spain - just once you don't got a Spanish tattoo or go waving a Spanish flag around :laughing: Anyways - here's that pic.


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New member
If you are looking for a European country that's cannabis friendly, I suggest coming to Prague. There are plenty of bars and clubs that will let you puff inside and there is even some bars that sell it in a coffeeshop style fashion (although you have to know the places). It's pretty difficult to find hash here, but weed is everywhere. Prices usually range from 200-300 Kč per gram (7 to 11 Euros). As always, expect to pay more if you are a tourist (but never pay more than 300). Also, never buy from people offering it on the street. Usually they try and make the transaction very quick and you wind up paying for a piece of rubber or plastic.

The city is still quite cheap in comparison to Western Europe and North America. Great nightlife, extensive public transportation, and the beer is ridiculously good and cheap (around half a euro for a half liter of hoppy-goodness). In fact, beer is usually the cheapest drink you can buy in a bar or restaurant (even cheaper than water).


^^^Nice plug dude - I've heard a lot about Prague but ....... read the title of the thread man - the guy is asking about Spain :)


Active member
i when to loret the mare and gran canarian in spain and i found the first day of my vacation some nice smooth hash from marocco i found 3 differed dealers that day, they tried to rip me off he first askd 70€ for 10g but i got it for 40€ :dance013:
never had any problem with the cops we just smoked on the beach and on the streets and nobody had a problem with it.we had the opportunity to buy weed but it also came from maroc.




This summer there has been no week that no published several papers on the marijuana growers arrested with huge cache of drugs (6 plants in a few times, another 10 ...). That is not entirely new, and partly the profusion of cases is explained by the growing number of consumers who have decided to stop buying cannabis on the black market. What is new is that it reaches such absurd situations like five guys who grew six plants Cantabrians hemp can go to jail for a nonexistent crime of drug trafficking. Or that the denunciations by neighbors who arrange their disputes and is the method by which "work" the police force. Until this year, drug prosecutors acted when the police reports of seizures of homemade plantations revealed a large number of plants. But now, to the surprise even of the agents involved in the raids, prosecutors act systematically against all the planters, who are detained, fingerprinted and booked for a possible crime against public health.

In addition, when weighing the plants, many agents do not take into account that males (30-50% of production) are not psychoactive, or seem to know that what you eat are the leaves and buds (not stems, branches or root), or that the plant is consumed dry (during the drying process loses between 60 and 75% by weight). Nor does it take into account that females are not psychoactive plants until September, when it is already late in the flowering process. The result is a botched so helpless such that the mere presence of counsel for the grower during the drying process can reduce the weight of the cache on a few kilos.

The vast majority of prosecutions are filed by own cultivation without going to trial because they are accused of a nonexistent crime (drug trafficking, but in reality, the alleged object of the traffic grows in a pot, so it does not occur any specific offense, in any case a foul for illegal possession of cannabis, as long as the apprehension occurs when the plant is mature and has THC, since otherwise it would not be a drug). Although few exceptions, all usually ends well, the farmer spends a couple of months with lawyers, earrings to go to state, with consequent bad time for themselves and their families (with the consequent waste of human and financial resources the Ministry of Justice). Anyway, we wonder whether the term harm reduction has any meaning for Gonzalo Robles and the National Drug Plan. Do not want anyone to grow, they prefer that everyone buy chocolate of dubious quality and price of gold to the mafias. Why?

These seizures of homemade plantations particularly affect a group already sufficiently punished, as is that of patients from a number of diseases (AIDS, cancer, arthritis, glaucoma, etc.). That alleviate their suffering with cannabis. If it is crumbly remove the plants to a consumer to go to a park to fund the mafia, is far more dastardly cut a patient the much needed stable supply and it's so hard to get (remember that for certain diseases not just any variety of hemp, but known as Ruderalis).

If a consumer takes the trouble to plant is to stop buying on the black market a adulterated hashish and expensive (up to 6 € / gram) to consume a lot less harmful substance, grown by himself and which eventually comes considerably cheaper. Additionally, stops with their money to fund the black market mafia, positive attitude and should be valued, why not be officially encouraged as part of a larger program that has as harm reduction perspective, not the suppression of individual freedoms.
Spain is not the paradise of cannabis:rtfo:


Active member
granada is a very cool place in spain; big stoner/college town... met a bartender my first night there; he wanted to learn english i wanted to smoke hash and meet all his female friends... worked out great

i was in madrid, granada, and barcelona when i went... spent a couple months in granada so i'm most familiar with that town. the benches on the street with the hypercourt/courtd'englias (there was only one in town when i was there) in front of the public garden to the east down the street was pretty much stoner central after dark; every bench taken by a group of kids with one or more rolling up a puro like in the pic above... most everyone has and smokes hash; bud not so much... lots of tobacco mixed in so if you aren't used to it they can kill

there were a few bars i went to where everyone was drinking and blazing inside; lots of girls smoke hash too which was nice as well

honestly the public drinking laws are reason enough to take a vacation from cali; the mini marts had this thing called a bottle-yon (dunno bout spelling) which was a bottle of rum, a bottle of coke, a bag of ice, and some cups all pre packaged together... party in a bag; we'd buy one and then go post up on a bench outside and kill it watching the world go buy over some j's... good times can be had for sure


Registered Non-Conformist
granada is a very cool place in spain; big stoner/college town... met a bartender my first night there; he wanted to learn english i wanted to smoke hash and meet all his female friends... worked out great

i was in madrid, granada, and barcelona when i went... spent a couple months in granada so i'm most familiar with that town. the benches on the street with the hypercourt/courtd'englias (there was only one in town when i was there) in front of the public garden to the east down the street was pretty much stoner central after dark; every bench taken by a group of kids with one or more rolling up a puro like in the pic above... most everyone has and smokes hash; bud not so much... lots of tobacco mixed in so if you aren't used to it they can kill

there were a few bars i went to where everyone was drinking and blazing inside; lots of girls smoke hash too which was nice as well

honestly the public drinking laws are reason enough to take a vacation from cali; the mini marts had this thing called a bottle-yon (dunno bout spelling) which was a bottle of rum, a bottle of coke, a bag of ice, and some cups all pre packaged together... party in a bag; we'd buy one and then go post up on a bench outside and kill it watching the world go buy over some j's... good times can be had for sure


I used to like the Outdoor vending machines with Soda, juice and beer all in one....

Or, how my Friend used to ask for a Campari and Orange...
She was given a HUGE (as in a triple) shot of Campari in a plastic Cup, and a Can of Nesbitt's Orange Soda... Happy Girl.

It was a while ago, but I used to get good Afghani Hash...

Last trip in Barcelona, 4 years ago.... I saw very little Cannabis related stuff, and was not offered anything. I must have packed something from AMS, I cannot remember, but I was smoking something.... I;m sure there were some places to go to get it though.

That City is LOADED with Gaudi and Dali museums, parks and buildings. EYE CANDY.. Get stoned and go to the top of Sagrada Familia... WHOA>>>>>

Spain is Beyond Awesome... The People Wonderful. Independent.. The Language - romantic and like Music to my ears....

Especially great since Cigarettes are not perpetually smoked in each and every Dining establishment anymore...

Someone;s post about Bilbao and San Sebastian has me Curious.....


Active member
I can speak u about the basque country area, Pamplona-Iruña, San sebastian - donostia, vitoria -gasteiz, and Bilbao...

In this area is social accepted smoking hash and weed, u can find bars, cafes, restaurants... that u can smoke ....:dance013:

Food is fucking good, not a cheap place compare with the rest of the iberian peninsula...
San sebastian- donostia is one of the most wonderfull cities around, like biarritz in the basque french area... Pamplona and Vitoria they look similar,, with a nice oldtown, good bars, nice restaurants and lot of parks and green areas...:artist:
Bilbao is the big city, with the Gugenheim and a nice old town, change a lot in last years.... nice night life...
The basque region is nice for surfing, mountanering and cycling, green valleys with small towns ,...:jump:
Right now u have private marihuana clubs in all the basque regions, like pannag in bilbo, ganjazz in gipuzkoa and RCN/NOK at navarra...:)

I hope that helps,, need more info just ask



I can speak u about the basque country area, Pamplona-Iruña, San sebastian - donostia, vitoria -gasteiz, and Bilbao...

In this area is social accepted smoking hash and weed, u can find bars, cafes, restaurants... that u can smoke ....:dance013:

Food is fucking good, not a cheap place compare with the rest of the iberian peninsula...
San sebastian- donostia is one of the most wonderfull cities around, like biarritz in the basque french area... Pamplona and Vitoria they look similar,, with a nice oldtown, good bars, nice restaurants and lot of parks and green areas...:artist:
Bilbao is the big city, with the Gugenheim and a nice old town, change a lot in last years.... nice night life...
The basque region is nice for surfing, mountanering and cycling, green valleys with small towns ,...:jump:
Right now u have private marihuana clubs in all the basque regions, like pannag in bilbo, ganjazz in gipuzkoa and RCN/NOK at navarra...:)

I hope that helps,, need more info just ask

One of the best regions on this Planet I've EVER visited man. A beautiful land and a beautiful people :yes: Even though that wave in Mundaka almost fucking drowned me I still think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen :D lol Yeah, some good memories of Euskadi - some good memories indeed. I sure hope I can return one day.


Registered Non-Conformist
Well, damn. If it is that good.

I was considering Costa Rica or Mexico for a vacation, soon. Been to both a good few times - but it has been a few years... I want to surf... But, always stopped by the idea that the pot is not that great. Not into drinking on vacations, (or even on a regular day), because each day is precious. And the best surf is usually early in the AM.... I may stretch the trip out to a 2-3 month thing....

I have become a pot-snob, due to growing in Emerald triangle land...

Although I wish I could, I do not want to bring my own.

I loved my times in Spain - have not been to Euskadi. Went to Galicia instead. Kinda boring.

Also seen Barcelona, Alicante.. Madrid.

My Brother claimed he LOVED San Sebastian and the Basque lands, and he is not even a surfer or a smot-poker... We tend to like the same sort of places..

Nice weather in Summer - I imagine.... Maybe that is the answer. I 'n I can get good buds, and hash now and then... I 'n I am happy. People on the Iberian Peninsula in general are VERY to my liking...

Haven't had to really think about smoking and its ramifications for a while. But, I do not want to be a criminal because I partake of the Herb in private or in the Sun, as a sacrament and meditation... Also before - during - and after Surfing... Ok Not during, although once I paddled out with a lit joint on a small-wave day...! lol.


Well, damn. If it is that good.

I was considering Costa Rica or Mexico for a vacation, soon. Been to both a good few times - but it has been a few years... I want to surf... But, always stopped by the idea that the pot is not that great. Not into drinking on vacations, (or even on a regular day), because each day is precious. And the best surf is usually early in the AM.... I may stretch the trip out to a 2-3 month thing....

I have become a pot-snob, due to growing in Emerald triangle land...

Although I wish I could, I do not want to bring my own.

I loved my times in Spain - have not been to Euskadi. Went to Galicia instead. Kinda boring.

Also seen Barcelona, Alicante.. Madrid.

My Brother claimed he LOVED San Sebastian and the Basque lands, and he is not even a surfer or a smot-poker... We tend to like the same sort of places..

Nice weather in Summer - I imagine.... Maybe that is the answer. I 'n I can get good buds, and hash now and then... I 'n I am happy. People on the Iberian Peninsula in general are VERY to my liking...

Haven't had to really think about smoking and its ramifications for a while. But, I do not want to be a criminal because I partake of the Herb in private or in the Sun, as a sacrament and meditation... Also before - during - and after Surfing... Ok Not during, although once I paddled out with a lit joint on a small-wave day...! lol.
If you like to surf and smoke then Euskadi is the place to go my friend. Mundaka is home to one of the most fascinating waves in the world. There is a river estuary that has created this unique sandbank which gives rise to the longest left-hander you have ever seen. Expect to do a lot of paddling as this waves breaks left for 1:30, 2mins sometimes. When you do finally get back over the other side though there a small bonus: the river current will take you back out to where the wave begins with little or no paddling at all. I think the locals call it the elevator or something like that :D

Check it out: youtube vid

There's another place close by too called Bakio which is also home to some mean waves. Worth checking out.

I used to pull some stick too for going out stoned :D Only ever brought out a doobie with time one time too lol. Bliss. I hired one of those rafts (foam learner longboards :D) and went out just to chill. It was awesome. You could lie on the board, walk on it - do a fukn somersalt on it - perfect!


Active member
Thanks for all the cool info everyone on this thread,its been fun reading all your storys strange enough i just found my new fav band this week .And they are from spain i think .They called skap ,even though i cant speak a word of spanish i love there songs and this one is the best wish i could understand what they are saying still cool songs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9RNl_g8iz0&feature=related i got this story of another pot site and i thought i would post it as its about growing and spain,70 marijuana plants for personal use
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By h.b. - Mar 3, 2010 - 8:08 PM
A marijuana plant - EFE
A man has been found not guilty of drug trafficking despite growing the plants in his home in Cantabria

The judge in Penal Court 3 in Santander has found a man accused of drug trafficking and found with 70 marijuana plants growing in his house, at Mijares, Cantabria not guilty.

The accused said the plants were for personal use, he smoked 20 cigarettes of ‘maría’ every day, and the court considered the police had failed to prove that he had sold drugs to others.

The court heard the police found sophisticated equipment to grow the plants, such as drying lamps, ventilators, dehumidifiers, thermostats and so on, but equipment such as precision scales needed to prepare the drug for sale was not found

Read more: http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news/publish/article_25301.shtml#ixzz0hnGK0rDy


Registered Non-Conformist
Alflud... Thanks..>!

Mundaka - all truly committed surfers dream of getting one of those long lefts... Such beautiful scenery.....Not heard of Bakio, tho... !

Question is - does it break in Summer...? I would think only short period small windswell would get in until Fall/Winter... But, I ask.... Whaddya think..?

In Galicia there was no surf or 2 weeks...

If there's surf, I will do it...! Prefiero Pais Vasco, Espana y Europa, totalmente.... Para un viaje.....


Active member
The good waves starts on september, con las mareas vivas......:jump:

I live near gipuzkoa so i use to bodyboard at zarautz and i like the french area better than gipuzkoa and bizkaia..... anglet is my best spot... acotz is so nice http://cdt64.tourinsoft.com/uploadtif/MEDIA_a7ed2ef0-5032-427d-bd33-569c1fe7d652.jpg, small bays with stone floor.... but nice leftssss and dont need to fight for go inside:bump:
Hossegor and cabreton are cool,,, but thats far and is Las Landas... the bad thing at the basque french area is the CRS - french police:moon:
The bodyguards at the beaches that they look like nice surfers..... are policemen... so take care about joints.... and is full of secret policemen... i had some funny experiences with them...:cathug:

France is boring too, so i recomend to stay at gipuzkoa and travel around... u can be in any beach in less than 45 min...


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