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pollen dabber
ICMag Donor




please tell me it's not PM.

I sprayed my plants with a foliar of compost tea last week that i now believe went anaerobic. Could this be related?
I have not used lactobacillus (foliar spray) for about a month, so i know its not that.

this just popped up within two days, i just transplanted my plants this sunday and i noticed these spots tuesday. I did not see anything on them sunday as i was inspecting them.

so new things to the environment since this weekend would be compost(malibu brand) and EWC(black gold) that i topped them up with, and then added a Cocoa shell mulch + some canna leaves from pruning.

only giving water + molasses, so i don't think its any residue i dropped on them.

Only seeing it on 3 plants.

thanks for your help!


not 100% sure but i have not seen PM spots get that kind of solid white without the whole leaf/plant being infected. get the white stains off the leaves and watch what happens. pm will come back quick enough. don't get to bent out of shape, PM sucks raw ass but it is not the end of the world. just another one of those things that happens no matter how careful you are.
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Kinda looks like something of a liquid consistency has ran down the leaf and then settled and dried there, Just from the way it looks like its pooled in certain places.
Dont take this as knowledgeable advice Thats just my observation.

Peace and Good Vibe's



pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
I have the Keep it simple compost tea brewer.

It comes with compost and a food packet and couple of months ago when i first got it i took out the mesh bag it came in to split it up into smaller amounts since i wasn't going to be using 5 gallon teas.

so i put the compost into a sealed plastic bag (i think a mistake) and only used it 2 times. once for the soil, and once for foliar(last week). I went to make another one yesterday and i had no idea it smelled because i wear a mask when using anything because a lot of things bother my throat. my gf came into the room where i was getting the tea ready and told me how bad it smelled. sure enough it was anaerobic, and i brewed this one the same as the one last week. so i tossed that out.

i used RO water, 1 gallon.
Food packet=1.8tbsp
Temps about 62-72
24-26 hours brew time

this is from the KIS website...
Food Ingredients

Nutrients are 80% organic ingredients and 20% natural minerals derived from sulfate of potashmagnesia, feather meal, soymeal, cottonseed meal, mycorrhizal, kelp, and alfalfa meal.

Compost Ingredients

KIS composts are made from woody materials without the use of any animal wastes, manures, or kitchen waste products.


not 100% sure but i have not seen PM spots get that kind of solid white without the whole leaf/plant being infected.
That was my thought too when I studied the pattern. It 'almost' looks like a slam-dunk PM infection but the pattern isn't anything like you would 'normally' expect to see.

Online diagnosis is challenging and often incorrect.

Here's a quick way to see if it responds to a simple PM solution using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Buy a new box at the grocrey store - freshness is important.

Mix 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of tepid water. Spray all of your leaves, branches and stalk. You want to do this at the end of the light cycle.

When the lights come back on then hit them with plain water.

While not a cure for PM, sodium and potassium bicarbonate (GreenCure for example) are widely used by ornamental growers. It will arrest (to a certain degree) the spread and manifestation of the fungi - it does not address the systemic nature of PM.




pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
thanks CC, i think i will try that today and come back here with my progress


are all powdery mildews systemic, or only some?
Mad L

That would be a Herculean task to answer - there are over 3,500 anaerobic fungi generally grouped as 'powdery mildew' or a slew of other names. The specific term 'powdery mildew' while it is "a" common term used by nursery growers, the term in the cannabis world is exclusive.

Clemson University is the home to one of top horticulture schools in the USA behind Cornell University. Clemson was where Dr. T.L. Senn was chairman of the department and where he was based for his 55 years of research into the use of kelp and seaweed extracts.

Here's a good overview from Clemson about 'PM' in general and addresses the systemic aspect to some degree.



mad librettist

Active member
hmm from what I can gather in that link, it isn't systemic but spreads from surface to surface via sporulation.

Interesting to note - dry conditions favor dispersal and humid conditions favor sporulation


To me it looks like something from a foliar spray dried on the leaves. CC's idea of the sodium bicarbonate is a great idea. I was gonna suggest using plain water first to see if it just washes off. If it is just dried foliar spray, it should rinse off and not come back.
Also, I saw you have used Lacto b, but not recently, if it is PM, the Lacto b will help with that. Either way, it doesn't look too bad yet, and hopefully you can find out what it is and control it. Good luck


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
so far all i have used as foliar spray is:

neptunes harvest fish/seaweed mix
alfalfa pellets soaked in water and strained about 4-6 hours, not long at all. def no salt in these
Lactobacillus serum as you mentioned diluted down
neem oil (from neem resource) + small drop of dr bronners liquid lav soap (couple times i added neptunes harvest mix to this in small amounts)
iv done one alfalfa + kelp meal +molasses bubbled tea once 24hours

but all of those were at least 3 weeks ago and longer
the only one since then has been the compost tea

other then that the only odd thing to mention is i broke the neptunes harvest cap while tighten it. damn hulk grip. so i store the rest of the unused bottle in a plastic water bottle, but really i just should shell out for another one. only a quart i would be losing.

we shall find out soon enough!


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
here is the plant in the first 2 pictures.

this is one day after the last foliar i gave them. the compost tea. about 8 days ago

doesn't really appear to have anything dripped on it, but who knows, i hope its just something like that.


Good looking plant. I would think if it were PM, it would show on more leaves. If you already took off the bad leaves, and it doesn't reappear, I would think it's pretty safe to rule out PM. I've had PM show back up, even after removing the leaves it showed on.


Living with the soil
Doesn't look like PM...I wouldn't worry about it unless it spreads. Probably residual deposits from the ACT.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I agree it does not look like typical PM and if it's not on other leaves then even less likely. If anything it looks more like downy mildew(?) IMO too much P contributes to PM

mad librettist

Active member
lol I once fought downy mildew on a plant for ages on the advice of the person that sold it to me (I sent pics).

In the end it turned out to be stipules, a natural part of the plant, which had been misidentified by the seller.


When PM hits a garden there's not much question about what's going on. Besides hitting the lower (weaker) leaves it especially hits the sugar leaves and moves deep into the cola.

Fun stuff.........


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