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Whats the worst....


Your telling me there is crack in Canada?? Next you'll be saying their is black people up there:rolleyes:


Skarecrow...Is it safe to say all PA sux between the 2 of us and a couple of other folks, we are running out places in that huge state.
Erie, lives up to its name...

Strangely enough I was headed up to the Poconos, we passed through this REALLY STRANGE town called Jim Thorpe (named for a disabled olympic runner) One time we where headed somewhere in totally different direction...we got lost and ended up in JIM THORPE, I was like WTF?? I can't explain that to this day...we should've been far from that town full of non-travaling "carnies" Their always seems to be this strange, out of place fog there, to add to the creepyness...


PS Malaria send me an e-mail please, its in my profile...you don't have enough posts for me to PM you

Jim Thorpe is like right next to lehighton.


Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.. windy every day and super boring
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.. the epitome of shitty


Active member
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.. windy every day and super boring
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.. the epitome of shitty
ive been to saskatoon, and regina...regina seemed cool...cool on the edge...laronge sask. is sadly dismal...and i wanted to live on that lake all my life.

Big D

H20....would u and big d please change your avatar to something other than a bunch of ass? im no prude, but i can see ass on the internet all day if i want....cant u come w/ something more original?

...if thats all u got i understand.

Mind your business BOY! My avy is loved by mostly heterosexuals...you wouldn't understand .


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Carlsbad,NM most dead or in the process of dying town I have ever been to.

I met some chick on Pogo and went to meet her.


guest 77721

Chapleau, Northern Ontario. Has one traffic light, blinks yellow and red.

The stripper (singular) at the Maple Leaf Hotel has one more tooth than most of her patrons.

C'mon baby show us that tooth....


Active member
the worst place in every american city: the SUBURBS! never saw i suburb i liked. fockin corporate slavery. and waaay to many uptight whites.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Newark, NJ on a 97 degree summer night (yes, 97 at night) after weather forced our transatlantic flight to be cancelled. Most dismal, desolate, inhuman wasteland I've ever been in. And I've walked no-mans'-land between the eastern and western Berlin walls....



Somebody reminded me of a town that's worse than Marcus Hook and Paradise combined. That would be Chester, PA. Especially the areas not within 1 mile of the Widener campus. Yikes.
Like Trouble said...for me...hands down...Detroit. I lived there and go back at least once a year for a Tiger game. Freaking hell hole of a place. As a youngster, many, many years ago, I got to spend a couple of days in DeHoCo. Oh what a joy. Detroit- where despair goes to die. And it ain't a pretty death. Nor honorable.
And I am sorry my hometown, now, has been mentioned more than once. I disagree but to each their own. I mean, hell! it isn't Detroit by any means and I live here so can't be but so bad. lol lol

Styles P

cape cod was really nice but god it was boring and full of fags. i know im not allowed to say it but camden county jail.


Well-known member
Like Trouble said...for me...hands down...Detroit. I lived there and go back at least once a year for a Tiger game. Freaking hell hole of a place. As a youngster, many, many years ago, I got to spend a couple of days in DeHoCo. Oh what a joy. Detroit- where despair goes to die. And it ain't a pretty death. Nor honorable.
And I am sorry my hometown, now, has been mentioned more than once. I disagree but to each their own. I mean, hell! it isn't Detroit by any means and I live here so can't be but so bad. lol lol

Last year, the city of Detroit actually purchased national airtime during the PGA Buick Open Golf Tounament to promote tourism. When the commercial came on during the tournament, I seriously thought it was a comedy skit and commercial for Saturday Night Live. LOL!

Anyone who has ever had the unpleasent experience of visting Detroit, knows that it's delusional of the Detroit City Leaders who made the decision to run these commercials to think they can market their way out of the incovenient reality that the city is like Baghdad, except without the redeeming qualities.

As a gesture of goodwill, I offer these tourism slogans to help Detroit show the rest of the nation what a great city they have:

* Statistically speaking, you probably wont get shot.

* It's alot cheeper than Disney!

* Smokey The Bear says, urban fires are A-OK!

* Our hospitals treat more bullet wounds by 5:00AM than most hospitals do all day!

* Their not rioting, they're just having a winnie roast!



They should promote Detroit as an archeological museum, a relic from the golden age of the
industrial era, like the coliseum or the parthenon, but better cuz its a whole city.

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