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What's the Cali indoor scene like for smaller grows?

I was looking to move to Michigan because their laws are decent but I really don't like the winter and I've always dreamed of moving west so why not?

I'm not an outdoor guy although if the laws weren't so shitty right now I probably would consider it. I'm in Ohio now and have been growing indoor for almost 8 years now, nothing major just 2-3k at a time. Enough to pay the bills and then some here in the midwest.

I was going to move in with a buddy who lives in Butte county and split a grow & bills to get started, that plan fell through though. So now I'm looking to do it solo. Am I stupid for wanting to move across country to set up a 6 to 10k flower? I know electric bills will probably be a lot more than I'm used to, not sure how much honestly.

I get like 280-320 a zip here usually and grind it out between harvests. I know that probably won't be as easy in CA with the market but is 3400 per unit out of the question? I plan on switching over to gavita's in a sealed room so the yield should be up there if everything goes well. What do people pay there for good quality indoor that's not from the dispensary?

Other than Butte, what other counties should I look at? I'm going to be renting & don't want to be in the hood, it doesn't have to be the nicest area either though.
You will probably make more money where you are now unless you plan on doing an outdoor crop or larger indoor 20k +. Expect to sell your weed for not much more than 2,200 in Butte and the power bills to be several times the cost of what you pay now($.25-.50 a kw). Good luck.
I run 8kw and was paying 1100/month this year

No ones getting 34 here I get 23 for quality...probably higher standards here
Standards are pretty high where I'm at. At least in my circle of people. If not my weed the only other thing people are buying are cheap packs for 24-3 and that's to make money on then they come buy mine anyway..

I've had flowers from the shops in CA and friends that went to CO, we have yet to see anything that I would say is way better than mine. Most of the time it is the opposite.

And 22 indoor, even for OG, Cookies, Chemdog?? I can believe that price for the greenhouse that gets labeled as ins maybe
Here is a nug from my recent crop


I'm not saying it's not out there but I've never seen any flower that looked like this from Cali. Maybe on Instagram through jungleboyz or berners shop
You ask questions about Cali from people who live in Cali...you can believe us or not.

Your flowers look good but nothing special lots of people here produce quality.
You ask questions about Cali from people who live in Cali...you can believe us or not.

Your flowers look good but nothing special lots of people here produce quality.

I dig it, I don't mean any disrespect. Just asking and trying to get the low down. I've got friends in Butte and I've heard otherwise on prices for indoor. My dude could have been bullshitting or maybe it's just all in who you know.

If prices are that cheap I'll just bomb them back home..:tiphat:
Lot of people do that but the heats on you guys right now...probably even more so in the coming years...especially in Butte. I had to move from there.

Check out the Wholesale prices dropping thread...people post their tickets there...its all around low twos to the grower for the most part
Its real hard to make a buck when every other person is trying to off their crop too. Way to many people grow here. Butte county is still poor as fuck. They cant afford to get too hardcore on the growers. Just bust the dumb ones for show. That keeps prices down.
Oil game is king now. Flower grow criteria desired= less hydro, more amber glands and free of contaminants. If its skunky, white and fries your wig you'll do fine. If the ash ain't white or your a salt grower.......stay in Ohio.


New member
If butte is hot where is a good spot to fire up a little 4 light grow?

I wouldn't even sweat 4 lights.. But if anything, look for a landlord that is cool with it, it's possible with craigslist. Or be paranoid about your landlord fucking everything up for you/ calling the cops..