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What would YOU do if you seen some1 getting bullied and racially abused online???

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New member
ok guys, thats my question, what would you do if you seen some1 get bullied and racially abused online??

1. sit back and dont say shit.

2. say something and hope it stops.

3. contact the site admin or a moderator.

4 join in

this is a serious question guys and it dont concern this site, as i have not seen this ever happen here but i hope no1 gets offended by my question as i had to ask it here, tc guys.


I think most of the people in the forums i frequent are adults and should be able to handle themselves. im gonna go with #1.

Racist people, sexist people, and most people who judge other people suck!!! I usually feel bad for them because they are making there own ignorance and stupidity so apparent.


Well-known member
bully the guy who bullies the others... sort of give em a taste of their own "medicine" ...



Active member
lol, bullying? ...on an online forum? ...come on man, it's only words for pete's sake.

the world is filled with ignorant people who want you dead, ...period, ...get used to it!

so if you have a bully in your life, ...punch him in his fucking mouth! ...even if that gets your ass kicked. ...the next time he'll know going in if he fucks with you, he's gonna get a pop in the mouth 'cause you ain't scared! ...so he'll find easier fish to fry!

at some point everyone must learn to take responsibility for themselves, and bullying helps us develop thicker skins.

and bullying online is only flaming and should just be ignored by everyone except the mods who's job it is to monitor the site and rid it of the ignorant.

so don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.

peace, SOG


Green Mujaheed
lol, bullying? ...on an online forum? ...come on man, it's only words for pete's sake.

COnsidering that some people have comitted suicide after being bullied on the net, it's a bit more than "only words"...

Words can kill, don't you know that ?

Irie !


Green is Gold
If I witnessed any online "bullying" I would start with number 2 and then do number 1. What else is there to do? I sure ain't running and tattling on the person. And I agree it's only words, if what somebody is saying to you hurts your feelings that much then log off. Nobody is forcing you to get online so don't expect me to feel sorry for you if you can't handle other people being mean to you if you get on there, that's life, deal with it


Active member


How the fuck can some one bully me from 6,835 damn miles away?That is so stupid.Peeps are toooooo fucin sensitive.

And this may be wrong....i don't know yet don't care,it is what it is.

But when i hear or read of shit such as peeps killin themselves or some other crazy shit cause of some dumb ass blog or cause some chick put a pic of your tiny penis online.........i feel no remorse.
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