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What would be your DREAM job?



Dictator of Logic. Not scientist, because a scientist has to deal with academia. I want to be the Dictator of Logic.

I will mostly deal with political, ethical and philosophical issues. I will also decide which fields need more research from the universities.

The world would look much better.

Red Fang

Active member
yeah apocalyptic rocker and ganja breeder all in one. or like I saw on TV, this guy that puts a lawn chair on the beach and has women sit on his lap. I don't think it is a "job", more like volunteer work to get into the Guiness Book of world records, but sounds good to me! Where do I sign up? Hot women only though! Or a mall Santa who only allows hot chicks, and none of that sideward sitting either, only full lapsitting if you know what I mean!


my dream job is to be a drug researcher, & study the correlation between the efficacy of marijuana in bipolar patients...

Red Fang

Active member
i'd be a king / president of the world :)
why didn't I say that?
Dictator of Logic. Not scientist, because a scientist has to deal with academia. I want to be the Dictator of Logic.

I will mostly deal with political, ethical and philosophical issues. I will also decide which fields need more research from the universities.

The world would look much better.
Growing medical grade cannabis for the DC Gov't to distribute to poor people.
these I wouldn't mind doing either.
I don't know why some are in to this whole assassin killer shit, we are supposed to be peaceful? And people do get paid to kill animals, I interviewed for such a job but decided against it when I knew what I'd have to kill. I wouldn't mind being a conservation scientist either but that isn't easy to get. Lots of good suggestions here! Also wouldn't mind being Che back in the day, except for the whole assassination thing!


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
everyones responses are great but it just doesnt get any better than being gn. he throws away better weed than most of us smoke. he lives in a tropical paradise, likely with a maiden or two ;) all of his revenues are cannabis derived. he runs the greatest cannabis related site in exsistance, and is the envy of countless loyal followers. when he drives it is the s cat. hell, hugh hefner would probably love to swap jobs with gypsy. sweet pussy is easy to get if you have money but weed the quality that gypsy smokes, money cant buy. gn is quite simply the greatest cannabis entrepenuer in modern times. the amount of cannabis he is single handely responsible for is staggering. not to mention he has withstood the test of time, as he laid his foundation on solid ground(in a country he could not be procecuted in). take note rc and marc emery, who both tried the same thing but obviously not in a location that didnt come consequences. there is no greater cannabis representitive alive today. thanks big guy.


sunshine in a bag
i'd wanna be able to kick back, relax, and enjoy it.

i sometimes help out, but i really like to just supervise.

something visually stimulating.
i'd prefer it NOT to be hands on, but i'll pitch in for hard times.

my dream job is a blowjob.
i don't see myself retiring anytime soon.


High Grade Specialist
my dream job would be to grow weed legally in a country where its sunny and the girls have brown skin!


I would really love work on a well liked childrens show. The wiggles would be a great example :yes: or Sesame street
stoned of course :smoweed:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
PoopyTeaBag's housewife and growing partner...check! Just kidding....there is no one job for me that would satisfy me for the rest of my life other than wife/daughter/sister/aunt. Check:) I'll find happiness in whatever I do in my life....lived long enough now to know what I don't want...and that's half the battle.


Active member
Day trader by day, grower by 4:00 Pm and rich the whole day through. Seriously. I would love to make enough money to buy a bunch of property and live off of the rent money. Travel the world, learn new things, meet new people, fuck beautiful women. One day, one fucking day!


Freedom Fighter
I would like to do something that will make the World a better place...help ppl have a better life.....yeah, I want to be a Political Assassin!!:elf:


spin tunes, but not for free
free bitches, without the hiv

I guess my dream job isn't far off from what I am doing - helping run a sports "gear" manufacturing company and living BY and FOR the sport I love. Doing it on a warmer coast might be nice though.

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