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what weed made you think HOLY $H!T


Registered Med User
^^The high was so crazy and trippy, I'll never forget it!! Neither will my best old friends, a few of them had panic attacks after taking one small hit of it! I also had a panic attack once on this BMR it was just soo strong, I had pics and a smoke report of it on OverGrow years ago, maybe on here too but I doubt it. BOG directed me to this website about a year before OG was shut down.

I would give my left nut to get some BOG genetics again!! :joint:

^^^ Haha! they sell BOG gear again at the botique man, I dont know if they take left nuts tho... might haveta cash out.


train wreck and green crack the first time i smoked them.train wreck was late 90's and green crack was 03 both were a heavy stone for me just left wanting to not move from my seat and play tony hawk on the ps2


Active member
I know BOGs genetics are available on the web, but my financial situation's been pretty shitty for awhile now. I can't shell out $80+ on a pack of seeds. Plus, this old pheno i captured from SourBubbleBx3 seeds I had years ago was the best SourBubble I've ever seen and the 2nd best bud I've ever had right next to BOG's homegrown BMR!! :D
on a cruise ship balcony looking at Honduras getting mellow with an Englishman. he rolled up my first spliff and got me completely balls out.
i did pass out smoking a blunt in the woods
i spent 160 bucks on seeds and have yet to get them


The very, VERY sad part is that out of the 1/2 ounce my buddy ended up with, in my 1/4 bag was one, PERFECT seed. I am pretty sure the universe meant for me to have that seed but I didn't have any place to grow! I held on to it for about 2 years until the 2008 Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming when my darling wife convinced me that we would be safer to send all of our pipes and seeds out of the gathering with someone who was leaving a few days early. The LEO was crazy that year and there were a lot of roadblocks and searches going on.

Dude, I got a ticket at that gathering for possession! I guess I'm lucky it was only a ticket, but that's the only run in with law enforcement (aside from speeding) that I've ever had. Unfortunately I wasn't able to stay through the 4th but I saw a video on the net where LEO came in and started shooting people with rubber bullets! That's the only gathering I've been too but I would love to go back, it was truly and without exaggeration an epic experience. I loved how people would walk around with pipes hanging from sticks fishing for green, people dancing naked to the drums in the fire light, and hippie chicks. I do love me some hippie chicks.


Oh and about that HOLY $HIT weed...

Years ago when my situation allowed for more liberal use of the herb, I smoked some of a friend's stuff. I was sitting in front of a sheet of some manner of wood and the wood grain started moving around fluidly and making different shapes. They could see that it was having a strong effect on me so they started messing around with me telling me that it was laced which made me scared and paranoid. It wasn't laced, they were just a$$holes. I ended up sitting in a garage listening to the sounds of fans and an air compressor which blended together in my head like techno music from God. I have no idea what that stuff was, but I'm assuming it was some manner of sativa.

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