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what the f%ck happened to these seedlings?


all praises are due to the Most High
hello everyone,

well, a picture is worth more than 1000 words:


what on earth happened? it seems as if it were dug up from the roots or something... this seedling was one week old, many more were found like this... I replanted them all since they looked intact... could this be due to over-water? too much rain? never seen this before... arghhhh!

thank you in advance for any helpful information.

peace and health


i fuckin squirrel dug it up lookin for nuts, or some other critter messed with it. i always put a cage arount new sprouts.


weed fiend
I've seen this before but never with a tap root that long. I called it the immaculate extraction because no critter can get to my seedlings. It's as if the entire seedling, root and all extracts itself and just lays on top of the soil. I noticed the seedling mix was very wet so I stuck the seedling back in dryer soil and it took off. Never had it happen again. The soil in your bag looks very wet.


all praises are due to the Most High
good day razz, irieeyes808, DiscoBiscuit,

thank you very much for your responses, a critter was the first thing to come to my mind as well, but what kind of critter could pull the seedling out of the soil so perfectly without hurting it? I dunno that I could do the same even if I tried...

DiscoBiscuit, you made burst out laughing with the Immaculate Extraction concept, but it makes sense somehow... and yes, the seedling soil mix was/is very wet due to rains, we are supposed to be in dry months but it just keeps raining every night and these babies are outdoors, last night it rained non-stop, later on I will go check them out and see what has become of them.

k+ all around, thank you all once again.

peace :)


european ganja growers
could the bags of soil have got very water logged (heavey rain) then the plant flowted to the top , rain stoped =water had time to drain= plant left sitting on top of the soil??

surely that cant be from some sorta animal? (looks like there is no damage)


all praises are due to the Most High
good day my friend arcticsun and theHIGHlander :)

yes, I sincerely believe it was so much rain/water on the seedlings' soil.

could not be an animal/critter.

could the bags of soil have got very water logged (heavey rain) then the plant flowted to the top , rain stoped =water had time to drain= plant left sitting on top of the soil??

that is the exact physical explanation for sure, it makes perfect sense, thank you :) you have solved the mystery :joint: k+! we all knew it had to with so much water, but I did not know exactly how it had happened.

much peace and health all :)


i do believe that theory sounds reasonable :D

id go for that explenation aswell


all praises are due to the Most High
good evening everyone :)

The mystery continues... and the beautiful explanation given by theHIGHlander does not seem to apply now, I am in total confusion once again...

today I checked the seedlings at 12:30pm, the soil had perfect humidity, it was sunny and very fresh temperatures, around 22 C degrees. then at 4pm, I found two seedlings outside the soil just like in the picture above, it did not rain at all between that time, however the temperature did drop about 3 degrees. in the soil there were no traces of critters or even dug up soil, the seedling was just laying horizontally over the undisturbed bag of soil...

my girlfriend says that it had to be a goblin/elf hahahahahaha it is either that or DiscoBiscuit's Immaculate Extraction, 'cause we cannot come up with other explanations.

Now I moved the seedlings out of the backyard of the abandoned house and brought them to my house, it is time to take them out into a spot up in the mountains tomorrow anyway... but the poor babies have taken quite some stress due to this...

peace and health all :)


if you are giving them light before they are rooted they will suffer from light shock and lie down flat


Well I think they got tired of the rain and jumped right out of those bags looking for more sun :D

It really has to have been some kind of critter I think Paz, mice maybe? Bird? Bizzare.


all praises are due to the Most High
if you are giving them light before they are rooted they will suffer from light shock and lie down flat

um... thing is bro, that all the seedlings at 12:30pm when I first checked them were having tons of fun under the sun, they were all erect and straight up feasting on them sun-rays :)

Well I think they jumped out of those pots looking for more sun :D

It really has to have been some kind of critter I think Paz, mice maybe? Bird?

darn Colina, they could have jumped out of them pots looking for more sun, that could be an explanation, plus I have a tendency to plant the seed not deep enough at times :chin:

no critter or animal, really man, if it were a bird or animal, they must have left some kind of disturbance over the soil, and same with critters... the bag of soil was completely undisturbed, all you could see was the seedling laying horizontally and a tiny little hole where the stalk used to be, not even turned-over soil around the little hole or anything.

I did not have the patience to go back home, get the camera and take a pic, but I should have...


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
It looks to me like it received too much water too fast. A seedling that young will fall in a heartbeat if given water too fast. The soil weakens and there's not enough root to hold that :gaga: up.


Resident pissy old man
Paz, I agree with your girlfriend. It is goblins. Either that or you pissed God off and now He is fucking with you. Say 3 hail marys and go to confession after sex. Drop 20 pesos in the church poor box. If that doesn't help, it is most certainly goblins.

Your plants have wet feet and they are getting trench foot. They are pulling their toes out of the mud and trying to dry them in the sun. Mix some dry soil in the bag to help them out.


I think he said it happened once when no rain fell? Then there is this hole where the stalk used to be. I don't believe that would still be there if these things received the kind of rain it would take to float them out. The hole is really quite telling. Something -something with a light touch- has pulled them up. I guess we'll not get to the bottom of it for sure since they are heading out. A surveillance camera would have produced some interesting footage I bet....for the animal channel :) I hope they recover and remain undisturbed in their new homes Paz.


all praises are due to the Most High
Pops, :biglaugh: 20 bolivares fuertes to the church? no way jose!

Vash, as Colina points out, this time the soil had perfect humidity, no rain fell upon them between the first time I checked them at 12:30pm and the second time I checked them at 4pm when the seedlings where found outside of the soil again.

the soil was not holding too much water at the bottom of the grow-bags either, since one of the seedlings was too weak to be replanted, I emptied the bag of soil to check it for critters and the soil was uniformly humid, it only takes a few hours of direct tropical sun-light to dry any excess water out of the bags anyway, plus we are at an altitude here, sun hits even stronger and dries things a lot faster.

the first time I found the seedlings outside the soil it had rained the night before, no heavy rain though, so I thought that theHIGHlander's original explanation was right-on-point, as one could tell if one follows the thread. however, after what I saw this afternoon, I have no idea...

Colina, I thought that maybe it could be an earthworm? if it is an animal, it had to dig these from the buttom up I think... I did not find any earth worms in the bag of soil I emptied though...


edit: btw, when I first checked the seedlings at 12:30pm, I did not water them at all, just said hello and left alone to their sun-bathing.


Is this reminding anybody else of that Bugs Bunny cartoon where he is pulling carrots under as fast as the farmer can plant them? :D

I'm sorry Paz, I know this is no laughing matter. I really think something got it from above, and left no trace. It's that hole perfect where the stalk was that really makes me think this is what happened.

I think a rare and elusive soft beaked stoner bird was gathering nesting materials and after pulling your sprout decided it wasn't just perfect for his nest after all. If you were to head back in the morning I think you might find him busy doing this all over the yard with similar twigs of grass etc.


all praises are due to the Most High
Colina, don't worry, I can laugh about this, it just happened to a few seedlings, all the seeds used I made so not stress about loosing expensive seedlings or anything :)

I wish I could afford a security camera to catch whatever happened on video indeed... I thought about birds too, but what I don't understand is how was the bird able to pull the seedling up from the root and later leave it intact on top of the soil without leaving traces of its beak? maybe as you said, it had a real soft beak?

could be... I would sit a whole day in front of seedlings just to see it happen.



Active member
nah thats too much water. it turned your soil to slurry and the plant floated out of the mud and to the top. case closed. that;ll be 1 gram of some good shit plz.